Border Union 2022
Judge: Kerry Jelfs (Lapema)
BEST OF BREED: Mrs S ELLIS Ch Chayo Cause Celebre (WG2)
Dog CC: Mrs S ELLIS Ch Chayo Cause Celebre
Reserve Dog CC: Mrs A NEVINSON Ch Chayo Golden Touch ShCM
Bitch CC: Mrs S ELLIS Chayo Causin Chaos
Reserve Bitch CC: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Cedarcreek Frozen In Time
Best Puppy In Breed: Mrs S ELLIS Chayo Spellbinder (PG1 & RBPIS)
Best Veteran In Breed: Mrs A NEVINSON Ch Chayo Golden Touch ShCM (VG1 & RBVIS)
Puppy Dog (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S ELLIS Chayo Spellbinder
Junior Dog (Entries: 2) Abs: 0
1st: Mr J HORSMAN & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (Imp RUS)
2nd: Mrs S BRANDENBERG & Miss S SMITH Chayo Its Kurt for Taronakits
Graduate Dog (Entries: 2) Abs: 0
1st: Mr J HORSMAN & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (Imp RUS)
2nd: Miss DG GAVAN Chayo Kabe Micco
Post Graduate Dog (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mr A & Mrs D LUNN Nordicwinds Jazz Singer
Limit Dog (Entries: 2) Abs: 0
1st: Mr J HORSMAN & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Nordicwinds Grtest Showman JW
2nd: Miss A BOGLE & Mr R HORSFIELD Whitewalker Kings Landing at Valknut
Open Dog (Entries: 2) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S ELLIS Ch Chayo Cause Celebre
2nd: Mrs J BROOK Snobruk Secret Mission (ai)
Veteran Dog (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs A NEVINSON Ch Chayo Golden Touch ShCM
Puppy Bitch (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mr I PULLIN & Miss K MOUNTSTEPHENS Whitewalker Winter’s Gold
Junior Bitch (Entries: 3) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe From Russia With Love
2nd: Mrs J BROOK Snobruk The Secret Sia
Novice Bitch (Entries: 2) Abs: 0
1st: Mr J HORSMAN & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Nordicwinds Miss Marvel
2nd: Miss A BOGLE & Mr R HORSFIELD Cahppes Tailwind Takala at Valknut NAF TAF
Graduate Bitch (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe From Russia With Love
Post Graduate Bitch (Entries: 1) Abs: 1
Limit Bitch (Entries: 4) Abs: 0
1st: Miss RJ BROWN Cupuns Masterpiece
2nd: Mr I PULLIN & Miss K MOUNTSTEPHENS Whitewalker Winterfell
3rd: Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe The Good Witch
Open Bitch (Entries: 2) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S ELLIS Chayo Causin Chaos
2nd: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Cedarcreek Frozen In Time
Veteran Bitch (Entries: 4) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs D JARVIS & Mrs S TROISI Nordicwinds All Attitude
2nd: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Cedarcreek Exquisite
3rd: Mrs MR & Mr TR ANDERTON-TYERS Northspirit Born To Shine at Flintsky
Firstly, thank you the society for inviting me to judge at their fabulous show, always a favourite of mine. I’m very proud to be awarding CC’s for the second time in my breed. I was pleased to see that although my entry wasn’t strong, the quality of the dogs present was, making decisions in some classes & awarding top honours difficult. Temperaments across the board were fabulous. Bites were all good & I feel that tails have improved greatly in the past few years since I judged last. One observation I feel is important to mention is the lack of substance in some exhibits. Whilst some are of the opinion that the breed standard is open for interpretation, I’m unsure of how ‘heavily boned & powerfully built’ can be interpretated in any other way. Thank you to all exhibitors who made the journey whilst in the midst of the cost of living crisis I fully understand that many are having to pick & choose between shows this year. It was fantastic to be able to watch my BPIB & my BVIB gain Reserve Best In Show from their respective groups.
1st Ellis’ Chayo Spellbinder – 7.5 month old who stood alone today but absolutely deserved his win. Oozes type & quality, very raw but huge promise. Well off for bone & great substance overall. Tight feet, moderately angled giving good extension. Still very loose on the move but to be expected with the heavier set puppies. Makes for a very nice overall picture with his dark eye & correct ear placement, giving him a very tidy headpiece. Lovely plume. Sympathetically handled at all times. Will watch this boy mature with interest. BPIB & pleased to see him awarded WPG1 later in the day & ultimately RBPIS.
1st Horsman-Phoenix’s Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (Imp Rus) – 12 month old upstanding youngster with an inquisitive nature, sometimes to his detriment when distracted from outside of the ring but moved very well with good drive at all other times which was my expectation when looking at his correct overall angulations. Attractive head, finished with small well furred correctly placed ears & good dark eye to complete expression. Moderately arched neck giving lovely side profile on the stand. Correct coat texture. Well off for bone.
2nd Brandenberg & Smith’s Chayo Its Kurt For Taronakits – 14 month old super chilled lad so very different in type from 1. A more compact type with super bone & substance overall. Angles correct front & rear but didn’t seem to have the same drive as my winner. Masculine head but still carrying the soft expression. Ears well placed & neat. Very heavily coated at present, however, in one so young this could change. Would prefer a darker eye.
1st Horsman-Phoenix’s Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (Imp Rus)
2nd Gavan’s Chayo Kabe Micco – 18 month old who was thoroughly enjoying himself today, but I suspect his handler wasn’t having quite so much fun! Attractive head with good dark eye & well placed ears. Longer cast in body than one but still good proportionally. Coat texture good & presented well groomed. Movement was difficult to assess mostly but he appeared to need to tighten up behind, especially in hock, to improve this. I’d recommend the handler do her best to ignore his antics as each time she attempted to tell him to behave it became more of a game.
1st Horsman-Phoenix’s Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (Imp Rus)
2nd Gavan’s Chayo Kabe Micco
1st Lunn’s Jazz Singer – 18 month old substantial youngster with a nice classic head type. Expression attractive when he uses his ears correctly, which are well placed & nicely furred. Dark eye. Angles moderate. Well arched neck leading into well set shoulders. Excellent tail carriage. Super picture on the stand & moved very well.
1st Horsman-Phoenix’s Nordicwinds Grtest Showman JW – 17 month old super looking male with a lot to offer. Head very attractive, lovely kind expression, dark eye & small correctly placed ears. Moderate muzzle. Well off for bone. Tail carried well on the move which was powerful yet steady. Good drive & extension. Gave his handler a tough time on the stand but pulled it out of the bag on the move. Strong contender today for the RCC.
2nd Bogle & Horsfield’s Whitewalker Kings Landing At Valknut – 4 year old male just not quite as much substance that I would expect from a dog of this stage of maturity. Nonetheless made a good picture in side profile. Kind expression. Presented in good harsh coat texture. Great tail, carried well on the move.
1st Ellis’ Ch Chayo Cause Celebre – 4 year old strong male presented in good jacket & hard condition throughout. Impressive head, masculine yet moderate with a super expression. Small well furred ears well placed in relation to dark eye. Great substance & bone, lovely tight feet. Moderately angled displaying a very fluid, true movement. Steady gait, covered the ground with ease whilst still portraying great extension & drive. This boy sure knows his craft & shows himself off to his fullest. DCC BOB & very glad to see him take WG2 later in the day.
2nd Brook’s Snobruk Secret Mission (AI) – This boy is just short of 7, well placed ears & dark eye. Head of a stronger type than one. Nice neck arch leading into good shoulders & presenting moderate rear angles. Tail set & carriage good. Left his coat at home today & was really on his toes on the move but once settled moved with excellent drive.
1st Nevinson’s Ch Chayo Golden Touch ShCM – 7 year old classic male not showing his age. Great expression helped by super ear placement. Correctly angled throughout resulting in a lovely steady movement. This boy has a great reach & drive but done so with minimum effort. Excellent condition, shown in good coat immaculately groomed. RCC BVIB so happy to see him gain WVG1 later today & ultimately RBVIS the following day.
1st Pullin & Mountstephen’s Whitewalker Winter’s Gold – 6 month old feminine baby. Ears well furred & nicely placed. Dark eye. Angles correct throughout. Good body shape, tidy feet. Tail well set & carriage confidently on the move. Steady movement for a very new girl to the show scene.
1st Perfitt’s Samjoe From Russia With Love – 12 month old well made young lady. Attractive in head, super ear & eye placement giving good expression. Nothing not to like with her overall. Well off for bone & substance. Lovely tail carriage & moves well, however, sometimes loses her composure & throws her movement slightly. I’m sure a bright future ahead for this one.
2nd Brook’s Snobruk The Secret Sia – 12 month old immediately attracted to her lovely dark eye & super kind expression. Presented in good hard body condition just a shame she was unhappy today & I was unable to go over her properly. Moved well with correct tail carriage once she was settled in the right stride.
1st Horsman-Phoenix’s Nordicwinds Miss Marvel – 17 month old well proportioned youngster. Very attractive head, ears & eye placement correct. Nicely arched neck, well placed shoulders with good chest development. Beautiful plume. Unsettled today which affected movement slightly but she did enough to win the class with her other attribrutes on display.
2nd Bogle & Horsfield’s Cahppes Tailwind Takala At Valknut NAF TAF – 20 month old cheeky young lady, just loved her expression & had there just been more of her overall this class could have been differently placed. Well angled, overall proportions good but just needed more as a whole. Fantastic plume. Moved out ok.
1st Perfitt’s Samjoe From Russia With Love
1st Brown’s Cupan’s Masterpiece – 2 year old impressive young lady. Immediately draws the eye with her lovely outline on the stand. Expressive headpiece, uses her small neat ears to her advantage. Well developed for age but would just like more growth in her rear. I feel this would give her a stronger rear drive to produce a more powerful action to match her front. However, moved well with good steady movement. Presented in excellent condition with super plume. Would be interesting to see this girl again once developed fully throughout.
2nd Pullin & Mountstephen’s Whitewalker Winterfell – 4 year old female far slighter overall than 1. Bone matching substance showing well proportionally. Eyes of good colour & placement but would prefer smaller ear. Very good extension on the move which was flashy & impressive to watch but the overall picture just wasn’t right for me today in this class.
1st Ellis’ Chayo Causin Chaos – 3 year old strong female. Well developed head with good eye to ear proportions. Overall moderately angled which resulted in a very powerful movement with an impressive extension. Shown in good condition & coat. Excellent bone with tight feet. Very good tail carriage. Initially, I thought her head was too masculine for me but overall I couldn’t deny her the class & ultimately the BCC which I’m told was her crowning one. She absolutely stole the bitch top honours on movement.
2nd Page’s Cedarcreek Frozen In Time – 7 year old lady shown in excellent hard condition. Dark eye, good placement with set on of small well furred ears. Good bone & well proportioned throughout. Held topline well with lovely plume carried correctly. Showed herself well on the stand & moved out steadily but just seemed to lack enthusiasm on the move in the class but I’m pleased to see that on calling her back in to challenge for the RCC she had perked up & moved with great drive & extended well seeing her being awarded RCC.
1st Jarvis & Troisi’s Noricwinds All Attitude – 8 year super fit female. Well proportioned & in great condition, showed herself off to her full advantage. Well set ears in relation to eye giving great expression. Very well off for bone & substance. Fantastic coat groomed well. Angles throughout correct. Great topline leading to correct tail carriage. Moved out well. Seriously considered this girl for top honours. So great to see the veterans being contenders against the youngsters.
2nd – Page’s Cedarcreek Exquisite – 11 years old & still able to show the youngsters a thing or two! Nice head with a good expression. Fantastic condition, still carrying a cracking topline both on the stand & the move. Extended well with a true gait. An absolute credit to the breed & her owner.
Kerry Jelfs (Lapema)