Scottish Kennel Club General Championship Show 2024

Judge: Ms T Forsey

BEST OF BREED: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE Ch Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp RUS)
Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE Ch Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp RUS)
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs Sue ELLIS – PAYNE Chayo Trust The Magic
Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mrs Sue ELLIS – PAYNE Ch Chayo Vasilisa
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate: Miss Lauren & Mrs Susan PERFITT Samjoe From Russia With Love JW
Best Puppy In Breed: Mrs Joan & Mr Jeffrey SHEEHAN Powderhound’s Sparks Will Fly at Amaqqut (imp USA)
Best Veteran In Breed: Mrs Elaine & Mr Darren WALKER Ir Ch Lueldar Too Legit To Quit Jun Ch,cjw16
Best Special Beginner: Ms Elizabeth DZIERGAS & Ms Kirstie ASHWORTH James Bond Illa Kuvianartok at Nunataq (imp POL)


Junior Dog. (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S HOOLEY Black Stripe at Dokkalfar
2nd: Mrs Merrilee & Mr ANDERTON-TYERS Katabatics Hardcore Hevy at Flintsky

Post Graduate Dog. (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Miss Lauren & Mrs Susan PERFITT Samjoe Shadowhunter JW

Limit Dog. (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Ms J PHOENIX Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (imp RUS) J
2nd: Ms Elizabeth DZIERGAS & Ms Kirstie ASHWORTH James Bond Illa Kuvianartok at Nunataq (imp POL)

Open Dog. (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE Ch Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp RUS)
2nd: Mrs Sue ELLIS – PAYNE Chayo Trust The Magic
3rd: Mr Alan & Mrs Debbie LUNN Ch Nordicwinds Jazz Singer
Reserve: Mrs Sandra BRANDENBERG & Miss Sue SMITH Chayo It’s Kurt For Taronakits JW

Veteran Dog. (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs Elaine & Mr Darren WALKER Ir Ch Lueldar Too Legit To Quit Jun Ch,cjw16
2nd: Mrs Anne NEVINSON Ch Chayo Golden Touch

Special Beginners Dog. (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Ms Elizabeth DZIERGAS & Ms Kirstie ASHWORTH James Bond Illa Kuvianartok at Nunataq (imp POL)
2nd: Mrs S HOOLEY Black Stripe at Dokkalfar

Good Citizen Dog. NO ENTRIES

Puppy Bitch. (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs Joan & Mr Jeffrey SHEEHAN Powderhound’s Sparks Will Fly at Amaqqut (imp USA)
2nd: Mrs S HOOLEY Bartkennels Ljosalfar

Junior Bitch. (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs KE COPLEY-HOLLAND Katabatics Troubleshooter

Post Graduate Bitch. NO ENTRIES

Limit Bitch. (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Miss Lauren & Mrs Susan PERFITT Samjoe From Russia With Love JW
2nd: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE Snow Legend Zest For Life Cedarcreek (Imp RUS)
3rd: Ms Elizabeth DZIERGAS, & Ms Kirstie ASHWORTH Arctictreks Black Sheep

Open Bitch. (6 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: Mrs Sue ELLIS – PAYNE Ch Chayo Vasilisa
2nd: Mrs Elaine & Mr Darren WALKER Slo Ch Lueldar Got Something To Say To You
3rd: Ms Elizabeth DZIERGAS & Ms Kirstie ASHWORTH Arctictreks Black Sheep

Veteran Bitch. (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs KE COPLEY-HOLLAND, Ch Am/HR Ch Katabatics Hollaback Girl
2nd: Mrs Merrilee & Mr ANDERTON-TYERS Northspirit Born To Shine at Flintsky

Special Beginners Bitch. (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S HOOLEY Bartkennels Ljosalfar

Good Citizens Bitch. NO ENTRIES

Judge's Critiques

JD (2)
1. Hooley’s Black Stripe at Dakkalfar
Smaller in stature but very much in proportion. Balanced headpiece with neat small well furred ears. He has a very full coat of good texture. Moderate in bone, I particularly liked his angulation and nice short hocks. He moved well in all directions with plenty of enthusiasm.
2. Anderton-Tyers’Katabatics Hardcore Hevy at Flintsky.
This youngster is of good size for age. He has a very kind yet alert expression. Lovely dark eye obliquely set. Broad skull and muzzle. Muscular neck Longer cast than 1. Excellent bone and feet , Correct coat texture, Beautifully presented. I feel he is going through a growth spurt as he was not as composed on the move as 1 today.

PGD (1)
1. Perfitt’s Samjoe ShadowhunterJW
Lovely young male who is balanced all through and has a super temperament. Handsome headpiece with good breadth to skull and muzzle, correct stop, good bite and dark almond shaped eyes obliquely set. Ears well set and well furred of good, thick, leather. Excellent pigment. Super angles front and rear. I did not have to hunt for the prosternum through his thick dense coat, which was of correct texture and excellently presented. The tail was a little tight at times but it was well set and he was obviously very happy and content as it was waving permanently. Good bone for age and size nice short straight hocks. This dog shows good reach and drive with plenty of power on the move and covered the ground with ease, he just wants to go so needs to be given more lead to fully express that. Seriously considered in the challenge.

LD (3) 
1. Pheonix’s Snow Legend Zenith of Fame Nordicwinds ( IMP RUS ) JW
Sable male who was presented in excellent coat and body condition. Beautiful dark eye obliquely set. Pleasing head with good breadth to skull and muzzle tapering slightly. Correct stop. Thick well furred ears. Very nice in profile and under hand. Slight slope to topline. Good spring of rib and good depth and breadth to chest. Tail set correct. Nice short hocks. His coat was of super texture and condition. He has a strong effortless gait with super power from behind.
2.Dziegars and Ashworth’s James Bond Illa Kuvianartok at Nunataq ( Imp Pol )
A very nice seal and white male of good type and balance. Beautiful head and expression with well balanced features. Broad skull , ears of good size, thickness and set. Slight stop, good bite and pigment. He is very well balanced in angulation front and rear. Good bend of stifle and lovely short hocks. Excellent coat texture and condition. Well developed rib and nice, firm short loin. Good bone for size and age Another with plenty of strength and power and he was a little erratic at times on the move however he settled enough for me to award him BSBIB in the challenge.

OD (5) 
1.Page’s CH Snow Legend Believe in You Cedarcreek. (IMP RUS)
Such a lovely outline on this 5 year old male. Who was on form today and presented in tip-top condition. Masculine head with typical breed attributes. Dark almond shaped eyes obliquely set. Lovely small triangular well furred ears wer3 of thick leather and well set and in proportion to his head. Broad skull and muzzle with nice tight flews. Lovely soft yet inquisitive expression. Strong neck into well laid shoulder. Deep chest and well sprung rib. Slight slope to topline. Correctly set and carried tail which showed a lovely waving plume. Front and rear angulation very well balanced. He has a good bend of stifle and large tight feet and strong pasterns, which some lacked today. His coat was of correct harsh texture with a woolly dense undercoat and he was presented and handled to perfection today. His movement was faultless today providing reach, power and drive with a super footfall and completely sound gait. He really dug deep in the challenge and was awarded BOB. I was delighted to support him ringside in the group to see him awarded WG3 later in the day.
2. Ellis-Paynes Chayo Trust The Magic
Another super exhibit presenting a powerful profile. I loved his head and expression with a broad skull and muzzle Well set and well furred ears of good thickness. Dark eye obliquely set. Well put together with balanced front and rear angulation Slight slope to topline Chest of good bredth and deth and to elbows. Excellent coat texture and immaculately presented. He has a good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. He has good reach and drive and plenty of power Looking forward to seeing him mature. RDCC

VD (2)
1. Walkers Too Legit to Quit
A super seal and white male who does not present as of his age. Masculine, broad skull and muzzle with slight stop giving strength without coarseness. Dark eyes obliquely set and nice small ears well furred and well set. Balanced angulation front and back with a slight slope to topline. Lovely bone and feet and correctly set and well carried tail giving the waving plume required. Excellent on the move with a poweful purposeful gait. BVIB.
2. Nevinson’s CH Chayo Golden Touch
Another super Veteran in profile. Broad skull and Muzzle Soft expression without weakness. Thick ear leather and well set ears. Muscular neck slight slope to topline. Well off for bone and coat and super feet Such a lovely temperament and biddable. Covered the ground well with power.

SBD (2)
1. As 2nd Limit.
2.As 1st JD

PB (3) 
1. Sheehans Powderhounds Sparks Will Fly at Amaqqut. (IMP USA )
My first comments in my notes were “so pretty” and that she was. Darkest of eye, slight stop and well set ears. She looked as though she was permanently smiling. Very gentle nature but showing confidence and that she was enjoying herself. She was out of coat, however you could clearly see her outline. Having a well balanced outline and balanced angulation. Lovely large feet and good bone and substance. Looking at guard hairs she should come back into coat with a full coat and what was there was of good texture. Good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Sympathetically handled to bring out the best in her, she moved well in all directions and I hear she was short listed in the puppy Group.
2. Hooley’s Bartkennels Ljolsalfar.
Smaller in stature but nice proportions Pretty head and expression. Dark eye Good front assembly and firm topline. Could not assess rear fully as she spooked but angulation looked good just stood a little out at rear but covered the ground well in all directions.

1. Copley-Holland’s Katabatic Troubleshooter.
Lovely youngster who presented well in profile. Pretty well balanced headpiece with strong yet feminine features. Good pigment. Of good bone and size for age and not overdone in any way. Slight slope to topline and well let down hock, good tail set and carriage. She has a lot of energy and wants to use it. She covered the ground plenty of ground but being held back she was unsettled in the rear.

LB (4) 
1. Perfitt’s Samjoe From Russia with Love JW
What a pretty girl. Lovely head with the such a delightful expression. A very well balanced outline with no exaggeration. Broad skull and muzzle which tapered slightly. Dark, almond shaped eye obliquely set. Lovely small well furred ears of good leather which were well set. The head was well balanced in features and quite clearly a female without losing strength Good arch to neck Well balanced front and rear angulation Nice bend of stifle and lovely short strong hock well let down. Excellent coat texture and presentation. Good spring of rib and firm loin. Good breadth and depth of chest Another strong powerful girl (especially for her size) who just wants to go. I loved her reach and drive and in the challenge her handler really got the best out of her to a well deserved RBCC
2. Page’s Snow Legends Zest For Life Cedarcreek ( IMP RUS)
Another lovely girl who was very well put together, super head and expression with broad skull and muzzle and slight, perceptible stop. Lovely dark eye nice thick well furred ears.
Lovely straight front legs with strong patterns and tidy feet Very nice (and correct) angulation fore and aft. Well set tail She was out of coat but it was of correct texture and she still presented well for bone and substance. She can move too showing great reach and drive with a purposeful and powerful gait. Really starting to mature nicely.
3. Dziergas and Ashworth’s Arctictreks Black Sheep.
Seal and white girl with plenty of bone and substance Large broad head balanced with body and balanced angulation. She covered the ground well and was very clen in all directions.

OB (6) A class of great diversity here However all had some excellent attributes to offer the breed.
1. Ellis-Payne’s CH Chayo Vasilisa
Lovely grey and white girl in profile with plenty of bone and substance and large snowshoe feet. Its under hands on assessment where you appreciate her as she is very well balanced and has super muscle tone all through. Large head with broad skull and muzzle. Thick ears which were well furred. Dark eye obliquely set. Front assembly was very good as was breadth and depth of chest. Well toned loin and moderate bend of stifle and well let down hocks. She was particularly well toned in rear and she moved with purpose reach and drive covering the ground with ease today. BCC
2.Walker’s SLO CH Lueldar Got Something To Say To You.
This young seal and white has a very typey outline and beautiful headpiece. Feminine in features yet retaining strength. Everything is in proportion from her dark almond shaped eyes to her small triangular ears of thick leather and well furred. Good arch to neck, well sprung rib and good breadth and depth to chest. Well balanced angulation front and back. Super coat texture and presented in tip top condition. Super bone and substance for size. She covered the ground well with a purposeful, powerful gait. So well put together for her age and I’m sure she will only do great things as she matures.

VB (3) 
1. Copley-Holland’s Am UK HR CH Katabatics Hollaback Girl
Powerful looking girl in profile Strong head with broad skull and muzzle. Nice small ears well set. Good angles front and rear and correct coat texture. Angulation front and rear good Not flashy but an honest dog Very good foot fall True in all directions. BVIB
2. Anderton-Tyers’ Northspirit Born to Shine at Flintsky.
I preferred the very pretty head on this seal and white girl to the class winner and she had very balanced features. Small thick well furred ears, dark almond shaped eye obliquely set Super coat condition and texture. Good bone and substance for size. Very happy well set and carried tail. Lovely short hocks Her topline was not as firm as 1 but she covered the ground well and I loved that she was enjoying herself.

SBB (1)
1. As 2nd in puppy.

Tate Forsey