WELKS 2019
Judge: Mr K Nathan
BEST OF BREED: Miss S WOLFE CH Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp CZE)
Dog CC: Miss S WOLFE CH Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp CZE)
Reserve Dog CC: Ms S ELLIS Chayo Cause Celebre
Bitch CC: Ms S ELLIS CH Chayo Blue Diamond (ai)
Reserve Bitch CC: Mrs NA BROUARD Sutarka Coco Chanel at Orsamals
Best Puppy In Breed: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Snow Legend Believe In You (Imp RUS) NAF
Best Special Beginner: Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe The Dream Lives On (ai)
Veteran Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st Miss S WOLFE CH Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp CZE)
Minor Puppy Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Snow Legend Believe In You (Imp RUS) NAF
2nd Mr M WOODGATE Snowshoes Ring Presence
Puppy Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Snow Legend Believe In You (Imp RUS) NAF
2nd Mrs NA BROUARD Orsamals Pepe Le Peew (GKC)
Junior Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st Mrs NA BROUARD Orsamals Pepe Le Peew (GKC)
Yearling Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes Telmarine King
Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st Mrs N & Mr R RABY Yuayua at Icemoon (Imp SWE)
2nd Ms L HOLT Freezefactor Tis The Season at Breconfrost
Limit Dog (7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st Ms S ELLIS Chayo Cause Celebre
2nd Mrs E EDWARDS & Mr S MOLLOY Wintablizard’s Investment (ai)
3rd Mrs J PITCHER Marahootay Link under Tatkresiwok
Res Mrs N & MR R RABY Yuayua at Icemoon (Imp SWE)
VHC Mrs AE ANDERSON Cherubini Atene Cinquale
Open Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH CH Mlt Ivram Bradliey Your The One at Snowshoes (Imp MLT) ShCM
2nd Miss SJ FITHERN Int/Fr CH Monikoona Isidurs Light LUX JCh
3rd Ms S ELLIS & Mrs A NEVINSON Chayo Golden Touch ShCM
Res Mr I PULLIN & Miss K MOUNTSTEPHENS CH inupiat’s Qulit Henrik at Whitewalker (Imp NOR)
Special Beginners Dog 1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st Ms L HOLT Freezefactor Tis The Season at Breconfrost
Special Beginners Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe The Dream Lives On (ai)
2nd Misses EJ DZIERGAS & KL ASHWORTH Arctictrek’s Black Sheep
3rd Mrs J PITCHER Lueldar Stardust Onyx over Tatkresiwok (ai) (IKC)
Veteran Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st Mrs C CLARKE Indian Dream catcher Illa Kuvianartok at Whiteout (Imp POL)
2nd Mrs AE ANDERSON Cinneli Fast’N Furious Phinx to Cherubini
Minor Puppy Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st Mrs HORSMAN-PHOENIX Snow Legend Be My Lucky (Imp RUS) NAF
Puppy Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st Mrs HORSMAN-PHOENIX Snow Legend Be My Lucky (Imp RUS) NAF
2nd Mr A L & Mrs S MOGG Skidooshooz Time To Shine (ai)
3rd Mr I PULLIN & Miss K MOUNTSTEPHENS Whitewalker Winterfell
Junior Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st Mrs KL JELFS Lapema Gia Visto
2nd KE COPLEY-HOLLAND & R & J HUG Katabatic Adair’N’Hug It’s Me You’re Looking For (IMP USA) NAF TAF
Yearling Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe’s The One And Only
2nd Mrs AJ & Mr DS BALLINGTON-GRAHAM Noraisy Ring Of Fire In Catua JW
3rd Mrs J PITCHER Lueldar Stardust Onyx over Tatkresiwok (ai) (IKC)
Novice Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st Mrs O’BRIEN Freezefactor Angel Wings
2nd Mrs J PITCHER Lueldar Stardust Onyx over Tatkresiwok (ai) (IKC)
Post Graduate Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st Mrs O’BRIEN Freezefactor Angel Wings
2nd Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe The Dream Lives On (ai)
3rd Misses EJ DZIERGAS & KL ASHWORTH Arctictrek’s Black Sheep
Limit Bitch (9 Entries) Abs: 1
1st Mrs NA BROUARD Sutarka Coco Chanel at Orsamals
2nd Mrs C CLARKE Electra Illa Kuvianartok at Whiteout (Imp POL)
3rd Mrs KL JELFS Lapema Tavola Ouija ShCM JW
Res Mr RM & Mrs CL POWELL Monikoona Lady Luck of Fanilalaafon
VHC Mr B & Mrs S INNES Icycool Oriana
Open Bitch (12 Entries) Abs: 3
1st Ms S ELLIS CH Chayo Blue Diamond (ai)
2nd Mrs KL JELFS Lapema Nino Vudu JW
3rd Mr WADRUP Just Got To Love Me Polarni Usvit
Res Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Cedarcreek Frozen In Time
VHC KE COPLEY-HOLLAND & R & J HUG AM CH Katabatic’s Hollaback Girl
Judge's Critiques
VD (2,1)
1 Wolfe’s Ch Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp Cze). Impressive, looks nothing like a veteran, super size and outline, excellent in top line and outline, tail carried in a gay plume, glorious head piece, balanced in skull and muzzle, well shaped almond eyes, he is so well put tighter and so very impressive in his breed type and quality, strong body and bone, deep lengthy rib, just enough loin, well muscled and fit, such a free and easy mover, delight to watch. CC & BOB.
MPD (2)
1 Page’s Snow Legend Believe In You (Imp Rus). Won this class on his wonderful head, eye and ear placement, he is only 8 months old and is super sound and free on the move, good sloping topline, strong bone, good moderate angulation, correct tail and in such a good jacket for a pup. So very promising. BPIB.
2 Woodgate’s Snowshoes Ring Presence. Loved his outline, and eye shape, good neck and top line, strong bone, good feet, and correct in rib, lovely dog.
PD (2)
1 Page’s Snow Legend Believe In You (Imp Rus) NAF.
2 Brouard’s Orsamals Pepe Le Peew (GKC). Black dog with a good solid body, correct in rib and bone, well angulated front and rear, in good coat and stylish mover.
JD (1)
1 Brouard’s Orsamals Pepe Le Pew (GKC).
YD (1)
1 Smith’s Snowshoes Telmarine King. Well up for size, nicely balanced just that little bit longer than high, good neck, correct sloping top line and well set and carried tail, moderate angulation, strong bone and good feet. Very handsome in head with a well shaped eye and in good coat.
PGD (2)
1 Raby’s Yuayua At Icemoon (Imp Swe). Strikingly handsome dog with a well shaped and placed eye and ear, good balanced skull and muzzle, good neck and moderate angulation, correct in topline and tail, deep lengthy rib and strong bone, very fluid and free on the move.
2 Holt’s Freezefactor Tis The Season At Breconfrost. Good for size and substance with correct sloping top line and a well carried tail. Balanced skull and muzzle, good strong round bone and neat feet, in very good coat, just a bit unsettled on the move today.
LD (7,2)
1 Ellis’ Chayo Cause Celebre. Big impressive well balanced dog of excellent type and quality, he has a super head and correct top line, well set and carried tail, handsome in head, balanced skull and muzzle with good strength to his muzzle, lovely eye shape and expression, moderate angulation front and rearm good depth and shape of rib, he was in full coat and is so free and fluid on the move. Just a lovely dog. Res CC.
2 Edwards & Molloy’s Wintablizard’s Investment (ai). Beautifully headed dog, with correct skull and strong muzzle, well placed and used ears, he is so correct all through for conformation and is a quality dog, and a free mover, I am sure these two change places regularily.
3 Pitcher’s Marahootay Linx Under Tatkresiwok.
OD (5,1) 1 Smith’s Ch Mlt Ivram Bradliey Your The One At Snowshoes (Imp Mlt) ShCM. Just right for size and substance, grand proportion and outline, good strong neck and sloping topline. Correct tail set carried in a gay plume, handsome head, good eye and ear, moderate angulation both front and rear, with forechest, good rib, and well muscled all through, in full coat and very stylish.
2 Fithern’s Int/Fr Ch Monikoona Isildurs Light Lux JCh. Very similar to one, and with a really good head shape, eye shape and colour, good moderate angles, sound body, bone and feet, both quality dogs.
3 Ellis & Nevinson’s Chayo Golden Touch ShCM.
Sp Beginners D (1)
1 Holt’s Freezefactor Tis The Season At Breconfrost.
Sp Beginners B (4)
1 Perfitt’s Samjoe The Dream Lives On (ai). Classy type of bitch with a good neck and top line, well set and carried tail, very feminine in head but with a good strong skull, well placed ears and lovely eye shape. Moderate angle, in good coat and a sound and free mover. BSBIB.
2 Dziergas & Ashworth’s Arctictreks Black Sheep. Loved her size and proportions, good skull and muzzle, good sturdy body but was not very settled on the move.
3 Pitcher’s Lueldar Stardust Onyx Over Tatkresiwok (ai) (IKC).
VB (3,1)
1 Clarke’s Indian Dreamcatcher Illa Kuvianartok At Whiteout (Imp Pol). Beautifully muscled all through and so sound, correct in top line and tail, she is feminine but has a good strong skull and balanced muzzle, well placed ears, and lovely shaped eye and expression, she is correct in front with forechest and moderate angulation, good strong bone and good tight feet, deep rib, left her coat at home but nevertheless she looked a picture.
2 Anderson’s Cinneli Fast’N Furious Phinx To Cherubini. Lovely shaped bitch with a good neck, well placed ears, correct angulation and pretty head, just not so settled on the move as winner. In good coat.
MPB (2,1)
1 Horsman-Phoenix’s Snow Legend Be My Lucky (Imp Rus) NAF. Very promising puppy, good for size and balance, correct in head and expression, strong bone, good correct rib Sloping topline and good tail, very powerful on the move and I am sure will have an exciting future.
PB (3)
1 Horsman-Phoenix’s Snow Legend Be My Lucky (Imp Rus) NAF.
2 Mogg’s Skidooshooz Time To Shine (ai). Lovely size and outline, good strength and femininity in her head, well shaped eyes with a super expression, well placed ears, nice depth of rib, well set tail and good rear angulation, good coat, and stylish mover.
3 Pullin & Mountstephens’ Whitewalker Winterfell.
JB (2)
1 Jelfs’ Lapema Gia Visto. Liked her size and substance, correct sloping top line, and well set and carried tail, good strong neck, attractive head, good width and shaped to her skull and strong muzzle, nicely placed eyes, strong bone and good tight feet, correct in rib, well muscled, very sound and lovely.
2 Copley-Holland & Hug’s Katabatic Adair’N’Hug It’s Me You’re Looking For. Super eye and expression, with a good outline, she is still rather immature and giving away a lot at present, just needs time to catch up with her peers.
YB (3)
1 Perfitt’s Samjoe’s The One And Only. Classic in her outline, super top line, and tail set and carriage, head with a good strong skull and superb eye shape, strong balanced muzzle and correctly set ears, well put together throughout, good depth of rib and lovely coat texture, she is very sound and has really good breed type.
2 Ballington-Graham’s Noraisy Ring Of Fire In Catua JW. Pretty head, super tail set and carriage, good neck, well made all through, grand eye shape and expression, sound and stylish mover.
3 Pitcher’s Lueldar Stardust Onyx Over Tatkresiwok (ai) (IKC).
NB (3)
1 O’Brien’s Freezefactor Angel Wings. Loved her size and outline, scored in neck, sloping top line, tail set and carriage, super head shape and eye and expression, good balance of skull and muzzle, well set ears, moderate angles, nicely muscled all through, very sound and typical, just a lovely bitch.
2 Pitcher’s Lueldar Stardust Onyx Over Tatkresiwok (ai) (IKC). Very attractive with a pretty head, good neck and tail set, sound rear and in good coat.
PGB (3)
1 O’Brien’s Freezefactor Angel Wings.
2 Perfitt’s Samjoe The Dream Lives On (ai).
3 Dziergas & Ashworth’s Arctictreks Black Sheep.
LB (9,1) This was a class of real quality bitches.
1 Brouard’s Sutarka Coco Chanel At Orsamals. Super neck and sloping top line, well set and carried plume tail, the most beautiful head shape, and ears, eye shape and colour, strong muzzle and balanced skull. Strong bone and good tight pasterns, moderate angulation, deep rib, well muscled rear, so very sound and precise on the move, and in super coat. Res CC.
2 Clarke’s Electra Illa Kuvianartok At Whiteout (Imp Pol). This was so close between these lovely bitches, fabulous head on this girl, super neck and topline, good moderate angulation, strong bone, good coat and very sound. Two beautiful quality bitches.
3 Jelfs’ Lapema Tavola Ouija ShCM JW.
OB (12,3)
1 Ellis’ Ch Chayo Blue Diamond (ai). Eyecatching bitch of quality and type, her outline is just right, head shape, sloping top line, neck strong bone and good feet, just a bit of forechest, nicely ribbed, tail well set and carried in a gay plume, her head is just glorious with correctly placed and used ears, nicely rounded at tips, obliquely set eye, almond shaped, and dark with great expression, skull and muzzle balanced strong. She is well made throughout, correct in rib, well muscled all through in hard condition and so very sound and fluid on the move, delight to watch. CC.
2 Jelfs’ Lapema Nino Vudu JW. Delightful temperament, she is a very beautiful sound moving bitch, right for size and in good coat, really good in body, angulation and balanced through out. She has a lovely feminine head, that is blanced and typey, very sound and stylish.
3 Wadrup’s Just Got To Love Me Polarni Usvit.
Keith Nathan