Crufts 2020
Judge(s): Mrs Sharon Loades
BEST OF BREED: Mr G BIAGIOTTI It/Int CH Black Star Del Biagio [ATC AW02532ITA]
Dog CC: G BIAGIOTTI It/Int CH Black Star Del Biagio [ATC AW02532ITA]
Reserve Dog CC: Miss IZ NAWROCKA & Mr BJ PHILLIPS Multi CH Monikoona Most Wanted JW
Bitch CC: Miss A CAMPBELL & Mr I ELLIOTT Packice Neiden Winterling
Reserve Bitch CC: Mr J WADRUP Just Got To Love Me Polarni Usvit (Imp CZE)
Best Puppy In Breed: Mr C LOCKHART & Miss L SEMPLE Cahppes Never Ending Love (Imp SWE)
Best Veteran In Breed: Miss S WOLFE CH Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp CZE)
Veteran Dog (Entries 16) Abs: 3
1st Miss S WOLFE CH Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp CZE)
2nd Miss SP THOMPSON Libertia In The Red Again at Shomont
3rd Mrs T, Mr A & Miss L DOLAN CH/Nl/Dk/Int CH Siskara The Spy Who Loved Me JW ShCM
Res Ms D REID CH Jaydonspire’s True Grit
VHC Mrs M BUTLER Kaytoo Antarctic Kuma
Minor Puppy Dog (Entries 5) Abs: 1
1st Miss A DWYER & Mr S WALLACE Destined To Be at Thundaspirit
2nd Mr K MARTIN Wen Magick Happenz at Dreamwolves
3rd Miss J SAYE Makalu Mountain Wilderness
Res Miss V RISPIN Icycool Minnesota
Puppy Dog (No Entries ) Abs:
Junior Dog (Entries 8) Abs: 1
1st Mrs T, Mr A & Miss L DOLAN Siskara Bohemian Rhapsody
2nd Miss D HUGHES Casiat Giro D’Italia to Ukluk
3rd Mr ROOMS & Mrs DE WILDE No Divas Double Down In Las Vegas BJK,NJK,JW19 [ATC AX00141DEU]
Res Miss ME PALASINSKA Anson Del Biagio (Imp ITA)
VHC Miss A RUTHERFORD Chayo Star Of The East
Yearling Dog (Entries 4) Abs: 0
1st Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek JW (Imp RUS)
2nd Mrs M VAN POUCKE Slv CH Ivory’Moon Rock To The Top Libertia JW [ATC AV03229BEL]
3rd Miss A BOGLE & Mr R HORSFIELD Whitewalker Kings Landing at Valknut
Res Miss A DWYER & Mr S WALLACE Articrainbow Heat Wave at Thundaspirit
Post Graduate Dog (Entries 12) Abs: 6
1st Miss AL DARLOW Iceclimb Ascent
2nd Mrs A WILSON Amelhuk Empire Of New Era at Arctictundra (Imp RUS)
3rd Mrs J YORK Chardicea Mr McFly with Snowstruck
Res Mr M WOODGATE Snowshoes Mountain Ranger
VHC Mr ARMENTI Lueldar The Force Awakens at Albakiara (ai)
Limit Dog (Entries 15) Abs: 1
1st Mr M WOODGATE Snowshoes Ring Presence
2nd Mrs J BROOK Snobruk Secret Mission (ai) JW
3rd Miss NJ SINGH Mountain Home Sledog Staxtacular (Imp USA)
Res Miss C WINDLEY & Mr C TAYLOR Royaltaylor Black Pearl
VHC Mrs G & Miss R WOODHEAD Noraisy Take My Breath Away JW
Open Dog (Entries 13) Abs: 6
1st Mr G BIAGIOTTI It/Int CH Black Star Del Biagio [ATC AW02532ITA]
2nd Miss IZ NAWROCKA & Mr BJ PHILLIPS Multi CH Monikoona Most Wanted JW
3rd Mr A LOBOYCHENKO Ua CH Aventuras En Alaska Dear Teddy Bear [ATC AW02975UKR]
Res Miss SJ FITHERN Int/Fr CH Monikoona Isildurs Light
VHC Mrs E EDWARDS & Mr S MOLLOY CH/Am CH Wintablizard’s Investment (ai)
Good Citizen Dog (Entries 3) Abs: 1
1st Miss DA KAY Kaytoo Antarctic Riki
2nd Mrs AE ANDERSON Cherubini Atene Cinquale
Veteran Bitch (Entries 12) Abs: 3
1st Mrs E EDWARDS & Mr S MOLLOY Multi CH/Int CH Koolrunnings Plymouth Gin (Imp AUS) JW
2nd Mrs M BUTLER Arcticdawns Free And Easy at Kaytoo
3rd Mrs AE ANDERSON Cherubini Midnight Wolf
Res Mrs ME WILKINSON CH Koldsnap Aprilia Mille
VHC Miss J MARSHALL CH Kaskae Butterfly Lily
Minor Puppy Bitch (Entries 3) Abs: 1
1st Miss IZ NAWROCKA & Mr BJ PHILLIPS Icycool Sweet And Spicy Monikoona NAF
2nd Miss J SAYE Makalu Mountain Quest
Puppy Bitch (Entries 4) Abs: 1
1st Mr C LOCKHART & Miss L SEMPLE Cahppes Never Ending Love (Imp SWE)
2nd Ms G CAMERON Sutarka Sala Delle Asse
3rd Miss SJ LETHBRIDGE & Mr J SIMLER Palladium Glimmer
Junior Bitch (Entries 8) Abs: 4
1st Mrs J WARWICK First Lady with Tolketna (Imp KG)
2nd Mrs T, Mr A & Miss L DOLAN Siskara Dead Ringer For Love
3rd Miss A & Mrs J WHYMAN Tailfly Bloodline
Yearling Bitch (Entries 9) Abs: 3
1st Mr I PULLIN & Miss K MOUNTSTEPHENS Whitewalker Winterfell
2nd Mr HPJ & Mrs W ENGELS Qalmar Maleygmyuts Chiara NJK ES19 JW19 [ATC AW02000NLD]
3rd Ms A PADERVINSKAITE Midnight Iris
Res Ms J SUTHERLAND Dreamwolves Hocus Pocus
VHC Misses DOBSON & WOLFE Dreamwolves Ma Lil’ Cushla
Post Graduate Bitch (Entries 11) Abs: 3
1st Mr J HORSMAN & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Snow Legend Be My Lucky Nordicwinds JW (Imp RUS)
2nd Miss E McCLEMENTS Casiat Heart And Soul
3rd Miss AL DARLOW Iceclimb On Point
Res Mrs A WILSON Arctictundra Taiya
VHC Miss K WARBURTON Tailfly Jitterbug
Limit Bitch (Entries 18) Abs: 6
1st Miss A CAMPBELL & Mr I ELLIOTT Packice Neiden Winterling
2nd Miss T, Mrs R & Mr A ROBB Icewolf Jupiter Rising
3rd Mrs P WINDLEY Royaltaylor Catwalk Queen
Res Mr A & Mrs L BURGESS Cedarcreek Forever Young at Mountainglen
VHC Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes Yuki Yura
Open Bitch (Entries 19) Abs: 6
1st Mr J WADRUP Just got To Love Me Polarni Usvit (Imp CZE)
2nd Miss S & Mr M BURNSIDE Libertia Truly Scrumptious
3rd Mr I PULLIN & Miss K MOUNTSTEPHENS You Are The One Of Kiyara’s Wolf Pak (Imp DEU)
Res Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes The White Witch
VHC Mr S LADOLFI Cosmicfire Love And Passion RSM Jr CH [ATC AS02712ITA]
Good Citizen Bitch (Entries 8) Abs: 0
1st Miss R HARTLEY CH Koromandel Firefight (ai) ShCM
2nd Mrs AE ANDERSON Cherubini Midnight Wolf
3rd Miss AL DARLOW Iceclimb On Point
Res Mr A & Mrs L BURGESS Cedarcreek Forever Young at Mountainglen
VHC Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe The Dream Lives On (ai)
Judge's Critiques
Thank you to the Crufts committee for inviting me to judge and to my stewards, Roger Fowler and Shirley Hockenhull. My thanks to all exhibitors for my lovely entry, I had many beautiful dogs to choose from. I was pleased to see so many fit and well muscled Malamutes but there were a few who were overweight and/or lacking good muscle tone. Some decisions were very close and some lovely dogs went unplaced in classes as the quality was so high. I always love the veteran classes and both dog and bitch veteran classes were wonderful today. I was delighted with the final line up’s and could have easily awarded three CC’s in both sexes.
VD (16,3) A high quality class.
1 Wolfe’s Ch Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp Cze) Now 9 years old, and shown in fabulous condition, this male has beautiful breed type. His head for me is exactly what I am looking for, broad back skull, neat ears with thick leather, large muzzle with correct stop, good underjaw and almond shaped eye. Excellent feet; legs heavily boned. Correct coat. Good front assembly with powerful rear and broad thigh. Correct tail. He presents such a lovely shape and balance and has matured so well since I judged him 3 years ago. My opinion of him has not changed; he is a worthy champion and still moving like a dog half his age. My CC & RCC winners were on such good form today but it was a very close decision. BV.
2 Thompson’s Libertia In The Red Again At Shomont. Another I have judged before. This lovely 8yr old is just starting to blossom into full maturity, he is really coming into his own. Another head I absolutely love; such a beautiful expression, oblique eye, broad back skull, correct ears and good pigment. Good layback of shoulder, strong neck, deep chest. His proportions are just right and he has excellent balance. Correct feet, good bone. Moved very cleanly all ways, with an easy, balanced, side gait. Beautiful dog and I have no doubt there is still more to come from him.
3 Dolan’s Ch/NL/DK/Int Ch Siskara The Spy Who Loved Me JW ShCM. 7yrs old and another great example of the breed. Such a good looking dog with a super coat, good substance and beautiful head type. Good pigment and thick ears. Strong, well arched neck. Shoulder layback is good. Well arched feet and correct tail. Moved very well, but preferred the muscling of 1 & 2.
MPD (5,1)
1 Dwyer & Wallace’s Destined To Be At Thundaspirit. 9mths Super head type on this puppy with obliquely set, almond-shaped eyes, broad back skull and strong muzzle. Dark pigment. Good overall proportions with lovely feet and well arched toes. Good front. A little bum high at the moment. Tail carried slightly tight and would prefer a touch more stifle angulation. Very well muscled. Correct coat. Moved out well.
2 Martin’s Wen Magick Happenz At Dreamwolves. Litter brother to 1 and almost identical comments to make, they really were very similar indeed. I loved the muscling on these two, they were both really lovely to go over. Nice pups; will be interested to see how they mature.
3 Saye’s Makalu Mountain Wilderness. 8 mths. What a cutie! Beautiful agouti with excellent coat and correct feet. Narrower in the front, at this stage, than 1 & 2. Good shoulder lay back, slightly forward upper arm and needs to tighten in front. Really good rear with broad thighs and well let down hocks. Correct tail.
JD (8,1)
1 Dolan’s Siskara Bohemian Rhapsody. 16mths. Super youngster, I really liked him. Handsome head, in proportion, with thick ear leather and broad back skull. Great outline already, carrying an excellent coat and with good bone and feet. Front assembly good with well laid shoulders. Broad thighs. Easy mover; very clean and balanced.
2 Hughes’ Casiat Giro D’Italia To Ukluk. 15mths. Promising baby with excellent body shape and shown in lovely condition. Correct feet. Overall balance is lovely. Just needs to broaden, and tighten in front. Head proportions are good. Moved very well in profile with a very balanced and easy sidegait. Slightly tight tail.
3 Rooms & De Wilde’s No Divas Double Down In Las Vegas BJK NJK JW19. 16mths. Nice head type on this young man. Dark eye and good pigment. I liked his athletic body shape and he had good proportions. Strong neck, of good length into well laid shoulders. Good body condition. Slightly tight tail. He was having fun and was not as settled on the move as 1 & 2 giving his handler a bit of a challenge today.
YD (4,0)
1 Page’s Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek JW (Imp Rus) 18mths. Impressive young man of great style and balance. Attractive head with good pigment and eye shape. Ears of good size, thick and well furred. Super outline and conformation with a really good front assembly, strong rear and firm loin, providing an effortless, clean, side gait. Excellent feet, well arched toes and good bone. Correct coat. Well presented. Already showing so much promise, but not overdone, and I am sure he will just keep getting better. Loved him.
2 Van Poucke’s Sl Ch Ivory’Moon Rick To The Top Libertia JW. 21mths. Another lovely young dog and close up to 1. Well proportioned head. Good bone and excellent feet. Shown in well muscled condition. Broad thighs. Moved very well in profile; a little close at times going away. Eye shape was the deciding factor.
3 Bogle & Horsfield’s Whitewalker Kings Landing At Valknut. 21mths. Excellent coat on this young man and a good head with pleasing expression. I liked his overall outline. Good shoulder layback and good feet with well arched toes. Needs to tighten in pasterns and front. An occasional tendency to stand under himself in the rear giving him a bum-high appearance. Shown in great condition. Moved ok.
PGD (12,6)
1 Darlow’s Iceclimb Ascent. This athletic 2 yr old won the class with his outstanding movement. Larger framed dog, and well balanced. Masculine head, developing well. Plenty of substance with well boned legs and superb feet! Super front assembly and broad thighs. Firm and well muscled body with correct, slightly sloping, top-line that was rock solid on the move. A powerful rear and ground-covering gait. Shorter coat, but correct. A serious contender in the challenge but just needs more time to mature; with structure like that he can only get better. I just loved him.
2 Wilson’s Amelhuk Empire of New Era At Arctitundra (Imp Rus). A standard sized 4 yr old with a lovely outline. Super head with almond shaped eye and small, thick ears. Proportionate bone for size with a coat of correct texture and waving plume. Large feet. Needs to broaden in front and would prefer more vertical front pasterns. Sound all ways, and he moved out well, just not the angles and ground covering gait of 1.
3 York’s Chardicea Mr McFly With Snowstruck. Another handsome young male, 22 mths old; super head with neat ears and lovely expression. Body developing nicely. Good outline with a good length of neck. Broad thighs, short rear pasterns and well let down hocks. Carrying a correct, harsh coat. Large feet; would prefer more arch to the toes. Tail carried a little tight. He had a nice, easy action with just a slight tendency to overreach at times.
LD (15,1) A very nice class!
1 Woodgate’s Snowshoes Ring Presence. A 19mth old with a super profile heading up this strong class. Masculine, well proportioned head. Ears set slightly low. Good pigment. Well arched toes but would prefer more length to toes. Strong pasterns. Loved his body shape and substance and he was a great mover; an easy, rhythmic and balanced, gait that won him this class. Shown in great body condition and muscling. Correct coat.
2. Brook’s Snobruk Secret Mission (A.I.) JW. 4yrs. Another super, typey, young man with a lovely, slightly more compact, outline. Preferred his overall head style to 1. Broad back skull, small well furred ears and large muzzle, but slightly rounder eye. Great front assembly with well laid shoulders and balanced return of upper arm. Correct topline and broad thighs. Good sized feet but needing more arch to toes. Carrying a lovely coat. Tail carried a little tight at times. Another easy mover; covered the ground well, with a balanced gait.
3 Singh’s Mountain Home Sledog Staxtacular (Imp USA) Very close up to the first two dogs. At almost 4yrs old this handsome male has the most superb head type; just as the standard calls for. Large muzzle, broad back skull and small, thick ears. Correct eye shape and dark pigment. Strong, powerfully built body with lovely shoulder lay back, deep chest and good leg length. Would prefer slightly larger feet. Excellent coat. Tail carried a touch tight. Moved out very well, and with powerful drive, but not quite the action, in front, as 1 & 2 today.
OD (13, 6) Strong class.
1 Biagiotti’s It/Int Ch Black Star Del Biagio (ATC AW02532ITA) Stunning 3yr old seal and white who demands attention. Gorgeous headpiece; masculine, with broad back skull, correct stop with dark, almond shaped eyes. Proportionate, strong muzzle, dark pigment and a strong under jaw. Ears a touch low set when relaxed but good for size and shape. He presented such a wonderful outline when standing with a moderately arched, strong neck into lovely shoulders and forechest with balanced return of upper arm. Athletic body with plenty of substance; deep chest, well boned legs, slightly sloping topline and strong loin with well muscled, broad, thighs. Feet were wonderful; large and compact, toes well arched with short, strong, almost vertical pasterns. He embodied the standard and moved with a balanced and powerful gait, with perfect footfall and firm topline. Carrying a correct coat, and shown in superb condition, he was sympathetically handled to his best advantage. He really was absolutely lovely and thoroughly deserving of his CC & BOB.
2 Nawrocka & Phillips’ Multi Ch Monikoona Most Wanted JW. Now 6yrs, this gorgeous sable boy is one I have admired previously. He really has it all and he felt as good to go over as he promises. A dog of such quality with beautiful balance and substance, a wonderful outline and well presented. Most handsome, masculine, head with neat, well furred ears. Strong, moderately arched neck with a super front assembly. A strong, powerful body, with slightly sloping topline; well ribbed with a deep chest. Powerful hindquarters, balanced with his front. Lovely feet; large and compact. He moved with a power and lightness that was a pleasure to watch, holding a firm topline. In the class I felt he couldn’t quite match the smooth performance of 1. Today and felt he put in a much better performance in the challenge. I loved him. RCC.
3 Loboychenko’s UA Ch Aventuras En Alaska Dear Teddy Bear (ATC AW02975UKR). A more compact dog with good bone and substance. Lovely head with slight stop, large muzzle and good back skull. Dark pigment. Firm, well conditioned, body with broad, well muscled, thighs and strong hocks. Excellent feet, large and compact with well arched toes. Carrying an excellent coat. Tail a little tight. Easy action on the move, moderate and sound in profile and clean on the up and back.
GCD (3,1)
1 Kay’s Kaytoo Antarctic Riki. An athletic 8yr old, with firm body condition, who naturally stands very well. Handsome head of good balance with a lovely expression. Shorter coat; correct texture. Strong, moderately arched neck with a good layback of shoulder and correct top line. Deep chest and proportionate bone. Great feet; large, compact and toes well arched. Strong pasterns. Lovely side gait, covering ground easily with no exaggeration. Also made the cut in a very strong VD class. Lovely boy.
2 Anderson’s Cherubini Atene Cinquale. A handsome boy of good substance and a slightly more compact frame. Carrying a big coat that, whilst correct, gave him the appearance of being slightly shorter in leg. Loved his head and expression. Good length of neck and shoulder layback. Broad thigh. Bone proportionate for size and good sized feet. A little down on his pasterns. A very happy character who, although he moved out well, did not really settle into a smooth action. His enthusiasm caused him to pull to the side and his handler did well to keep up!
VB (12,3) Lovely class.
1 Edwards & Molloy’s Multi Ch Int Ch Koolrunnings Plymouth Gin (Imp Aus) JW. Super outline on this 7yr old. Lovely head proportions with broad back skull and slight stop. Muzzle; large. Small, thick, triangular ears. She gave the appearance of strength and power with a body in super hard condition. Well boned with a lovely front assembly and slightly sloping topline. Croup and tail set good with broad, muscular thighs. Good sized feet. She moved with power and drive, no excess at all. A serious contender in the challenge.
2 Butler’s Arcticdawn’s Free And Easy At Kaytoo. A wonderful 12yr old who is a great example of how our breed can look at this age. Her head could be broader but it is well proportioned and she has a lovely expression. She has a lovely balance to her that is demonstrated by her sound side gait, still moving with such ease and style; it is hard to tell she is in her thirteenth year. Shown in hard condition with a solid front assembly strong neck and strong rear. Deep chest. Strong pasterns and great feet. Loved her. Unlucky to meet 1 on such good form.
3 Anderson’s Cherubini Midnight Wolf. A 10yr old with so much to like. Pretty head with dark, obliquely set, eyes and dark pigment. Good outline with balanced angles front and rear. Deep chest and good front assembly. Excellent feet. Carrying a lovely harsh coat. Moved with a really sound profile gait and firm top line.
MPB (3,1) Two super puppies.
1 Nawrocka & Phillips’ Icycool Sweet And Spicy Monikoona NAF. Gorgeous 7mth old with such confidence and ring presence for a baby. Lovely, pretty head and expression with neat ears and correct eye shape. Good shoulders and body proportions with broad thigh. Excellent feet. Standing a little bum high at times. Moved with a free and easy action in profile and clean coming and going. Super coat and condition and presented so well. Promising baby.
2 Saye’s Makalu Mountain Quest. Another little stunner, I really liked her a lot. Excellent angles, front and rear, and I loved her broad thighs and well let down hocks. Her shoulder has a good lay back and she has good neck length. Loved her feet. Great muscle tone. Sound profile action, demonstrating her balanced angles. I had to split hairs to pick a winner here and she just needs to tighten in front pasterns, so that was my deciding factor. Another very promising youngster.
PB (4,1)
1 Lockhart & Semple’s Cahppes Never Ending Love (Imp Swe) 10mths. Super outline and shape to this young lady. She has a really lovely head developing with good back skull, balanced proportions and dark pigment. Lovely arch to her neck and a good lay of shoulder. Good length of rib and depth to chest. Slightly sloping top line with a correct tail set and carriage. Broad thighs and well let down hocks. Her balanced angles gave her a powerful, smooth profile action. Sound-moving youngster; another one I liked a lot. BP.
2 Cameron’s Sutarka Sala Delle Asse. 9mths. Pretty youngster, more compact in body style than 1. Good bone and substance and a correct coat. A good front assembly and neck with correct pasterns and feet. Well sprung rib and broad thighs. Tight tail. A balanced youngster who was a little unsettled on the move, which was a shame, and just rolling slightly.
3 Lethbridge & Simler’s Palladium Glimmer.
JB (8,4) Nice class.
1 Warwick’s First Lady With Tolketna (Imp KG) 16mths. This young lady has a fabulous outline but maybe just a tad long on body and her topline just spoilt slightly by a tendency to dip over her loin when standing. Beautiful shoulders and front assembly and well off for bone. Great feet! – large, compact with a good thickness to the pads and arch to toes. I loved her substance and style. Super head with tight lips, good pigment and correct eye shape. On the move she was easy and powerful with good reach and firm topline. Very sound going away and back. Very nice prospect.
2 Dolan’s Siskara Dead Ringer For Love. 16mths. Really liked this young lady. Gorgeous head type with beautiful expression. Loved her ear set and head proportions. Great shoulder layback and correct topline. Well boned for her age and carrying a correct coat, she presents such a balanced, pretty picture. She moved very cleanly with balanced reach and drive. I thought she was going to be my winner but 1 just edged it with her feet. Look forward to seeing her mature.
3 Whyman’s Tailfly Bloodline. Another very lovely, typey, young lady. Super, happy character. Liked her outline and shape. Pretty head. She was not as settled on the move as the first two and a slight roll over her shoulders. I had to nitpick to split these three and she just had a rounder eye and tighter tail carriage.
YB (9,3)
1 Pullin & Mountstephens’ Whitewalker Winterfell. 21mths. This young lady won this class with her super movement, she really was a pleasure to watch go around. A little narrow through the head, as is to be expected at this age. Ears slightly large, but thick ear leather, correct eye shape and dark pigment. She has a good front assembly, chest developing well and balanced rear angles. Carrying a decent coat, slightly shorter in length than some others in the class. I liked her feet which were large with good padding. Strong pasterns. A very athletic body with strong loin and good muscle tone. Tail carriage slightly tight. She flowed around the ring with an easy, ground covering, gait and a rock steady topline. Her structure is all there, she just needs to fill into her frame, and I am sure time will only improve her.
2 Engels’ Qalmar Maleygmyuts Chiara NJK ES19 JW19 (ATC AW02000NLD) 15mths. Absolutely loved this youngster and a close decision between 1 & 2. Such a beautiful head type, with neat, thick ears, strong under jaw and dark pigment. I loved her balance and outline and she had a beautiful coat. Good size feet with well arched toes and short pasterns. Chest depth good. Super, powerful, rear with well let down hocks. I loved her side gait; she was balanced and easy on the move. Needs to broaden in chest and not quite as precise coming towards as 1 which was my deciding factor. I have no doubt she will just get better with age.
3 Padervinskaite’s Midnight Iris. 13mths. A standard size bitch of good proportions and balance in profile. Pretty head type; ears a little large. Good shoulder and arch to neck. Slightly forward upper arm. Nicely angled rear. A little unsettled on the move today. Super character. Just needs to tighten up in front.
PGB (11,3)
1 Horsman & Horsman-Phoenix’s Snow Legend Be My Lucky Nordicwinds (Imp Rus) 18mths. I really liked the overall outline and breed type of this youngster. Plenty of substance and super feet. Attractive head of good balance with broad back skull, correct eye shape and dark pigment. Ears slightly low set. Strong, broad thighs and hocks. Quality coat. Lovely temperament and enjoying her day today. She moved with ease, and was true coming and going, just rolling a little in profile.
2 McClements’ Casiat Heart And Soul 4yrs. Pretty, slow maturing, girl with a nice head type; muzzle could be broader. Dark pigment, small, thick ears and correct eye shape. Good chest depth and balanced in angles, front and rear. I would prefer heavier bone. Nice length of neck with correct top line and tail. Carrying a good coat. Lovely balanced profile action, just a little narrow on the up and back.
3 Darlow’s Iceclimb On Point 2yrs. Unfortunately left the ring before I could make more comprehensive notes. Larger framed than the first two and would prefer a little more bone for balance. Very pretty head with correct stop and good back skull. Ears could be smaller. Good shoulders and strong neck. Level top line. Would prefer a touch more angle to upper arm. Clean on the up and back.
LB (18,6)
1 Campbell & Elliott’s Packice Neiden Winterling. A wonderful 4yr old with beautiful breed type and substance. I adored her head; strong but feminine with large muzzle, strong jaws, broad head with small, well set triangular shaped ears and correct eye shape and set. Her body shape is lovely with a moderate arch to her strong neck, deep chest and solid front assembly with good forechest. Correct feet. Good spring of rib with slightly sloping top line, that she held on the move, with firm loin and correct croup/ tail. With broad, muscular thighs, to power her around the ring, she just excelled in sidegait. Nothing overdone, just effortless and efficient with plenty of reach and drive and no interference underneath. She looked like she could keep going all day. I appreciated the understated handling of this girl as she really did not need to be fussed with; she stood four square every time she stopped. She had tough competition but, in the end, it was her beautiful construction and outline that was the deciding factor and earned her a well deserved CC.
2 Robb’s Icewolf Jupiter Rising. 19mths. What a beauty, I really loved the super outline of this bitch standing. Smaller framed than 1. and perfectly proportioned with great balance front and rear. Prettiest of heads, with small, thick ears, strong jaws and dark pigment. Lovely arch to her neck and perfect top line and tail with correct croup. Good bone for her size and lovely feet with thick padding. Her front assembly was lovely and matched by rear angles with broad thighs and well let down hocks that gave her plenty of drive. She was a pleasure to watch moving in profile, with a clean and effortless action. I feel she will be one to watch as she matures; she challenged the other girls all the way.
3 Windley’s Royaltaylor Catwalk Queen. A heavier framed 4 year old with good chest depth, heavy bone and just enough leg length. Loved her head; strong and broad but feminine with neat ears. Eye a touch round. Great shoulders and forechest with good return of upper arm. Really good feet, large and compact and of good depth. Strong neck and firm top line with correct croup and tail. Presented in lovely, firm condition. A touch close going away but demonstrated a good profile gait with firm top line and clean action.
OB (19,6) Very strong class.
1 Wadrup’s Just Got To Love Me Polarni Usvit. A 6yr old I have previously judged and one I still absolutely love. Her head is just superb, so feminine but strong and well proportioned. Moderately rounded skull with neat, thick ears and obliquely set eye. Strong muzzle with slight stop. Her front assembly has perfect balance with a lovely layback of shoulder and upper arm placement. Her legs are well boned with correct feet; well padded and compact. Just the right chest depth, leg ratio and body length to give her a lovely balance. Broad thigh and correct tail. She had superb musculature and was shown in wonderful, hard condition that was evident when she moved. She powers around in profile with a tireless, rhythmic and efficient gait. So close was the decision for top honours today that I had to really come down to the finer details to decide. Ultimately, it was the top line of the Limit winner that was my decider on the day, but a thoroughly deserved RCC for her and she is totally worthy of a champion title; I loved her.
2 Burnside’s Libertia Truly Scrumptious. Almost 3yrs old and this young lady has a very apt name! She is stunning and what a delight she was to go over and to watch on the move. Shown in super coat, she is so eye catching with a beautiful balance to her. Lovely head type, strong but no mistaking she is female. Dark, almond shaped eye, obliquely set, large muzzle and good back skull, with good sized ears. Lovely neck flowing into her well laid shoulders and a super top line and tail. Good size feet of good depth. Athletic and well conditioned she really did cover the ground with plenty of reach, and great drive from those broad thighs and strong, well let down hocks. She almost won this class, it was a tough decision. It was so close between 1 & 2, but on the final move she toed in coming towards me and that made my decision. Another one that is undoubtedly worthy of a champion title, I just adored her.
3 Pullin & Mountstephens’ You Are The One Of Kiyara’s Wolk Pak (Imp Deu). A lovely 4 yr old, slower to mature, and a little lighter in frame and narrower throughout at this stage. She presents a very balanced picture with good angles front and rear, lovely short rear pasterns and good musculature. Loved her head and stop with correct eye shape and the balance of proportions was good. Strong neck, correct top line and good croup. Trailed her well set tail, which is perfectly acceptable. Really nice feet with good depth and shape. She moved with a tireless, easy action and held a firm top line all the way; nothing flashy, just very efficient. I think she needs another year or two to really come into her own but she held her own in a super class of very strong bitches; I liked her a lot.
GCB (8,0)
1 Hartley’s Ch Koromandel Firefight (A.I.) A lovely, standard size, bitch of great style and type. Pretty head of good proportions with thick ear leather. Strong neck and body with deep chest, moderately sloping shoulder and proportionate bone. Good feet. Carrying a very good coat. Stylish and balanced on the move with a lovely waving plume. Well presented and handled.
2 Anderson’s C. Midnight Wolf
3 Darlow’s I. On Point.
Sharon Loades (Snowolf)