Welsh Kennel Club 2006
Judge: Mr D Cavill
BEST OF BREED: Miss A COMAN Arctictreks Georgia’s Dream At Wintalakes ShCM
Dog CC: Miss A COMAN Arctictreks Georgia’s Dream At Wintalakes Sh.CM
Reserve Dog CC: Mr K & Mrs K HUNTER Tuvaurat Made In America
Bitch CC: Mrs M BUTLER Arctictrek Kyote Girl at Kaytoo
Reserve Bitch CC: Mrs S J & Mr M L LOADES Snowolf Manhatten Heatwave
Best Puppy In Breed: Mr K & Mrs K HUNTER Tuvaurat Made In America
Puppy Dog (13 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Mr K & Mrs K HUNTER Tuvaurat Made In America
2nd: Mrs S & Mr B INNES Tuvaurat American Dream
3rd: Ms S TIPTON Arcticbreeze Deucati Dee
Res: Mrs H DUGGAN & Mr J H WILLIAMS Craigllety Carreg Cennen
VHC: Ms D JACKSON Kaiyuh Moongoose
Junior Dog (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mr K & Mrs K HUNTER Tuvaurat Made In America
2nd: Mrs J K SAPSFORD Dankatcha Jorgen Shiva
3rd: Ms J SUGDEN & Ms Z BLACKWOOD Chayo Talk Of The North
Res: Ms D JACKSON Kaiyuh Moongoose
VHC: Mr C & Mrs J CHAMBERLAIN Rustic Wolf Warrior
Post Graduate Dog (15 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mr M & Mrs S KENDALL Zeelukzak Dark Dream For Icetrekker
2nd: Mr R & Mrs G LEWIS Kaiyuh African Memories
3rd: Mrs S & Mr B INNES Kegluneq National Pride
Res: Mrs S. A & Mr K SMITH Zeelukzak Dark Knight
VHC: Mr T BOGUE Loryspride Celtic Chief of Celticwolf
Limit Dog (8 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Ms S ELLIS Chayo Dom Perignon
2nd: Mrs S J & Mr M L LOADES Snowolf Long Island T
3rd: Mrs S D BALFOUR-BELLAMY Dankatcha’s Shri Of Aaktuq
Res: Mrs J ISHERWOOD Tuvaurat Akimarug Amani Sh.CM
VHC: Miss K YORK Chayo James Bond At Snowstruck Sh.CM
Open Dog (11 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: Miss A COMAN Arctictreks Georgia’s Dream At Wintalakes Sh.CM
2nd: Mrs S J & Mr M L LOADES Shepherdsway Wovoka of Snowolf
3rd: Mrs P A WILKINSON Gwinner Lapema Star De Jungla Negra (Imp)
Res: Miss N J SINGH Hyteton Athinademilo at Sledog
VHC: Mrs C JOHN Cristakell Jump ‘N’ Jak Frost
Puppy Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mr K & Mrs K HUNTER Tuvaurat Miss America
2nd: Mr W & Mrs F C SALISBURY Dragonfire Flames Of Fury
3rd: Mr T BOGUE Celticwolf Summer Solstice
Res: Mr W MORT Arcticbreeze Lady Imocara
VHC: Mr M J & Mrs H L WAKER Kaiyuh Spirit Runner
Junior Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: Mr K & Mrs K HUNTER Tuvaurat Miss America
2nd: Mr B & Mrs J ISHERWOOD Chayo Lavender Lady
3rd: Mrs J K SAPSFORD Dankatcha Scarlet Yajna
Res: Mr G ROACH & Ms P PYPER Dankatcha Floryn Kunalini at Celticice
Post Graduate Bitch (22 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S & Mr B INNES Sheperdsway Night Shadows
2nd: Mrs H DUGGAN Casiat Chill Factor at Pelentan
3rd: Mrs C JOHN Cristakell Simoom
Res: Mr T A & Mrs M BOYD Icescape Catch Me If You Can
VHC: Miss S TOWERS & Mr N RIVERS Polarpaws Naknek Coolit
Limit Bitch (15 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: Mrs S J & Mr M L LOADES Snowolf Manhatten Heatwave
2nd: Ms S ELLIS Chayo Moet Chandon
3rd: Mr M & Mrs S KENDALL Shepherdsway Endurance For Icetrekker
Res: Mrs J K SAPSFORD Dankatcha Shivaya
VHC: Mrs M BUTLER Kaytoo Where Legends ‘R’ Born
Open Bitch (15 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: Mrs M BUTLER Arctictrek Kyote Girl at Kaytoo
2nd: Mrs A ALLEN Zeelukzak Valley Of Dreams At Shepherdsway
3rd: Ms S ELLIS Chayo Forget Me Not
Res: Mrs P A WILKINSON Gorkeane de Jungla Negra (Imp)
VHC: Mr T A & Mrs M BOYD Snowolf Winter Reflection of Icescape
Judge's Critiques
I very much appreciated the excellent entry and I commend the good sportsmanship from the breed as a whole, especially from those who know that my vision of the breed is rather different from theirs. Thank you. I believe enough were present for me to make some general comments on the breed. I will begin by quoting from the American Kennel Standard of the breed. ‘In judging Alaskan Malamutes their function as a sledge dog for heavy freighting must be given consideration above all else.’ There is a lot more on the same lines emphasising strength, bone and endurance but those first words sum up the breed. There were some exceptional Malamutes present but far too many could have been transferred into the next ring where (Siberian Huskies were being judged) with no one being any the wiser. Apart from size, many lacked forechest, bone (in relation to their size) and muscle. What is more there were far too many spread feet and weak pasterns.
PD (13)
1. BP and RBD Hunter’s Tuvaurat Made In America, This dog has still got some growing to do in terms of its overall size, but nevertheless it is the right shape, excellent muscle, lovely head, superb tailset, moved extremely well.
2. Innes’s Tuvaurat American Dream, This is another good dog, dips a little in the back unfortunately but it’s got the right size and shape, just needs to mature a little and perhaps muscle up a fraction.
3. Tipton’s Arcticbreeze Deucati Dee, another good dog, coat fractionally on the long size, good headed, tail a little too tight, ears could be better placed.
JD (7)
1. Tuvaurat Made In America.
2. Sapsford’s Dankatcha Jorgen Shiva, this is a very nice sized dog, good proportions, would like to see its tail held a little better, just a little too long on the leg for it’s length of body but the body is a good size and shape, excellent head, moved extremely well.
3. Sugden and Blackwood’s Chayo Talk Of The North.
PGD (15)
1. Kendalls’s Dark Dream For Icetrekker, Cracking example of the breed, tail held a little bit too far over for my liking, but the outline is right, lovely head and expression, this dog really looks as if it could pull for a long time.
2. Lewis’s Kaiyuh African Memories, Another very good one, again all the right proportions, could be a bit neater in the muzzle and ears placed quite a long way apart.
3. Innes’s Kegluneq National Pride, another good one, these are nice examples of the breed.
LD (8)
1. Ellis’s Chayo Dom Perignon, Cracking dog, I would like the ears a little closer together on top of the head, but otherwise a beautiful example of the breed, correct length of loin, could do with a bit more size overall but nevertheless very well put together.
2. Loades’s Snowolf Long Island T, This is a lovely looking dog, very good proportions, looks as if he could work all day although his front is not his fortune coming.
3. Balfour and Bellamy’s Dankatcha’s Shri Of Aaktuq.
OD (11)
1. BD and BOB Coman’s Arctictreks Georgia’s Dream At Wintalakes Sh.CM, This is a fantastic example of the breed: really what an Alaskan Malamute should look like, absolutely the right proportions, excellent head and expression, good feet, moved well, a real delight, absolutely superb, won the class easily although there were some good dogs among the rest.
2. Loades’s Shepherdsway Wovoka of Snowolf, This is another excellent dog, although his size pushed him into second place today, an excellent example of the breed.
3. Wilkinson’s Gwinner Lapema Star De Jungla Negra (Imp).
PB (7) Almost all the dogs in this class are far too slight for Alaskan Malamutes and would have not have looked out of place in the Siberian Husky ring.
1. Hunter’s Tuvaurat Miss America, looks to be coming on quite nicely, should make weight and size.
2. Salisbury’s Dragonfire Flames Of Fury, right size and shape but still quite light, perhaps if anything a little long in body.
3. Bogue’s Celticwolf Summer Solstice.
JB (7)
1. Tuvaurat Miss America
2. Isherwood’s Chayo Lavender Lady.
3. Sapsford’s Dankatcha Scarlet Yajna.
PGB (22)
1. Innes’s Sheperdsway Night Shadows, Good size for a bitch, right proportions, moved very well although she as a fraction wide in front but she does look as if she can do the job, she’s good and strong, excellent head.
2 Ellis’s Chayo Blue Thunder, Another good strong dog, tail perhaps comes over too much, very nice dog indeed.
3. John’s Cristakell Simoom.
LB (15)
1. RBB Loades’s Snowolf Manhatten Heatwave, Lovely example of the breed, good strong correct shoulders, just the right length, lovely hind quarters, beautiful head and expression too, good head, super dog.
2. Ellis’s Chayo Moet Chandon, Another very good one, a little plainer in head, tail comes over a bit far, a little shorter in body but nevertheless a good example of the breed.
3. Kendall’s Shepherdsway Endurance For Icetrekker.
OB (15)
1 BB Butler’s Arctictrek Kyote Girl at Kaytoo, This is a gorgeous example of the breed, good, strong, right shape, lovely head and expression, moved extremely well, won this class with ease.
2. Allen’s Zeelukzak Valley Of Dreams At Shepherdsway, Little bit heavier set, not quite such a nice head, but again this is what the breed should look like, with that depth and strength and quality of bone, very important.
3. Ellis’s Chayo Forget Me Not.