Blackpool 2019
Judge(s) Mrs Z Thorn-Andrews
BEST OF BREED: Miss S WOLFE CH Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp CZE)
Dog Challenge Certificate: Miss S WOLFE CH Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp CZE)
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate: Miss T, Mrs R & Mr A ROBB CH Int/Bel/Lux/Ger/Nl CH Under Icewolf’s Star Inditarod JW ShCM EJW10
Bitch Challenge Certificate: Miss T, Mrs R & Mr A ROBB Icewolf It’s Only Witchcraft (ai) JCh LUX
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes The White Witch
Best Puppy In Breed: Ms S ELLIS Chayo Vasilisa (PG1)
Best Junior In Breed: Mr J HORSMAN & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Snow Legend Be My Lucky Nordicwinds (Imp RUS)
Minor Puppy Dog (Entries 3) Abs: 1
1st Mrs T, Mr A & Miss L DOLAN Siskara Bohemian Rhapsody
2nd Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes Noble One
Puppy Dog (Entries 3) Abs: 0
1st Mrs T, Mr A & Miss L DOLAN Siskara Bohemian Rhapsody
2nd Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp RUS)
3rd Mr I PULLIN & Miss K MOUNTSTEPHENS Whitewalker Del Lago Degli Orsi (Imp ITA)
Junior Dog (Entries 2) Abs: 0
1st Miss A BOGLE & Mr R HORSFIELD Whitewalker Kings Landing at Valknut
2nd Mr I PULLIN & Miss K MOUNTSTEPHENS Whitewalker Del Lago Deli Orsi (Imp ITA)
Post Graduate Dog (Entries 1) Abs: 0
1st Mrs A WILSON Amelhuk Empire Of New Era at Arctictundra (Imp RUS)
Limit Dog (Entries 4) Abs: 1
1st Miss CC JOHN Nyrakym’s All That Remains Samaljankan to Cristakell (Imp USA) JW
2nd Ms G CAMERON Sutarka Fire Storm
3rd Mrs ME WILKINSON Jaydonspire Thunder Road for Koldsnap
Open Dog (Entries 8) Abs: 2
1st Ms G CAMERON Icewolf I’ll Be Back
2nd Mrs CM JOHN Cristakell April Solstice
3rd Ms S ELLIS Chayo Cause Celebre
Res Mr J HORSMAN & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Nordicwinds American Idol JW ShCM
VHC Mr M & Mrs A BLACKBURN GerVDH/Nl/ Int CH Cristakell April Shadows JW ShCM BWBE18
Veteran Dog (Entries 6) Abs: 2
1st Miss S WOLFE CH Hawkeye Polarni Usvit (Imp CZE)
2nd Miss T, Mrs R & Mr A ROBB CH Int/Bel/Lux/Ger/Nl CH Under Icewolf’s Star Inditarod JW ShCM EJW10
3rd Mrs M BUTLER Kytoo Antarctic Kuma
Res Miss DA KAY Kaytoo Antarctic Riki
Minor Puppy Bitch (Entries 4) Abs: 0
1st Ms S ELLIS Chayo Vasilisa
2nd Mrs J WARWICK First Lady with Tolketna (Imp KG)
3rd Mrs T, Mr A & Miss L DOLAN Siskara Sweet Child Of Mine
Res Mrs M BUTLER Paha Sapa Mals Blahnik via Kaytoo (Imp ITA)
Puppy Bitch (Entries 9) Abs: 4
1st Mr J HORSMAN & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Snow Legend Be My Lucky Nordicwinds (Imp RUS)
2nd Mrs T, Mr A & Miss L DOLAN Siskara Sweet Child Of Mine
3rd Miss T, Mrs R & Mr A ROBB Icewolf Jupiter Rising
Res Mr AL & Mrs S MOGG Skidooshooz Time To Shine (ai)
VHC Mrs M BUTLER Paha Sapa Mals Blahnik via Kaytoo (Imp ITA)
Junior Bitch (Entries 10) Abs: 6
1st Mr J HORSMAN & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Snow Legend Be My Lucky Nordicwinds (Imp RUS)
2nd Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes Silver Lining
3rd Miss T, Mrs R & Mr A ROBB Icewolf Jupiter Rising
Res Mr I PULLIN & Miss K MOUNTSTEPHENS Whitewalker Winterfell
Post Graduate Bitch (Entries 3) Abs: 1
1st Mrs A WILSON Arctictundra Taiya
2nd Miss DOBSON & WOLFE Sutarka La Dolle Vita
Limit Bitch (Entries 5) Abs: 0
1st Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Snowshoes The White Witch
2nd Miss CC JOHN Cristakell April Showers at Chardicea
3rd Miss S WOLFE Dreamwolves C’est La Vie
Res Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe The Dream Lives On (ai)
VHC Miss RJ BROWN Skidooshooz Bohemian Soul of Cupun (ai)
Open Bitch (Entries 5) Abs: 1
1st Miss T, Mrs R & Mr A ROBB Icewolf It’s Only Witchcraft (ai) JCh LUX
2nd Ms S ELLIS CH Chayo Blue Diamond (ai)
3rd Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Cedarcreek Frozen In Time
Res Mrs D JARVIS & Mrs S TROISI Nordicwinds All Attitude
Veteran Bitch (Entries 2) Abs: 0
1st Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Cedarcreek Exquisite
2nd Mrs M BUTLER Kaytoo Antarctic Anko
Judge's Critiques
Whilst of course I do not judge solely on tail carriage, I was pleased to find enough dogs to fill the high places with correct tails. Just because the majority of handlers in the breed hold the tail over the back in an incorrect position, & have dogs with tails so high set I believe they could never protect their nose in bad weather when asleep, it does not make them right. The few dogs with proper waving plumes or carrying the tail lower moving (although in the minority) were super to see, I would not penalize out of coat Malamutes at this time of year as long as the guard hairs were evident. Undercoat will arrive soon enough in our country! Glad to hear it was a 14th CC for my best of breed of which 9 CCs have been awarded in the veteran class, his handler told me. He is superb for 9 years old. Runner up male was also from veteran, and equally as good to go over. Bitch CC a first for the open winner, feminine and sound and lovely proportions, but the strength of the male carried the day. Res B CC close up for quality Nice to see that the best puppy, a charming bitch I really admired won the Working Puppy group
MPD (3)
1ST SISKARA BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY ( DOLAN) Strong and typy, has the correct width and strength of head for a pup, as heads do develop further with age Neat ears not too large, good front and rear angulation. Solid body for age and a well set tail. A little too much arch in his topline at present, but hope that will settle.
2ND SNOWSHOES NOBLE ONE ( SMITH) Stands and shows well. At the moment looks very raw, rather narrow in skull and over large ears. Super front & bone, and tidy big feet. Excellent topline and quarters. In good coat too. Moved well.
PD (3)
2ND SNOW LEGEND BELIEVE IN YOU CEDARCREEK (PAGE) Promising head, good neck and shoulder. Angles seem fine but he is very narrow across the chest and needs more width. Topline steady and level, OK behind. Coat of good texture. He does keep his topline moving but it should slope down from withers to croup and not be dead flat.
JD (2)
1ST WHITEWALKER KINGS LANDING AT VALKNUT (BOGLE & HORSFIELD) Very promising I thought he could have more width across the chest for a hauling breed even though still a youngster. At 12 mths I guess he has time to develop further in chest. Liked his head and muzzle, correct amount of angulation in front but perhaps too much in rear, so not quite balanced. Good topline, gaily waving tail, strong looking profile movement.
2ND WHITEWALKER DEL LAGO DEGLI ORSI (PULLIN & MOUNTSTEPHENS) Tall and unfinished throughout. Needs to grow into those big ears, and widen in skull. His rear movement is perfect, tracking his front legs, enough body for age, grand bone and feet.
PGD (1)
1ST AMELHUK EMPIRE OF NEW ERA AT ARCTICTUNDRA (WILSON) A very good typical sled dog, he has power and strength, a good slightly sloping topline, sound front and rear. Deep enough and a pretty good head with eyes obliquely set. Maybe ears set a bit too wide apart. Good pigment, excellent coat and condition.
LD (4)
1ST NYRAKYM’S ALL THAT REMAINS SAMALJANKAN TO CRISTAKELL JW (JOHN) Three very pleasing dogs. Winner good to go over, correct head and neat ears not too large. Excellent front and slight slope down to croup. In good coat for June. Moved well all round and is a powerful boy.
2ND SUTARKA FIRE STORM ( CAMERON) Just a little too compact for this breed, and needs a little more rear angulation, but I reckoned better straighter than over angulated and subsequently lacking the powerful push from quarters needed. Good depth of brisket. Strong neck Pleasing head. Needs more muscle and his condition is soft.
OD (8)
1ST ICEWOLF I’LL BE BACK ( CAMERON) A nicely filled class but most had tightly curled high set tails. The standard is very explicit on tail set “Moderately high set, curving gently upwards …Giving the appearance of a waving plume” Winner good for proportions of height to slightly longer length. Solid, and well muscled. He has width across the chest and in rear, & is a true moving Malamute with a fair tail. Good in head and eyes set nicely too.
2ND CRISTAKELL APRIL SOLSTICE ( JOHN) A little over heavy in muzzle and ears set a wee bit too far apart. OK in front, pasterns could be more upright. Pleasing rear. Also an excellent strong and precise mover.
VD (6)
1ST CH HAWKEYE POLARNI USVIT ( WOLFE) CC BOB Two crackers 1 & 2. Winner I loved for his super head, forward pointing ears, correct slight stop, deep muzzle but not overhanging flews. Excellent front & forechest, and moderate shoulder angles. Slight slope from withers to gentle sloped croup and correct set on of tail, which was carried as a nicely waving plume. His movement was true, easy and tireless, with back legs tracking the front perfectly. An amazing dog for 9 years old.
2ND CH/INT/ CH UNDER ICEWOLF’S STAR INDITAROD JW SHCM (ROBB) RES CC Also 9 and he too was in wonderful condition. Super head, Not quite the width across chest as winner. Very good hindquarters, His handler had to be told not to hold up his tail in an unnatural position a few times, as handlers have all seemed to have gotten into the bad habit of disguising poor tail carriage, even when their tails are good!. This is a super dog in immaculate muscle tone and a real credit to his owner as were all the rest in the class.
MPB (4)
1ST CHAYO VASILISA ( ELLIS) B PUPPY + Puppy Group 1 Super quality puppy, I liked her build and movement, which for such a baby puppy was really promising. I can’t see this one going “off” in future, and certainly one to watch. She has the width and strength in build that can only go on to improve. She just needs to grow into her ears, but of course they do tend to look overly large in summer coat. A treasure!
2ND FIRST LADY WITH TOLKETNA (WARWICK) Looker younger and needs more time. Also appealed for front and rear moderate angles. Slightly sloping topline, well up on her feet, and moving truly. Very promising also.
PB (9)
1ST SNOW LEGEND BE MY LUCKY NORDICWINDS ( HORSMAN & HORSMAN-PHOENIX) Excellent youngster, good to go over & well reared and conditioned. Pleasing head, except for her ears which are big and set too far apart. Good construction right through and especially good mover all ways. Holding a super topline and nicely waving tail.
2ND SISKARA SWEET CHILD OF MINE ( DOLAN) Growing up at the rear at the moment which is what all large breeds do as they develop, & her topline needs to reverse the way it slopes. Nothing out of the ordinary for age, and I hope it will all settle in a few more months. She has the width and ribbing that the good moving third placed bitch lacked.
JB (10)
2ND SNOWSHOES SILVER LINING (SMITH Narrow skull and foreface, ears set too close together and she can still widen between the elbows. Good outline standing. Tail set too high and curling well over her back. Super quarters, and great thrust form rear on the go.
PGB (3)
1ST ARCTICTUNDRA TAIYA (WILSON) A strong bitch that looks capable of work. Good head, ears set a touch low on side of skull. Powerful neck, firm front, well ribbed back and strong decent quarters. Fair tail. In good coat for June.
2ND SUTARKA LA DOLLE VITA (DOBSON & WOLFE) Very square in outline and she stays that way moving. Great bone, well ribbed and she was showing herself off nicely.
LB (5)
1ST SNOWSHOES THE WHITE WITCH ( SMITH) RES CC Extremely nice quality bitch who scored on side gait, holding a perfect topline, and looking easy and active moving. Good moderate angulation correct body too, Just a mite close coming towards perhaps. Great head and she is a perfect show off!
2ND CRISTAKELL APRIL SHOWERS AT CHARDICEA (JOHN) Heavy in body and could do with an inch more length of leg to balance her body. The breed needs to be well covered to cope with cold weather, but not to carry any excess weight. Pleasing head and neck, super sound moving, excellent tail and hindquarters.
OB (5)
1ST ICEWOLF IT’S ONLY WITCHCRAFT ( ROBB) CC Good size and feminine too. Lovely head and expression, Ears well set and carried. Good front and fill in of chest both from front and side view. Ribbing carried well back and not over long in loin. the length of back should always come from a long ribcage and short loin. Moved really powerfully with good width and a perfect tail carriage.
2ND CH CHAYO BLUE DIAMOND ( ELLIS) Rather a long bitch, not the front or shoulder lay of winner. And tail far too high set. She moves well and has correct width in rear, good bone and in lovely body.
VB (2)
1ST CEDARCREEK EXQUISITE (PAGE) Eyes very light, but her head is a good shape, maybe ears set a little too wide apart. OK in front and body, A little more bone for her size would improve. Looked good on the move.
2ND KAYTOO ANTARCTIC ANKO (BUTLER) Very out of coat which is acceptable for this time of year. Good height to length proportions. Also a little too light in bone, but still has lovely tight big feet. Both girls a credit to their owners.
Judge: Zena Thorn Andrews