Scottish Kennel Club - May 2023
Judge: Mrs J Peak
BEST OF BREED: Mrs Anne NEVINSON Ch Chayo Golden Touch (WVG1)
Dog CC: Mrs Anne NEVINSON Ch Chayo Golden Touch
Reserve Dog CC: Mrs Sandra BRANDENBERG & Miss Sue SMITH Chayo It’s Kurt For Taronakits JW
Bitch CC: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE The Magician Bloody Mary Cedarcreek (Imp ITA)
Reserve Bitch CC: Not Awarded
Best Puppy In Breed:
Best Veteran In Breed: Mrs Anne NEVINSON Ch Chayo Golden Touch
Best Special Beginner :
Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 3
Post Graduate Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX & Mr J HORSMAN Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds JW (Imp RUS)
Limit Dog (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs Sandra BRANDENBERG & Miss Sue SMITH Chayo It’s Kurt For Taronakits JW
2nd: Miss Ailsa BOGLE & Mr Richard HORSFIELD Whitewalker Kings Landing at Valknut
3rd: Mrs J & Mr J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Nordicwinds Grtest Showman JW
Res: Mr & Mrs Alan & Debbie LUNN Nordicwinds Jazz Singer
VHC: Miss S WOLFE Sutarka Fire Storm
Open Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE Ch Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp RUS)
2nd: 3877 Miss K MOUNTSTEPHENS & Mr Ian PULLIN Whitewalker Del Lago Degli Orsi (Imp) It
Veteran Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs Anne NEVINSON Ch Chayo Golden Touch
Special Beginners Dog NO ENTRIES
Good Citizen Dog NO ENTRIES
Puppy Bitch NO ENTRIES
Junior Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Miss K MOUNTSTEPHENS & Mr Ian PULLIN Whitewalker Winter’s Gold
Post Graduate Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE Snow Legend Zest For Life Cedarcreek (Imp RUS)
Limit Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE The Magician Bloody Mary Cedarcreek (Imp ITA)
2nd: Mrs J WARWICK First Lady with Tolketna
Open Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 2
Veteran Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs Donna JARVIS & Mrs Sharon TROISI Nordicwinds All Attitude
2nd: Mr Jay WADRUP Just Got To Love Me Polarni Usvit (Imp CZE)
Special Beginners Bitch NO ENTRIES
Good Citizen Bitch NO ENTRIES
Judge's Critiques
PGD (1)
1 Horsman-Phoenix & Horsman, Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (Imp Rus) 2 yr old male good head proportions nice eye and expression, enough neck, good bone legs and feet, nice body well ribbed good depth quarters well muscled, like better tail, touch short.
LD (6)
1 Brandenberg & Smith, Chayo It’s Kurt For Taronakits JW 2 yr old male very nice type, lovely head and expression, correct eye shape, clean shoulders, strong body, plenty bone, good feet, quarters strong and well muscled, correct set on moved well both ways and in profile with correct topline RCC.
2 Bogle & Horsfield, Whitewalker Kings Landing At Valknut. 4 yr old male nice type, good head proportions, correct eye, found him touch straight in front, good bone legs and feet, body well balanced, good quarters and set on. Moved bit untidy in front good behind.
OD (2)
1 Page & Page, Ch Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp Rus) 4 yr old male pleasing type, good head shape, ears well set, plenty bone, straight legs, good feet, bit straight in shoulder, nice body, good quarters, went soundly.
2 Mountstephens & Pullin, Whitewalker Del Lago Degli Orsi (Imp It) 4 yr old male up to size pleasing head, straight legs, like more body and substance found him touch thin though.
VD (1)
1 Nevinson, Ch Chayo Golden Touch. 8 yr old male lovely breed type, correct head and expression, good eye, ears well set, strong neck going into well laid shoulders, good bone, legs and feet, body well ribbed with plenty depth of chest and correct topline. Moved well both ways and in profile. Was pleased to award him the CC & BOB congratulations on achieving runner up for Best Veteran in Show.
JB (1)
1 Mountstephens & Pullin, Whitewalker Winter’s Gold. 17 months old bitch pleasing type feminine head straight legs with enough bone, strong body well ribbed back moved poor behind lacked drive, acceptable in front.
PGB (1)
1 Page & Page, Snow Legend Zest For Life Cedarcreek (Imp Rus). 22 months old bitch pleasing head proportions, strong neck like better front assembly, body strong with good depth, quarters well muscled, moved well in profile bit loose at elbow coming back.
LB (2)
1 Page & Page, The Magician Bloody Mary Cedarcreek (Imp It). 3 yr old bitch very nice type. Pleasing head proportions nice eye and expression, strong neck good front assembly, plenty bone, straight legs, good feet, body well balanced, good quarters and set on. Moved soundly both ways would just like a touch more leg to complete the picture but nevertheless a nice one CC.
2 Warwick, First Lady With Tolketna. 4 yr old bitch nice head shape, bit narrow in front not enough width of chest, good topline and tail carriage, could move better.
VB (3,1)
1 Jarvis & Troisi, Nordicwinds All Attitude. 10 yrs old bitch like a better head and expression, strong neck, good shoulders, plenty bone, straight legs, body well balanced, went soundly.
2 Wadrup, Just Got To Love Me Polarni Usvit (Cze Imp) 10 yr old bitch pleasing head and expression good neck like better front assembly, enough bone, straight legs, could move better.
Jill Peak