Welsh Kennel Club 2008
Judge: Mrs M Deats
BEST OF BREED: Mrs P WILKINSON Gwinner-lapema-star De Jungla Negra (imp Esp)
Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs P WILKINSON Gwinner-lapema-star De Jungla Negra (imp Esp)
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate: Miss A COMAN Arctictreks Georgia’s Dream At Wintalakes Sh.CM
Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mrs P WILKINSON Gorkeane De Jungla Negra (imp Esp)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mr W HOWARTH Hawkam’s Harlequin Sh.CM
Best Puppy In Breed: Mrs AJ & Mr DS BALLINGTON-GRAHAM Catua A Kind Of Majyk
Puppy Dog (13 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs AJ & Mr DS BALLINGTON-GRAHAM Catua A Kind Of Majyk
2nd: Mrs SJ & Mr ML LOADES Snowolf Ice Cold Apache (ai)
3rd: Miss N BENTON-BROWNE & Mr J BRAZIER Icycool Deep Freeze
Res: Mr & Mrs R AND L COX Snowolf Ice Cold Malik (ai) TAF
VHC: Mrs E POLLOCK Koromandel Mr Brightside
Junior Dog (8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs AJ & Mr DS BALLINGTON-GRAHAM Catua A Kind Of Majyk
2nd: Mrs HK & Mr J HENWORTH Akaila’s Wolfraven Tuk-so (Imp)
3rd: Mrs SA & Mr K SMITH Zeelukzak Alaskan Spirit
Res: Mr S BEBIANO & Miss C VELLA Prince Marshall
VHC: Mrs E POLLOCK Koromandel Mr Brightside
Post Graduate Dog (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mr T BOGUE Lory’s Pride Celtic Chief of Celticwolf
2nd: Mr A & Mrs S YEO Snowstruck Winter Magic
3rd: Mrs J & Mr S WARNE Snowshoes Montrose At Kernowerghki
Res: Mr & Mrs W DOWSETT Sutarka Can Ya Feel The Force At Malmagic
VHC: Mr & Mrs M SQUIRES Polarpaws Cheyene Raider
Limit Dog (14 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: Mr M & Mrs L OWEN Zeelukzak Magic Moment
2nd: Miss L AITCHISON & Mr S HURST Chayo Aces High
3rd: Mrs SJ & Mr ML LOADES Snowolf Long Island T
Res: Mr S MOLLOY Snowshoes Shadow At Wintablizard Sh.CM
VHC: Mrs H DUGGAN & Mr H WILLIAMS Craigllety Carreg Cennen
Open Dog (14 Entries) Abs: 5
1st: Mrs P WILKINSON Gwinner-lapema-star De Jungla Negra (imp Esp)
2nd: Miss A COMAN Arctictreks Georgia’s Dream At Wintalakes Sh.CM
3rd: Ms S ELLIS Ch Chayo Dom Perignon
Res: Mrs J & Mr B ISHERWOOD Tuvaurat Akimarug Amani Sh.CM
VHC: Mrs LJ & Mr MP HALL Chayo Alabama Slammer At McKinleys Sh.CM
Puppy Bitch (16 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: Mrs JC SHORER-WHEELER Koromandel Somebody Told Me
2nd: Mrs KE COPLEY-HOLLAND Chayo Living The Dream
3rd: Miss NJ SINGH Sledog Forest Stream
Res: Miss K MCCARTHY Icescape’s Lil Ms Sunshine
VHC: Ms L HARDEY Blustag Lumikoira
Junior Bitch (10 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs JC SHORER-WHEELER Koromandel Somebody Told Me
2nd: Mrs AJ & Mr DS BALLINGTON-GRAHAM Nowitna Ataataga Tabbaq Von Catua
3rd: Mrs J & Mr S WARNE Arctictrek’s Myia Kool As Ice At Kernowerghki
Res: Mr T BOGUE Celticwolf Pukiq Moondance
VHC: Mrs JE SMITH Dreamwolves Mystic Visions At Snowshoes
Post Graduate Bitch (23 Entries) Abs: 8
1st: Mrs J YORK Snowstruck Winter Legacy
2nd: Mr & Mrs J FORSTER Hawkam Leading Lady Of Kachemak
3rd: Mr SF WILSON & Ms KE LAWSON Arcticbreeze Bonne Lass
Res: Mr I WILSON & Ms T HODGKISS Chayo Midget Gem
VHC: Miss EM NEWING Chayo Jewel Of The Nile At Endor
Limit Bitch (20 Entries) Abs: 9
1st: Mrs AJ & Mr DS BALLINGTON-GRAHAM Dankatcha’s Zudi At Catua
2nd: Miss T ARCHER Hawkam’s Irresistible
3rd: Mr M GAUNT & Miss M UNDERWOOD Lapema Regina De Royito
Res: Mr TA & Mrs M BOYD Icescape Catch Me If You Can
VHC: Mrs BJ & Mr W CLARK Polarpaws Fatal Attraction At Shamanictrax
Open Bitch (15 Entries) Abs: 6
1st: Mrs P WILKINSON Gorkeane De Jungla Negra (imp Esp)
2nd: Mr W HOWARTH Hawkam’s Harlequin Sh.CM
3rd: Mrs SJ & Mr ML LOADES Snowolf Manhatten Heatwave
Res: Mrs M BUTLER Kaytoo Winter Ascent
VHC: Mr TA & Mrs M BOYD Snowolf Winter Reflection of Icescape
Judge's Certificate
Excellent entry for number but summer brings coat loss. Snipey muzzles and incorrect tails were my major concern. Thank you for your sporting behaviour ringside over my decisions.
PD. (13).
1. Ballington-Graham’s, Catua a Kind of Majyk. 7 months old and still immature in head and skull for his age, but has a lovely expression, eyes and ears. Very good conformation and still has time to finish his growing to balance. Very good to go over. Strong front and rear quarters. Very good coat. Truest front action in the class. Would like a looser tail.
2. Loades’, Snowolf Ice Cold Apache. 7 months old red dog. Very attractive head and expression. Another one who needs to grow on for leg length, but the bone is there. Very good conformation. Very good length on him. Good tail. Very good rear and side gait.
JD. (8).
1 Ballington-Graham’s, Catua a Kind of Majyk.
2. Henworth’s, Akaila’s Wolfraven Tuk-so (Imp). 18 months old on the day. Excellent head and expression. Very good conformation. Excellent bone and feet. Under the length of his harsh jacket he does have enough leg length, but could stand a tad more. Good topline, not compact, tail could be lower. Very good rear and side gait. Quality dog.
PGD. (7).
1. Bouge’s, Lory’s Pride Celtic Chief of Celticwolf. 4 years old all male dog with excellent expression. Mature body and coat. Has one of the better tail sets seen so far on the day. Excellent bone. Strong down to strong pasterns and feet. Good angles fore and aft. Has very good driving rear action.
2. Yeo’s, Snowstruck Winter Magic. 22 months old so giving away a lot in maturity, but the quality is there. Very nice head and expression. Very good conformation, excellent coat. Very good topline. Very good rear and side gait. Preferred tail of winner.
LD. (14).
1. Owen’s, Zeelukzak Magic Moment. 4 years old not in full coat but it only shows off his excellent points. Attractive head and expression with broad flat skull, moderate stop and well placed small ears. Good front. Very good length of body and topline. Excellent gait and more importantly, the most correct tail carriage seen so far on the day. Once back in coat should do well.
2. Aitchison and Hurst’s, Chayo Aces High. 20 months old. Lovely size and substance but the brain hasn’t yet caught up with his body, so his movement was all over the place. Excellent substance, bone and feet, though pasterns need to strengthen. Excellent coat texture. Lovely expression. Very good length of leg. Just needs to come together. Prefer tail of winner.
OD. (14).
1. Wilkison’s, Gwinner-Lapema-Star de Jungla Negra (Imp). 6 years old. Presents an excellent outline, backline with correct size, substance and coat. Masculine head and expression, flews are a shade loose but otherwise excellent. Wonderful body shape. Correct topline. Good leg length, excellent fore and rear quarters which power this dog around the ring with an easy, tireless gait and he has a correct tail. CC and BOB and short listed in final 8.
2. Coman’s, Arctictreks Georgia’s Dream at Wintalakes Sh CM. 5 years old. Pleasing to go over. Very good ear set and neckline. Would like slightly stronger muzzle and darker eye. Excellent body length, correct topline. Has the substance and body I prefer. Moved very well. RCC.
PB. (16).
1. Shorer-Wheeler’s, Koromandel Somebody Told Me. 11 months old. Pleasing head and expression. Good front, neckline and topline. Excellent coat texture. Excellent bone. Strong feet but pasterns need to strengthen. Very good body proportions. Moves well.
2. Copley-Holland’s, Chayco Living the Dream. 10 months old not quite the coat development but is very good to go over. Excellent head and expression. One of the few bitches in this class with the desired strength of muzzle. Would like darker eye but has very good ear set and neckline. Excellent substance, body proportions and rear gait.
JB. (10).
1. Shorer-Wheeler’s, Koromandel Somebody Told Me.
2. Ballington-Graham’s, Nowitna Ataataga Tabbaq von Catua. 14 months old. Attractive overall proportions but the skull needs more time to broaden, has medium dark eye, very good ear set, neck and front. Slightly soft in topline. Excellent rear quarters and movement. Needs to tighten in front.
PGB. (23).
1. York’s, Snowstruck Winter Legacy. 23 months old has most typical outline. Head and expression. Excellent bone and substance. Very good topline and coat texture. Very good front and excellent rear quarters. Has dark eyes and very good ears and importantly very good strength to foreface. Would like a looser tail. Very promising youngster.
2. Forster’s, Hawkam Leading Lady of Kachemak. 3 years old has slightly shorter muzzle than winner, feminine expression, very good ears. Nice neckline. Very good to go over with very good length of back and topline. Excellent rear drive. Not the forehand or front of class winner.
LB. (20).
1. Ballington-Graham’s, Dankatcha’s Zudi at Catua. Attractive red bitch with lovely head and expression, having good fill under eye and the required strength of muzzle. Flat skull, well placed ears, correct pigmentation and eye colour for coat colour. Excellent strong bone right down to the feet. Very good pasterns. Pleasing forehand, body length and strength. Just tends to slacken and soften in topline sometimes.
2. Archer’s, Hakam’s Irresistible. 5 years old attractive feminine expression but eyes could be darker and muzzle stronger. Very nice front on her. Pleasing harsh jacket. Very good topline, length of body. Excellent rear and that showed on the move. Not the front action of class winner.
OB. (15).
1. Wilkinson’s, Gorkeane De Jungla Negra (Imp). 6 and a half years old. Excellent head and expression. Broad flat skull, excellent strength of muzzle. Excellent forequarters with strong bone down to tight feet. Strong pasterns. Excellent substance, body length, rear quarters and true action coming and going. CC.
2. Howarth’s, Hawkam’s Harlequin Sh CM. 7 years old bitch with exquisite head and expression. Has a wealth of top coat but missing some undercoat on the day. Excellent bone down to very good feet. Correct coat texture. Very good topline and body substance. Excellent rear quarters. Not the front action of class winner but close up in quality. RCC.