Three Counties
Judge: Mr K Baldwin
BEST OF BREED: Ms S ELLIS Ch Chayo Cause Celebre
Dog Challenge Certificate: Ms S ELLIS Chayo Cause Celebre
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate: Miss S WOLFE Ch Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp)
Bitch Challenge Certificate: Ms S ELLIS Ch Chayo Blue Diamond (ai)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mrs S & Mr B INNES Icycool Oriana
Best Puppy In Breed: Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX & Mr J HORSMAN Snow Legend Be My Lucky Nordicwinds (Imp Rus)
Puppy Dog (Entries 4) Abs: 0
1st: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp Rus)
2nd: Mr M WOODGATE Snowshoes Ring Presence
3rd: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes Noble One
Res: Mr A, Mrs T & Miss L DOLAN Siskara We Will Rock You
Junior Dog (Entries 2) Abs: 0
1st: Mr M WOODGATE Snowshoes Ring Presence
2nd: Mrs J YORK Chardicea Mr Mcfly With Snowstruck
Post Graduate Dog (Entries 2) Abs: 1
1st: Ms L HOLT Freezefactor Tis The Season At Breconfrost
Limit Dog (Entries 2) Abs: 1
1st: 2782 ANDERSON Mrs A E Cherubini Atene Cinquale
Open Dog (Entries 3) Abs: 0
1st: Ms S ELLIS Chayo Cause Celebre
2nd: Ms S ELLIS & Mrs A NEVINSON Chayo Golden Touch ShCM
3rd: Mr M & Mrs A BLACKBURN Ger/Int/NL Ch Cristakell April Shadows JW ShCM
Veteran Dog (Entries 5) Abs: 3
1st: Miss S WOLFE Ch Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp)
2nd: Mr & Mrs B ISHERWOOD Ishjamani Purple Haize ShCM
Puppy Bitch (Entries 6) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX & Mr J HORSMAN Snow Legend Be My Lucky Nordicwinds (Imp RUS)
2nd: Mr & Mrs AL MOGG Skidooshooz Time To Shine (ai)
3rd: Mr E & Ms T FORSEY Muzoku Maleficent Me
Res: Miss A & Mrs J WHYMAN Tailfly Bloodline
VHC: Mr A, Mrs T & Miss L DOLAN Siskara Dead Ringer For Love
Junior Bitch (Entries 7) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX & Mr J HORSMAN Snow Legend Be My Lucky Nordicwinds (Imp RUS)
2nd: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes Sliver Lining
3rd: Miss A & Mrs J WHYMAN Tailfly Bloodline
Res: Miss CC JOHN Chardicea Love Is Easy
VHC: Mr M & Mrs A BLACKBURN Chardicea Party Girl
Post Graduate Bitch (Entries 3) Abs:0
1st: Mr E Ms T FORSEY Muzoku Voodoo Dolly
2nd: Mrs KL JELFS Lapema Gia Visto JW
3rd: Miss K WARBURTON Tailfly Jitterbug
Limit Bitch (Entries 5) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs S & Mr B INNES Icycool Oriana
2nd: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes The White Witch
3rd: Mrs C CLARKE Electra Illa Kuvianartok At Whiteout (Imp)
Res: Mrs J & Mr M HAYWOOD Cherubini Atene Winterscall
Open Bitch (Entries 7) Abs: 2
1st: Ms S ELLIS Ch Chayo Blue Diamond (ai)
2nd: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Cedarcreek Frozen In Time
3rd: Miss CC JOHN Cristakell April Showers At Chardicea
Res: Mrs KL JELFS Lapema Nino Vudu JW
VHC: Miss RJ BROWN Skidooshooz Bohemian Soul Of Cupun (ai)
Veteran Bitch (Entries 3) Abs: 2
1st: Mrs M BUTLER Kaytoo Antarctic Anko
Judge's Critiques
PD (4)
1 Page’s, Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp Rus) 9 months old grey and white, developing masculine head, brown eyes moderately large, ears set wide apart, scissor bite, moderately arched neck into strong well developed body, tail well carried, just enough coat, straight front legs viewed with ample boned and compact feet, rear quarters well muscled for his age, positive mover with drive. Best Dog Puppy.
2 Woodgate’s, Snowshoes Ring Presence, 10 months old, head broad of medium length, dark eyes, ears set wide apart, scissor bite, neck of good length into nicely developing body, good coat and tail set high, front legs viewed straight with ample bone and arched feet, moderately angled rear quarters providing power, well presented.
3 Smith’s, Snowshoes Noble One.
JD (2)
1 Woodgate’s, Snowshoes Ring Presence.
2 York’s, Chardicea Mr Mcfly With Snowstruck NAF, 12 months old grey and white, big masculine boy with strong head of good proportions, eyes brown moderately large, ears set wide apart, scissor bite, strong neck into firm body with tail well carried, in between coats powerful quarters, on the move he pins in and kicks hocks out so needs to steady up.
PGD (2,1)
1 Holt’s, Freezefactor Tis The Season At Breconfrost, 2 and a half years old, grey and white of good size and well balanced, head broad and in proportion to his size, dark brown almond shaped eyes and scissor bite, good neck and firm body, shoulders moderately sloping and straight front legs viewed, moderate stifle, we got a few even steps but for most of his movement he paced.
LD (2,1)
1 Anderson’s, Cherubini Atene Cinquale, 4 year old seal coloured boy, masculine head that would benefit from more length, tight scissor bite, arched neck into straight back with slight slope to croup, harsh coat short and close fitting so gave an honest shape in profile, front legs viewed straight with compact feet, tail lacks hair so no plume, moved pins in slightly and flaps pasterns, well presented.
OD (3)
1 Ellis’s, Chayo Cause Celebre, 19 months old grey and white, impressive male with powerful broad head, dark eyes and scissor bite, moderately arched neck fits well into his body, he is of good size and well boned, back straight with slight slope to croup, loins well muscled, balanced moderate angulated front and rear quarters, moved positive with powerful drive, Dog CC and Best of Breed.
2 Ellis & Nevinson’s, Chayo Golden Touch ShCM, 4 years old grey and white, an honest dog of good breed type, powerful head of good proportions, eyes moderate size of brown colour, erect ears set low spoiling expression, neck strong into moderately sloping shoulders, body firm and powerful, balanced front and rear quarters, moved free and easy, well presented.
3 Blackburn’s, Ger / Int Ch / NL Ch Cristakell April Shadows JW ShCM.
VD (5,1)
1 Wolfe’s, Ch Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp) 8 years young grey and white of good size, powerful boy through-out, masculine head with dark eye and scissor bite, neck moderately arched, straight front legs viewed, heavily boned and well muscled, stands on compact feet, chest deep to elbow, good coat and rear quarters well muscled, stifle moderately bent, moved out positive with good forward reach and powerful drive from the hindquarters. Reserve CC.
2 Isherwood’s, Ishjamani Purple Haize Sh.CM, 8 years young seal, tall boy masculine head with well set ears and dark brown eyes, scissor bite, back straight with slight slope to croup just a touch long in loin, good coat, front legs viewed straight with compact feet, tail well carried, paced through-out on the move, unfortunately castrated.
3 Butler’s, Kaytoo Antarctic Kuma,
PB (6,1)
1 Horsman-Phoenix & Horsman’s, Snow Legend Be My Lucky Nordicwinds (Imp Rus), 9 months old grey and white developing feminine head, eyes moderately large of dark brown colour, ears set wide apart, scissor bite, moderately arched neck into nicely developing body, tail well carried, good double coat, straight front legs viewed with ample boned and compact feet, rear quarters well muscled for her age, very vocal when moving letting us all know she was there, positive mover with drive. Best Bitch Puppy & Best Puppy.
2 Mogg’s, Skidooshooz Time To Shine (A.i.), 11 months old grey and white, a touch shy on approach, feminine head developing nicely, strap marking on muzzle detract, dark brown eyes of almond shaped, nice ears, scissor bite, neck moderately arched, back straight with slight slope, front legs viewed straight with well arched feet, tail well carried, moderately bent stifle, moved out positive and free, well shown.
3 Forsey’s, Muzoku Maleficent Me.
JB (7,1)
1 Horsman-Phoenix & Horsman’s, Snow Legend Be My Lucky Nordicwinds (Imp Rus)
2 Smith’s, Snowshoes Sliver Lining, 14 months old grey and white lovely feminine head with triangular erect ears, almond shaped eyes set obliquely, neck of good length into nice shaped body although just a bit flat backed, front legs viewed straight with ample bone and well arched feet, well shown and moved out free.
3 Whyman’s, Tailfly Bloodline
PGB (3)
1 Forsey’s, Muzoku Voodoo Dolly, 2 years old grey and white, nice shape, good size and well balanced, feminine head in proportion to her size, brown almond shaped eyes and tight scissor bite, good neck and firm body, shoulders moderately sloping and straight front legs viewed, moderate stifle and slightly cow hocked, short steps on the move, well presented.
2 Jelfs, Lapema Gia Visto JW, 19 months old grey and white, quite tall and with short coat, well proportioned feminine head with triangular erect ears, dark almond shaped eyes, neck of good length into developing body, front legs viewed straight with medium bone and good feet, well presented and moved out freely.
3 Warburton’s, Tailfly Jitterbug.
LB (5,1)
1 Innes, Icycool Oriana, 2 years old sable, I liked this one a lot, just lacked the power of the Open winner in the challenge, good size with well balanced through-out, medium length broad head with muzzle of good depth, dark brown moderate sized eye, scissor bite, neck strong that is moderately arched fitting well into her shoulders, back straight with slight slope, front legs viewed straight with good pasterns and feet, nice strong rear quarters, steady and even mover. Reserve CC.
2 Smith’s, Snowshoes The White Witch, 22 months old smaller yet very nice type, unlucky to meet winner, lovely feminine head with triangular erect ears, almond shaped eyes set obliquely, neck of good length into firm body, front legs viewed straight with medium bone and well arched feet, well presented and shown, knuckles in coming towards me on the move.
3 Clarke’s, Electra Illa Kuvianartok At Whiteout (Imp).
OB (7,2)
1 Ellis, Ch Chayo Blue Diamond (ai), 5 years old grey and white, beautiful feminine head with dark eye and scissor bite, small ears set wide, neck of good length and moderately arched, straight front legs viewed with good boned and nicely muscled, stands on compact feet, chest deep to brisket, good coat, well developed rear quarters with stifle moderately bent, moved positive with powerful drive from the hindquarters. Bitch CC.
2 Page’s, Cedarcreek Frozen In Time, 4 years old grey and white, nice proportioned medium length feminine head, brown eyes and scissor bite, neck strong of good length fitting well into her moderately sloping shoulders, back straight with slight slope, front legs viewed straight with ample bone, nicely developed rear quarters provided drive. Sorry for not calling you back in, I just liked the limit bitch.
3 John’s, Cristakell April Showers At Chardicea
VB (3,2)
1 Butler’s, Kaytoo Antarctic Anko, 7 years young, tall in appearance, long feminine head with medium size well set ears and dark brown eyes a touch round, scissor bite, back straight with slight slope to croup, front legs viewed straight with compact feet, tail well carried, pins in on the move, well presented.
Keith Baldwin