Crufts 2008
Judge(s): Mrs J Broadberry
BEST OF BREED: Ms A DRAKE Awanuna’s Strike A Pose (Imp US)
Dog Challenge Certificate: Ms S ELLIS CH. Chayo Dom Perignon ShCM
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate: Mr & Mrs K HUNTER Tuvaurat Made In America JW ShCM
Bitch Challenge Certificate: Ms A DRAKE Awanuna’s Strike A Pose (US Imp)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mrs PA WILKINSON Gorkeane De Jungla Negra (Imp Esp)
Best Puppy In Breed: Mrs JE SMITH Snowshoes Lady Eska
Veteran Dog (Entries 6) Abs: 0
1st Mrs S J & Mr M L LOADES Shepherdsway Wovoka of Snowolf
2nd Mr & Mrs G HUTCHCROFT Shepherdsway Black Warrior at Polarrun
3rd Mr & Mrs M SMITH Arctictrek’s Lunar Rising
Res Mrs S J & Mr M L LOADES Snowolf Pakawalup
VHC Mr B MAFFEZZONI INT/FR/CH. Athabaska Johnny Walker (ATC Ita)
Special Puppy Dog (Entries 3) Abs: 0
1st MR N RIVERS & MISS S TOWERS Vvanilla Snoman Del Biagio at Wintadreama (Imp Ita)
2nd Mr & Mrs S ATHERTON Shepherdsway Black Label of Casiat
3rd Ms G PRITCHARD Shepherdsway Black Rock
Special Junior Dog (Entries 4) Abs: 2
1st Mrs J BROOK Snobruk Ice Drifter
2nd Mr & Mrs A YEO Snowstruck Winter Magic
Yearling Dog (Entries 5) Abs: 0
1st Mrs S BALFOUR-BELLAMY Dankatcha’s Presadnseva
2nd Mr & Mrs J SHEEHAN Hawkam Leading The Trail
3rd MR P CAMERON & MS G HELLEUR Sutarka Firewall
Res L BRHELOVA Legend Continues Inditarod (ATC Cze)
VHC Mr & Mrs K HARRIS Snowshoes Wolf Howl of Snowtwinkle
Post Graduate Dog (Entries 14) Abs: 0
1st Mr C LOCKHART Kegluneq X-Rated
2nd Mr & Mrs J FINAN Stormchaser Prince of Darkness Mit Marahootay (Imp Ned)
3rd Mr & Mrs T BOYD Icescape Best Kept Secret
Res Miss A BLAIR Scotiafirs Leven Lord
VHC Mr & Mrs B INNES Tuvaurat American Dream at Icycool
Limit Dog (Entries13) Abs: 1
1st Mr & Mrs K HUNTER Tuvaurat Made In America JW ShCM
2nd Miss N SINGH Mountain Home Sledog Pride (Imp US)
3rd Mrs M PARCZEWSKA Manook Matanuska (ATC Pol)
Res Mr & Mrs B ISHERWOOD Tuvaurat Akimarug Amani ShCM
VHC Mrs J SMITH Tango Del Lago Degli Orsi at Snowshoes (Imp Ita)
Open Dog (Entries 15) Abs: 4
1st Ms S ELLIS CH. Chayo Dom Perignon ShCM
2nd Miss E LANGER INT CH. Tanana Yupik Unkas (ATC Pol)
3rd Miss A DRAKE Cateras Just Showin Off (Imp US)
Res Mr CERUTTI Fr CH. Souvenir of Sitka’s Artic Lady Killer (ATC Lux)
VHC Mrs C JOHN Cristakell Jump N Jak Frost
Good Citizen Dog (Entries 5) Abs: 1
1st Mr & Mrs B ISHERWOOD Tuvaurat Akimarug Amani ShCM
2nd Mr & Mrs B INNES Tuvaurat American Dream at Icycool
3rd Mr & Mrs S MARLE Kegluneq Cassanova
Res Mrs J BROOK Myatuk Winter Bear of Snobruk ShCM
Veteran Bitch (Entries 6) Abs: 1
1st Mrs ME SHEIKH Chayo Vanilla Ice at Koldsnap
2nd Mrs E BRUNS Cinneli Dark Angel at Kirakoo
3rd Mr & Mrs G ROBINSON Arctictrek’s English Rose
Res Mrs M BUTLER Arctictrek Kyote Girl at Kaytoo ShCM
VHC Mrs C POZZI Int/It CH. Shenandoah (ATC Ita)
Special Puppy Bitch (Entries 2) Abs: 0
1st Mrs J SMITH Snowshoes Lady Eska
2nd Mr & Mrs T COLDHAM Polarpaws Cuba Blue
Special Junior Bitch (Entries 4) Abs: 1
1st Miss E NEWING Chayo Jewel of the Nile at Endor
2nd Mrs J NORMAN Myatuk Ice Moon
3rd Mrs J YORK Snowstruck Winter Legacy
Yearling Bitch (Entries 7) Abs: 0
1st Mr & Mrs I HOOD & Mrs K BETTS Am CH, Nanuke’s Patience Is A Virtue (Imp US)
2nd Miss A VASARHELYI Cearcreek Darkest Dream
3rd Mr & Mrs C CHAMBERLAIN Tuvaurat Noko’s Secret Gem at Wolfraider
Res Miss S LEADER & Mr C LUNN Tuvaurat Secret Surprise
VHC Ms J CORNAH-WADE & Mr N CORNAH Hawkam Last Chance
Post Graduate Bitch (Entries 18) Abs: 2
1st Mr & Mrs T BOYD Catch Me If U Can
2nd Mis L BULLOCK & Mr W MORT Arcticbreeze Lady Imocara
3rd Mr J DAVIES & Mr S McIVER Tuvaurat American Girl
Res Mr & Mrs I HOOD Mottomo Kirei No Yukimigata (Imp Ned)
VHC Mr & Mrs W CLARK Polarpaws Apache Princess at Shamanictrax
Limit Bitch (Entries 13) Abs: 5
1st Miss T ARCHER Hawkam’s Irresistible
2nd Mr E SAINATI Bree Saona (ATC Ita)
3rd Miss J SHORER Dankatcha’s Hot Fuss over Koromandel
Res Mr & Mrs W CLARK Polarpaws Fatal Attraction at Shamanictrax
VHC MR N RIVERS & MISS S TOWERS Polarpaws Naknek Coolit
Open Bitch (Entries 14) Abs: 0
1st Ms A DRAKE Am CH. Awanuna’s Strike A Pose (Imp US)
2nd Mrs P WILKINSON Gorkeane De Jungla Negra (Imp Esp)
3rd Mrs S ELLIS Chayo Forget Me Not
Res Mrs A ROPER Blaiddeira Born To Be Wild ShCM
VHC Mrs J YORK Chayo Sapphire Blue at Snowstruck
Good Citizen Bitch (Entries 7) Abs: 0
1st Miss J SHORER Dankatcha’s Hot Fuss over Koromandel
2nd Mr J FORSTER & Miss L BETHWAITE Hawkam Kruzin’ On By to Kachemak
3rd Mr & Mrs M WYARD Cherdene Gis A Bit for Brandelle
Res Mrs L BARTLETT Kaiyuh Dawn Star at Articrainbow
VHC Mr & Mrs M WAKER Kaiyuh Spirit Runner
Judge's Critiques
It was an honour to be invited again to judge at Crufts, this time with CCs. Nearly all the dogs were clean and only a few had been re-sculptured, I hope the exhibitors that use coat enhancements wash it off when they get home. Some of the girls were out of coat. When the judge is going over your dog, please do not put bait into their mouth just before it is having its bite checked, this is so dangerous. A lot of the handlers have the impression that you have to move very fast with the dogs, this does not help movement, just the contrary.
Vet D (6)
1 Loades’ Shepherdsway Wovoka of Snowolf. Moved well and in good condition for his age, nearly 12 years.
2 Hutchcroft’s Shepherdsway Black Warrior at Polarrun. Well muscled and in good coat.
3 Smith’s Arctictreks Lunar Rising. Less coat than 1 and 2 but still well muscled.
SpPD (3)
1 Rivers and Tower’s Vanilla Snowman Del Biagio at Wintadreama (Imp). Well balanced.
2 Atherton’s Shepherdsway Black Label of Casiat. Nice outline.
3 Pritchard’s Shepherdsway Black Rock. Brother and another with a nice outline.
SpJD (4,2)
1 Brook’s Snobruk Icedrifter. Good front and tailset.
2 Yeo’s Snowstruck Winter Magic. Correct placement of ears and eyes.
YD (5)
1 Balfour and Bellamy’s Dankatcha’s Presadnseva. Well handled which brought the best out of the dog.
2 Sheehan’s Hawkam Leading the Trail. Moved with purpose.
3 Helleur and Cameron’s Sutarka Firewall. Correct tailset and a powerful dog.
PGD (14)
1 Lockwood’s Kegluneq X-Rated. Good feet, moderate length of hock and correct tailset.
2 Finan’s Stormchaser Prince of Darkness mit Marahootay. Moved out well on the move and a pleasing head.
3 Boyd’s Icescape Best Kept Secret. Well muscled with a good deep chest.
LD (13,1)
1 Hunter’s Tuvaurat Made In America. JW Sh CM. Have seen this dog go better. Correct angulation and tailset. Res Best Dog.
2 Singh’s Mountain Home Sledog Pride (Imp). Moved with reach and drive.
3 Parczewska’s Monook Matanuska. Likeable head and outline, tailset let him down.
OD (15,4)
1 Ellis’ Ch Chayo Dom Perignon. Very well handled and well presented. Best Dog.
Good Citizen D (5,1)
1 Isherwood’s Tuvaurat Akmarug Amani. Sh CM.
2 Innes’ Tuvaurat American Dream.
3 Marle’s Kegluneq Cassanova.
Vet B(6,1)
1 Sheikh’s Chayo Vanilla Ice at Koldsnap. In good condition and coat.
2 Bruns’ Cinneli Dark Angel at Kirkoo. Movement a little robust, pleasing head and expression.
3 Robinson’s Arctictreks English Rose. Good muscle and correct tail carriage on the move.
SpPB (2)
1 Smith’s Snowshores Lady Eska. Young girl with prospects for the future. Best Puppy.
2 Coldham’s Polarpaws Cuba Blue. Very uneasy with the venue.
SpJB (4,1)
1 Newing’s Chayo Jewel of the Nile at Endor. Good tight feet and well presented.
2 Norman’s Mytauk Ice Moon. Like to see a little more length in body.
3 York’s Snowstruck Winter Legacy. Tail carriage affected her movement.
YB (7)
1 Hood and Bett’s Am Ch Nanukes Patience Is A Virtue. (Imp). Not in the best of coat, but won on movement.
2 Vasarhelyi’s Cedarcreek Deepest Dream. Striking black and white, correct tailset.
3 Chamberlain’s Tuvaurat Noko’s Secret Gem at Wolfraider. Nice outline, left her coat at home.
PGB (18,2)
1 Boyd’s Icescape Catch Me If You Can. Well framed with correct tail and earset.
2 Bullock and Mort’s Arcticbreeze Lady Imocara. Deep chest and another with a good earset.
3 Davies and McIver’s Tuvaurat American Girl. Good outline and tailset.
LB (13,5)
1 Archer’s Hawkams Irresistible. Well presented and still as good as before, when I gave her Res BOB at another show.
2 Sainati’s Bree Saona. Satisfactory outline and head.
3 Shorer’s Dankatcha’s Hot Fuss over Koromandel. Nice front and skillfully handled.
OB (14)
1 Drake’s Am Ch Awanuna’s Strike A Pose (Imp). Striking young girl on movement and conformation. Best Bitch.
2 Wilkinson’s Gorkeane De Jungla Negra (Imp). Good overall balance and neat feet. Two outstanding girls. Res Best Bitch.
3 Ellis’ Chayo Forget Me Not. Well presented.
Good Citizen B (7)
1 Shorer’s Dankatchas Hot Fuss Over Koromandel.
2 Forster and Brethwaite’s Hawkams Kruzin On By to Kachemak.
3 Wyard’s Cherdene Gis A Bit for Brandelle.