Working & Pastoral Breeds Of Scotland 2023
Judge: Mr K Nathan
BEST OF BREED: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Ch The Magician Bloody Mary Cedarcreek (Imp ITA)
Dog Challenge Certificate: Mr J HORSMAN & & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Nordicwinds Grtest Showman JW
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Chayo Trust The Magic
Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Ch The Magician Bloody Mary Cedarcreek (Imp ITA)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Chayo Distinctive
Best Puppy In Breed: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes Fancy Ferrari
Puppy Dog (Entries: 2) Abs: 0
1st: Miss K BURGESS Katabatics Dark Knight
2nd Mrs S & Mr K HOOLEY Black Stripe at Dokkalfar
Junior Dog
(Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S & Mr K HOOLEY Black Stripe at Dokkalfar
Post Graduate Dog (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mr J HORSMAN & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Snow Legend Zenith of Fame Nordicwinds JW (Imp RUS)
Limit Dog (Entries: 3) Abs: 0
1st: Mr J HORSMAN & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Nordicwinds Grtest Showman JW
Open Dog (Entries: 5) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Chayo Trust The Magic
2nd: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Ch Snow Legend Believe in You Cedarcreek JW (Imp RUS)
3rd: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Ch Snowshoes Who Dares Wins
Res: Mrs S BRANDENBERG & Miss S SMITH Chayo Its Kurt for Taronakits JW
VHC: Mr A & Mrs D LUNN Ch Nordicwinds Jazz Singer
Veteran Dog (Entries: 2) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs A NEVINSON Ch Chayo Golden Touch ShCM
2nd: Mr D & Mrs E WALKER Ir Ch Lueldar Too Legit Too Quit IrJCh
Puppy Bitch (Entries: 4) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes Fancy Ferrari
2nd: Miss RJ BROWN Rumba Vasilyev Ostrov for Cupun (Imp UKR)
3rd: KE COPLEY-HOLLAND Katabatics Troubleshooter
Junior Bitch (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes Fancy Ferrari
Post Graduate Bitch (Entries: 4) Abs: 1
1st: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Snow Legend Zest for Life Cedarcreek (Imp RUS)
2nd: Mr A & Mrs L BURGESS Tolketna Top of The World to Mountainglen
3rd: Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe The Good Witch
Limit Bitch (Entries: 2) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe From Russia With Love JW
Open Bitch (Entries: 7) Abs: 0
1st: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Ch The Magician Bloody Mary Cedarcreek (Imp ITA)
2nd: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Chayo Distinctive
3rd: Mr D & Mrs E WALKER Slo Ch Lueldar Got Something To Say To You IrJCh Club Winner 23
Res: Miss RJ BROWN Cupuns Masterpiece
Veteran Bitch (Entries: 3) Abs: 0
1st: Mr A & Mrs L BURGESS Cedarcreek Forever Young at Mountainglen
2nd: Mrs MR & Mr TR ANDERTON-TYERS Northspirit Born To Shine at Flintsky
3rd: Mrs D JARVIS & Mrs S TROISI Nordicwinds All Attitude
Judge's Critiques
I enjoyed judging the breed today but just a word of caution, we need to watch those top line, some with very hard spines without the correct slight slope.
PD (2)
1 Katabatics Dark Knight (Burgess) What an exciting puppy, only 6 months, love his outline, conformation and steady, powerful and sound gait. He is quite a spine tingling dog He is so well balanced, excellent head, I just loved him but giving away too much when challenged by the bitch for best puppy. A future star in the making.
2 Black Stripe at Dokkalfar (Hooley) 10 months with so much to admire, He is of good size, well proportioned overall, Masculine head with correct eye . Good neck and topline stylish on the move, not quite as sound as winner but has lots of time.
JD (1)
1 Black Stripe at Dokkalfar (Hooley).
PGD (1)
1 Snow Legend Zenith of Fame Nordicwinds JW (Imp Rus) (Horsman & Horsman-Phoenix) Just right for size, super arched neck, correct topline, firm loin. well set and carried tail, quite handsome in head with good skull and well placed ears, good strong muzzle, strong bone, tight feet of good size in full coat. Very stylish mover.
LD (3,2)
1 Nordicwinds Grtest Showman JW (Horsman & Horsman-Phoenix) Quite an extrovert dog, he is excellent for size and balance, correct neck, slightly sloping topline and strong back. Looks a picture on the move, power and soundness. Hard muscled and in his prime at only two and a half. Handsome, masculine head, moderate angles, strong bone, tight pastern, large, tight feet. A pleasure to go over. Dog CC.
OD (5)
1 Chayo Trust The Magic (Ellis-Payne) He is quite a picture, correct for size and balance, arched neck, sloping topline with tail set and carried well. Correct, masculine head with strong muzzle, well set and shaped eye. Correct front, well placed, good bone, Deep, well sprung rib, moderate rear with well developed second thigh. Sound mover. Res Dog CC.
2 Ch Snow Legend Believe in You Cedarcreek JW (Imp Rus) (Page) Loved his size and outline, handsome head with correct stop, good skull and muzzle, good, moderate angles, strong bone, deep rib, correct tail. stylish mover in really good coat.
VD (2)
1 Ch Chayo Golden Touch ShCM (Nevinson) Right up to size, impressive in outline with nicely arched neck, good topline and well set tail. Really hard muscle, in excellent condition throughout. Well laid shoulder, with matching rear angles sound and easy stride.
2 Ir Ch Lueldar Too Legit Too Quit Jun Ch (Walker) Excelled in head and expression, well set ears, quite large, almond eye. pleasing to go over with strong bone and tight, large feet. Quite stylish.
PB (4,1) What a lovely class!
1 Snowshoes Fancy Ferrari (Smith) Coming up for a year old, she is such a delight, loved her size and balance, super outline with her arched neck, correct topline and correct tail carriage. Balanced skull and muzzle, correct eye and ear. Moderate front and rear angles really eyecatching and sound on the move. Definitely one to watch. BPIB.
2 Rumba Vasilyev Ostrov for Cupun (Imp Ukr) (Brown). Really pretty puppy, beautiful head and expression. Scored in size with impressive outline sound and stylish from her correct structure and firm muscles very close between these two.
JB (1)
1 Snowshoes Fancy Ferrari (Smith).
PGB (4,1)
1 Snow Legend Zest for Life Cedarcreek (Imp Rus) (Page) Impresses in outline and proportions, strong yet feminine head, good muzzle and well placed ears. Correctly angled and placed front with correct forechest, super bone, tight pastern and correct feet. Well developed second thigh. One to watch.
2 Tolketna Top of The World to Mountainglen (Burgess) Exceptionally sound, fluid and light on the move, Very attractive head with well shaped, expressive eye. Well set tail. Well placed shoulder, good, moderate rear with strong second thigh.
LB (2,1)
1 Samjoe from Russia with Love JW (Perfitt) Love her in outline, she is spot on for size with good neck, topline and tail. Feminine head without weakness and excellent eye. Well placed ears. Well angled in front with correct bone. Strong rib. So sound, and had a lovely tail carriage.
OB (7)
1 Ch The Magician Bloody Mary Cedarcreek (Imp Ita) (Page) Look at her and the words, symmetry, balance and outline all come to the fore. She is spot on for size and proportions, love her outline, neck, top line, correct tail set and carriage. Such a beautiful head and expression Correct angles, hard muscle with well-developed second thigh, a stunner in full coat on tight feet. Powerful and sound on the move Bitch CC & BOB.
2 Chayo Distinctive (Ellis-Payne) Felt like splitting hairs between these first two, she is so impressive for her correct size and proportions glorious neck, top line and tail set and carriage. So well put together front and rear topped with a superb head , eye and ear, all on large, tight feet, she was a delight to go over and such a pleasure on the move. Res Bitch CC.
VB (3) A very mixed class with large size variance.
1 Cedarcreek Forever Young at Mountainglen (Burgess) Up to size girl, so impressive on the move, sound and appearing effortless with reach and drive. Beautiful head, balanced in skull and muzzle with strength yet feminine. Correct, large, almond eye. correct outline, well balanced and in really good coat.
2 Northspirit Born to Shine at Flintsky (Anderton-Tyers). Such a pretty bitch with captivating eye and expression. nearer the lower end of the size standard, nevertheless, scored in balance and conformation. Strong bone, correct rib, good topline with well carried tail. Very stylish.
Keith Nathan