Bournemouth 2023
Judge: Mr J Smith
BEST OF BREED: Mrs Sue ELLIS-PAYNE Ch Chayo Cause Celebre
Dog CC: Mrs Sue ELLIS-PAYNE Ch Chayo Cause Celebre
Reserve Dog CC: Mrs KL JELFS Ch Lapema Malizioso
Bitch CC: Mrs Sue ELLIS-PAYNE Ch Chayo Vasilisa
Reserve Bitch CC: Mrs Nicola BROUARD Orsamals Cest Moi Fifi (Imp GKC)
Best Puppy In Breed: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Cash The Check Shamanrock at Snowshoes (Imp CZE)
Best Veteran In Breed: Mrs Corinna CLARKE Indian Dreamcatcher Illa Kuvianartok at Whiteout (Imp POL)
Minor Puppy Dog NO ENTRIES
Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Cash The Check Shamanrock at Snowshoes (Imp CZE)
2nd: Mrs SJ LOADES Snowolf Blackpowder Charge
3rd: Mrs Hayley & Mr Jason HENWORTH Snowolf Shot At The Knight to Wolfraven
Junior Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Cash The Check Shamanrock at Snowshoes (Imp CZE)
2nd: Mrs Hayley & Mr Jason HENWORTH Snowolf Shot At The Knight to Wolfraven
Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs SJ LOADES Whitewalker’s Winter Snowolf
2nd: Ms Elizabeth DZIERGAS & Ms Kirstie ASHWORTH Bond Illa Kuvianartok at Nunataq (Imp POL)
Limit Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Mrs Sandra BRANDENBERG & Miss Sue SMITH Chayo It’s Kurt for Taronakits JW
2nd: Ms Elizabeth DZIERGAS & Ms Kirstie ASHWORTH Bond Illa Kuvianartok at Nunataq (Imp POL)
3rd: Mrs Corinna CLARKE Libertia Red Rain at Whiteout (IKC)
Open Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs Sue ELLIS-PAYNE Ch Chayo Cause Celebre
2nd: Mrs KL JELFS Ch Lapema Malizioso
3rd: Mrs Nicola BROUARD Jsy Ch Orsamals Pepe Le Peew (GKC) PdH
Veteran Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 1
Special Beginners Dog/Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 1
Minor Puppy Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes Fancy Ferrari
2nd: Mrs Lina BULL Muzoku Million Dollar Baby
Puppy Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes Fancy Ferrari
Junior Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Miss Francesca ZETTIN Mazurstar Mamba Berry
Post Graduate Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs Nicola BROUARD Orsamals Cest Moi Fifi (Imp GKC)
Limit Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 1
Open Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs Sue ELLIS-PAYNE Ch Chayo Vasilisa
2nd: Mrs Nicola BROUARD Jsy Ch Sutarka Coco Chanel at Orsamals PdH
Veteran Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs Corinna CLARKE Indian Dreamcatcher Illa Kuvianartok at Whiteout
2nd: Mrs Nicola BROUARD Dreamwolves J’Adore at Orsamals PdH
Judge's Critiques
PD (3) 1 Smith & Smith, Cash The Check Shamanrock At Snowshoes. At nine months a very promising puppy, having already given him a group placing quite recently. He presents a lovely head and expression, well balanced body, sound easy mover, well handled. Best Puppy In Breed.
2 Loades, Snowolf Blackpowder Charge. Aanother of nine months, not quite as settled on the move as winner.Well proportioned head, good forehand, sound body. Excellent temperament.
JD (2) 1 Smith & Smith,Cash The Check Shamanrock At Snowshoes,
2 Henworth & Henworth,Snowolf Shot At The Knight To Wolfraven. Another of 9 months, well off for size and bone. Liked his eye and earset. Good neck and topline.
PGD (2) 1 .Loades.Whitewalker’s Winter Snowolf.quality male of 20 months.Masculine headpiece. Lovely neck and front assembly, soundly made body which gave him a balanced outline, moved well both ways, good temperament.
2 Dziergas & Ashworth,James Bond illa Kuvianartok At Nunataq.18 months and a slightly cobbier type. Pleasing head and expression. Excellent temperament, needs to tighten in front movement.
LD (5) 1 Brandenberg & Smith,Chayo It’s Kurt For Taronakits JW, at two and a half years this quality male has so much to offer. His outline is so typical of the breed. Delightful head and expression, lovely eye and earset, liked his front and rear angles, in super coat and condition,Expertly handled.
2 Dziergas & Ashworth, James Bond Illa Kuvianartok At Nunataq.
OD (3) 1 Ellis-Payne,Ch Chayo Cause Celebre. At five years this lad is at the top of his game. Everything shouts male, beautiful head being broad with a strong muzzle and slight stop. Lovely neck and front assembly. Super bone and feet.Chest deep giving plenty of heart room.Excellent coat, presented in pristine condition. It was a pleasure to see him move round the ring, delighted to award him his 41st Challenge Certificate, Best Of Breed.
2 Jelfs, Ch Lapema Malizioso.At 3 years this quality male presents a lovely outline standing. Super head and expression. Excellent temperament, lovely bone and feet.Correct topline and tailset. Handled expertly to show off his quality. Very sound on the move Res CC.
MPB (2) 1 Smith & Smith.Snowshoes Fancy Ferrari. 8 months old,liked her balanced outline. Feminine head, great temperament, enthusiastic mover. Just needs to grow a coat.
2 Bull,Muzoku Million Dollar Baby. another youngster of 8 months of very pleasing type. Balanced headpiece,good neck and front assembly. Very good bone, moved soundly.
PB (1) 1 Smith & Smith, Snowshoes Fancy Ferrari.
JB (1) 1 Zettin,Mazurstar Mamba Berry.14 months of excellent breed type.Very good head with lovely eye and expression. Scored for front and rear angulation. Soundly made body with lovely bone, moved and handled well.Super temperament.
PGB (1) 1 Brouard, Orsamals Ceat Moi Fifi.Two year old of high quality. Lovely head with such a confident expression.So well put together with lovely bone and substance yet still essentially feminine.She moved easily and was handled and presented expertly. Res CC.
OB (2) 1 Ellis-Payne, Ch Chayo Vasilisa.Top quality title holder of 4 years.In stance she has a beautiful outline and is so well balanced. Superb head and front assembly. Sturdy body and the best of legs and feet. My pleasure to watch her move round the ring. Shown in tip top condition, her presentation was first class. Delighted to award the Challenge Certificate.
2 Brouard Jsy Ch Sutarka Coco Chanel at Orsamals Pdh. Six year old of lovely breed type, balanced head with lovely eye and earset, super neck and front assembly, sturdy body and sound rear.moved well, excellent temperament.
VB (3) 1 Clarke, Indian Dreamcatcher illa Kuvianartok At Whiteout, at 11 years old this lovely girl still wants to strut her stuff, good head and expression. Soundly made with good bone and substance, excellent temperament. Best Veteran In Breed.
2 Brouard,Dreamwolves J’adore At Orsamals Pdh, 9 years and another mature malamute of quality. Lovely head with confident expression, soundly made body with lovely bone but nothing overdone.Shown in excellent coat and condition.
Joe Smith