Birmingham National 2024

Judge: Miss Alanna J Blaney

BEST OF BREED: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE Ch Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp Rus)
Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE Ch Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp Rus)
Reserve Dog Challege Certificate: Mrs SJ LOADES Ch Snowolf Black Ice Buddy
Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mr Edward & Mrs Tate FORSEY Ch Muzoku You’re My Obsession
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mrs Sue ELLIS – PAYNE Ch Chayo Vasilisa
Best Puppy In Breed: Mrs & Mr ANDERTON-TYERS Katabatics Hardcore Hevy at Flintsky
Best Veteran In Breed: Mrs SJ LOADES Ch Snowolf Black Ice Buddy
Best Special Beginner: Mrs S HOOLEY Bartkennels Ljosalfar

Special Beginners Dog. 3 Entries (Abs: 0)
1st: Ms Elizabeth DZIERGAS, & Ms Kirstie ASHWORTH James Bond Illa Kuvianartok At Nunataq (imp Pol)
2nd: Ms Sarah GIBSON Boreal Routes Conundrum for Ahtohallan (imp Swe)
3rd: Mrs S HOOLEY Black Stripe at Dokkalfar

Minor Puppy Dog. (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Miss Freya MORRIS Chayo Top Gun
2nd: Mrs Michelle & Mr Neil FACER Chayo Unlock The Power

Puppy Dog. (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs M & Mr ANDERTON-TYERS Katabatics Hardcore Hevy at Flintsky
2nd: Ms Sarah GIBSON Boreal Routes Conundrum for Ahtohallan (imp Swe)

Junior Dog. (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S HOOLEY Black Stripe at Dokkalfar

Post Graduate Dog. (5 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: Mrs SJ LOADES Snowolf Blackpowder Charge

Limit Dog. (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Ms J PHOENIX Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (imp Rus) JW
2nd: Miss Anna DARLOW Iceclimb Ascent
3rd: Mrs SJ LOADES Whitewalker’s Winter Snowolf
Res: Miss Jayne CROFT Dreamwolves Oh My Oh My

Open Dog. (10 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE Ch Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp Rus)
2nd: Mr Alan & Mrs Debbie LUNN Ch Nordicwinds Jazz Singer
3rd: Mrs Sue ELLIS – PAYNE Chayo Trust The Magic
Res: Ms J PHOENIX Nordicwinds Grtest Showman JW
VHC: Mr Didier FAIVRE Nnnnnnd Touchdown De Laouen Ki

Veteran Dog. (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs SJ LOADES Ch Snowolf Black Ice Buddy
2nd: Mrs Anne NEVINSON Ch Chayo Golden Touch
3rd: Mrs Grace Lesley & Miss Rebecca WOODHEAD Noraisy Take My Breath Away (JW)

Special Beginners Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Mrs S HOOLEY Bartkennels Ljosalfar

Minor Puppy Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Mrs S HOOLEY Bartkennels Ljosalfar

Puppy Bitch. (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs Joan & Mr Jeffrey SHEEHAN Powderhound’s Sparks Will Fly at Amaqqut (imp USA)

Junior Bitch. (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Miss Rebecca BROWN Rumba Vasilyev Ostrov for Cupun (imp UKR)
2nd: 1981 COPLEY-HOLLAND, Mrs K E Katabatics Troubleshooter
3rd: 1984 DARLOW, Miss Anna Juneau’s Bright Future For Iceclimb (imp Dnk)

Post Graduate Bitch. (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs Louise A & Mr Alan BURGESS Tolketna Top Of The World to Mountainglen
2nd: Mrs SJ LOADES Snowolf Blackpowder Sizzle
3rd: Miss Jordan MARSHALL Pameiyut J’aime La Vie (imp NLD)
Res: Mrs Julie & Miss Amy WHYMAN Tailfly Bloodline

Limit Bitch. (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE Snow Legend Zest For Life Cedarcreek (Imp RUS)
2nd: Miss Laura AITCHISON & Mr Steven HURST Kaskae’s Fire Opal (a.i)
3rd: Mrs KE COPLEY-HOLLAND Katabatic Adair’n’hug It’s Me You’re Looking For 
Res: Miss Ailsa BOGLE & Mr Richard HORSFIELD Cahppes Tailwind Takala at Valknut (imp SWE)

Open Bitch. (10 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: Mr Edward & Mrs Tate FORSEY Ch Muzoku You’re My Obsession
2nd: Mrs Sue ELLIS – PAYNE Ch Chayo Vasilisa
3rd: Miss Rebecca BROWN Cupun’s Masterpiece
Res: Mrs Marina & Mr Patrick PAGE Cedarcreek Frozen In Time
VHC: Ms J PHOENIX Snow Legend Be My Lucky Nordicwinds (imp RUS) JW

Veteran Bitch. (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Mrs Louise A & Mr Alan BURGESS Cedarcreek Forever Young at Mountainglen
2nd: Miss Rebecca BROWN Ch Skidooshooz Bohemian Soul of Cupun (ai)
3rd: Mr G ROACH & Ms P PYPER Celticice Selma Saorla
Res: Mrs KE COPLEY-HOLLAND Ch Am/HR Ch Katabatics Hollaback Girl

Judge's Critiques

Before I get into my critiques, I must give my most sincere thanks to the National Dog Show committee for inviting me to award my first set of CCs at their show – always a calendar favourite as an exhibitor and it certainly doesn’t disappoint from the other side of the table! Equally, my gratitude to each and every exhibitor who gave me a wonderful entry on paper and a delightful one to judge on the day, even with some absentees. The warm weather made it a very pleasant day after what has felt like months of rain here in the UK, although did mean making the call to move exhibits that little bit less than I would have liked and I suspect as the day went on may have affected performances in some of the classes. Open & Veteran classes were to my mind the highest in quality and made for some of the more challenging decisions, although that is not to say there is not a lot of promise in those younger exhibits who have plenty of time on their side. I felt there was a mix of type across the board, however no exhibits that deviated from the standard in such a way that this variance necessarily affected placings, but this did nonetheless make for some challenging decisions when weighing individual merits against one another. The standard in presentation was high although some exhibits were sporting less coat than others, as is to be expected in a double coated breed, but texture was my priority over volume here. I was pleased to find no exhibit significantly lacking in muscle although there were a few carrying more weight than my preference which did affect movement – toplines in particular – seeing some dogs I liked on the stand further down the line in final decisions resultantly. I would also call out pasterns as a watch out and an area that did affect placings of some dogs who otherwise had some lovely breed qualities. Our standard calls for “short, strong and almost vertical viewed from side” and while deviation from this can be forgiven in younger dogs or those in double figures, there were more than a couple outside these age groups who did not have the strength in this area I would have liked given this is the suspension of the dog and so critical in the longevity of a breed designed for endurance and hard work in tough conditions.

SBD (3, 0).
1. Dziergas & Ashworth’s James Bond Illa Kuvianartok At Nunataq (Imp POL).
2 year, seal & white who was determined to give his handler a hard time today – which perhaps makes him all the more typically Malamute! – however still cooperated just enough to top this class, scoring well for overall balance and having the edge on his classmates in maturity. A handsome head, with a nice dark eye for his colouring, pleasing breadth of skull and neat small ears. Strong neck leading into a well-developed chest, with moderate but balanced angulation front & rear. Good coat texture and plenty of bone, although carrying a touch more weight than my preference, but still held his topline on the go round. While distracted on the move, he did give me enough moments of focus to show clean footfall on the out and back, sealing his class win.
2. Gibson’s Boreal Routes Conundrum For Ahtohallan (Imp SWE)
9 month, grey & white, who although still very much a raw baby and in his summer attire I still found very pleasing for his workmanlike profile and type. Skull still developing but already showing good strength to muzzle and an appealing dark, almond eye. Good length of neck leading into a strong, slightly sloping topline. Still narrow through at this stage – plenty of time for that to come – but good bone and stood on strong pasterns with nice tight feet at all four corners. While showing his age a little on the out and back I found his profile movement really pleasing even with some puppy bounce along the way, with plenty of forward extension and drive from the rear when settled. Will be interested to see how he matures.

MPD (2, 0).
1. Morris’s Chayo Top Gun
7 month grey & white and an absolutely delightful baby already with plenty of bone and a nicely textured adult coat coming through. His skull is still developing but showing good muzzle proportions, possessing a lovely dark, almond eye with well used ears, resulting in a sweet, appealing expression. Strong neck and chest coming on well for his age, with a slight slope to his topline. Well-proportioned with a particularly strong front and nice length of upper arm, balanced equally by strong, compact hocks. Good tight feet and a lovely plume tail, he still has a bit of puppy roll on the move and a tendency to pace, which cost him in the BPD against more mature competition, but when settled into a gait his out and back was sound and shows plenty of promise for the future.
2. Facer & Facer’s Chayo Unlock The Power
Another 7 month grey & white, littermate to 1st and while unsurprisingly sharing qualities with one another both at different stages in development. Slightly more developed in skull but maybe a touch larger in ear than 1st, he also has the same lovely dark eye and soft expression. Enough length of neck and a well proportioned body giving a balanced outline on the stand. Plenty of bone and good snowshoe feet. Still to widen in front and firm up on pasterns, although certainly nothing that would concern me at this age. Nice texture of coat and good breadth of thigh, and also finishing the picture with a typical waving plume. He too also has a bit of puppy roll in side profile movement however was edged on front action by 1st on this occasion.

PD (2, 0).
1.BPD & BP. Anderton-Tyers & Anderton-Tyers’ Katabatics Hardcore Hevy At Flintsky
Squeezing into his last puppy class at 12 months on the 1st day of the show, this agouti youngster immediately caught my eye for his shapely outline and overall balance. Strong, well developed skull for his age with good head proportions, strong muzzle and a lovely dark eye, topped with well placed and sized ears. Lovely arch of neck leading into a firm, slightly sloping topline and a well set tail. Well angulated front and rear, showing good forechest and a nicely laid back shoulder with strong, short rear pasterns. Well textured coat and in pleasing body condition. In motion, once settled, he reflected the balance he did on the stand, with plenty of drive from the rear, ultimately earning him Best Puppy Dog & Best Puppy in Breed over his competition.
2. Gibson’s Boreal Routes Conundrum For Ahtohallan (Imp SWE).
Comments as per 2nd in SBD, although I would add he had settled even more into his stride in this class and even with some more giddy moments certainly gave 1st place a run for his money in side profile movement, conceding on other areas of development.

JD (4, 0)
1. Hooley’s Black Stripe at Dokkalfar
16 month, grey & white, more compact in frame than his other male competitors but still with sufficient substance for his size and by no means lacking in breed type. Nice headpiece, with good breadth to skull for age, pleasing depth of muzzle and fantastic thick ears & dark eye, giving him an endearing expression. Moderate in angulation but balanced, his profuse coat makes him look a touch shorter in neck than he is upon hands on inspection. Topline slightly sloping, with good strength to loin and a lovely waving plume tail. His chest is still a touch narrow at this stage, which did show in front action on the out and back, however demonstrated a fluid, balanced sidegait on his go round. Would just prefer a slightly harsher coat texture.

PGD (5, 4)
1. Loades’ Snowolf Blackpowder Charge
This 18 month seal & white boy gives such a pleasing outline in side profile. Another with a super dark eye, nice small ears and good muzzle to skull proportions with a kind expression. Good arch of neck leading to just enough slope of topline and well set tail. Fabulous harsh coat and strong bone. Good length of leg and stood on firm, compact pasterns, he has a pleasing width to his chest given his age and is in lovely, well muscled condition all through, showing balance in front and rear angles with a nicely laid back shoulder and compact rear pasterns to compliment. This balance shone through on the move, where he showed an effortless, economic sidegait and a clean out and back.

LD. (6, 1).
1. Phoenix’s Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (Imp RUS).
Just shy of 3 years, this sable male had me smiling throughout his assessment with his very evident naughty streak and cheeky expression. Super dark eye with a lovely shape and set, enough strength to muzzle for his skull and not too much stop. Well used ears, leading into a fabulous arch of neck and sloping topline. Proportionate bone and sporting a larger coat than some exhibits, but still of good texture and with a well-used, waving plume tail. Nice length of leg and another who appeared balanced in outline with good width & depth to his chest. A particularly strong rear with a broad thigh and well let down hocks which he used to good effect in motion, demonstrating a strong, driving rear action and plenty of enthusiasm, covering the ground with ease and pushing him into 1st place.
2. Darlow’s Iceclimb Ascent
6 year, seal & white who is all male in outline, giving an impression of strength and was in the most fantastic hard condition. Very strong headpiece, without becoming coarse, with a pleasing dark eye, well set ears (when he chose to use them) and a happy expression. Not as much coat as 1st but still of good texture and good, solid bone throughout. Strong neck with that slight arch leading to a firm topline and well set tail. Nice front construction with good layback of shoulder and a balanced turn of stifle in rear. Plenty of heartroom with a well developed chest and stood on nice tight feet. Good length of leg, although a touch longer in body than 1st when nitpicking on placings however this didn’t detract from his movement where he held his topline well and showed a ground covering but economic sidegait alongside a clean out and back.

OD (10, 2)
1. DCC & BOB. Page & Page’s Ch Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek (Imp RUS).
My opening notes on this 5 year old grey & white read “hard to fault” and I stand by this as a fairly apt summary. Masculine headpiece without being in anyway overdone, lovely dark almond eye, strong muzzle and thick, well placed ears of good size. Has that breed typical arch of neck leading into a firm, slightly sloping topline and a fabulous waving plume. Plenty of bone and in good coat with a lovely harsh texture. Broad chest, and good overall proportions, pleasing front construction with lovely shoulder placement and a well muscled rear, emphasised by short, compact hocks. It was on the move he really shone, however, tidy from all angles and showing plenty of reach and drive with that “I could go all day” fluidity that is so important in a freighting sled dog. I really couldn’t deny him the class win and he continued to shine from challenge to challenge, earning him the DCC & ultimately Best of Breed.
2. Lunn & Lunn’s Ch Nordicwinds Jazz Singer
Son of the class winner, and certainly sharing some his father’s qualities, this 3 year grey & white gives a masculine outline in side profile and didn’t disappoint hands on. Slightly stronger in stop than 1st but without detracting from his overall expression, with a lovely dark almond eye and well placed ears. Good length of neck once you get through his coat and slightly sloping topline leading into a well carried tail. In good coat condition and with good bone for his frame and nice length of leg. Lovely tight snowshoe feet and a strong chest, moderately angulated but entirely balanced throughout. He was clean on the out and back and showed that same balance in sidegait as he did on the stack, just not quite the drive of 1st in the final run round.

VD (3, 0)
1. RCC, BVD & BV. Loades’ Ch Snowolf Black Ice Buddy
I have judged this 9 year, seal & white male in different stages of maturity over the years and it is a pleasure to see the veteran he has become. Moderate in every way the standard asks for but without lacking the requisite strength, he is now in full bloom. Such an appealing expression with a strong muzzle, lovely dark almond eye and well sized ears. Super arch of neck leading into a firm topline and good tail set. Plenty of heart room and substance throughout, with a lovely, well laid shoulder and good upper arm, matching his rear angles and with enough length of leg to give a balanced profile. Super harsh coat and nice tight feet. It was his movement where he excelled, in no way indicating his years with a pleasing fluidity and ease of motion, holding his shape well. I simply couldn’t deny him the top spot in this lovely class nor the RCC in the challenge.
2. Nevinson’s Ch Chayo Golden Touch
Of different type to 1st, this 9 year grey & white certainly gave my class winner a run for his money. Larger in frame and with fabulous bone throughout, he has a strong headpiece with good proportions, the most lovely thick, small ears and a nice shape eye although I would prefer a touch darker. Well muscled neck of sufficient length leading into an equally strong topline and a well set tail. Pleasing length of leg with big snowshoe feet. Slightly more moderate in angulation than 1st but perfectly balanced front and rear with no weakness in pastern and another with the depth & width of chest required in an endurance breed. Very clean on his out and back and showing such balanced footfall in side profile, I just felt 1st edged him in rear drive today so conceded to 2nd.

SBB (3, 2)
1. BSB. Hooley’s Bartkennels Ljosalfar
8 month grey & white, very much a baby who was a little overawed by her day and was of the opinion she would rather have a tummy rub than a hands on assessment but we got there in the end. Feminine expression, still developing in muzzle and skull and thus needing to grow into her ears but with a nice dark almond eye and time on her side. Enough bone for her size and sufficient length of neck leading into a firm topline and well carried tail. Still bodying up, as you would expect, being a little narrow through at present and a touch more upright in front than my preference but nicely angulated in rear with good strong hocks which, when settled, she used to good effect with an easy, light footed, sidegait, holding herself well.

MPB (3, 2)
1. Hooley’s Bartkennels Ljosalfar
Comments as per 1st in SBB, although more settled this time and better showing her qualities.

PB (2, 1)
1. BPB. Sheehan & Sheehan’s Powderhound’s Sparks Will Fly At Amaqqut (Imp USA)
11 month grey & white who was certainly hiding nothing today in her metaphorical bikini. A pretty, feminine expression, with super dark eye and skull developing nicely, still growing into her ears which were thick and well furred. Good length of neck leading into a firm topline and a well plumed tail. Nice substance all through, with good snowshoe feet, her chest is developing as it should, giving decent width to her front and accentuating her proportions in side profile. Well positioned shoulder and balanced in rear angles, this carried through to her movement which – once focused on the job at hand – was clean out and back and, exhibiting a pleasing and efficient side gait, earning her Best Puppy Bitch but just not quite the finish at this stage of the male in the Best Puppy challenge.

JB (5, 2)
1. Brown’s Rumba Vasilyev Ostrov For Cupun (Imp UKR)
Another rather naked, grey & white of 17 months who had such a happy outlook on proceedings. I wouldn’t want her stop any heavier however skull proportions still pleasing and with a lovely dark eye and well placed ears. Smaller in frame than some but with enough bone for her size, displaying a shapely outline in side profile with a nice arch of neck leading to a slightly sloping topline and fabulous waving plume. Good width and depth of chest and showing moderate but balanced angles with strong pasterns on all four corners. It was on the move she pushed herself to the top spot, true in footfall on her out and back, and holding her shape well from all angles.
2. Copley-Holland’s Katabatics Troubleshooter
12 month agouti who impressed for substance and strength without losing femininity. More mature in headpiece than her classmates with nice deep muzzle, wonderfully dark eye and well used ears. Good neck leading into a very pleasing front, already showing good development in forechest complimented by a well laid back shoulder. In side profile well proportioned, with good length of leg and her front balanced in the rear by a nice broad thigh and short, strong hocks. Carrying a touch more weight than my preference, however still scores points for nice tight feet, good texture of coat and another with a waving plume to finish the picture. While she showed clean, steady footfall I felt she wasn’t holding her topline quite as well on the move as 1st and so had to settle for 2nd place today.

PGB (5, 1)
1. Burgess & Burgess’s Tolketna Top Of The World To Mountainglen
2.5 year, grey & white bitch of a larger frame but scoring well on overall outline. Ears a touch larger than my preference but with enough strength to skull & muzzle to balance, further complimented by the most lovely almond, obliquely set eye. Good length of neck leading into a strong, slightly sloping topline and a well set tail. Nice strong bone and deep, snowshoe feet with a fantastic harsh coat. Really liked her length of leg and overall proportions which gave her a balanced profile, seeing moderate angulation front and rear and good muscle covering throughout. Still a touch narrow viewed front on however this didn’t prevent her from moving cleanly out and back and with a lovely, workmanlike, smooth sidegait that gave her 1st place.
2. Loades’ Snowolf Blackpowder Sizzle
18 month, seal and white bitch, a little finer in frame but still with sufficient strength to bone and body and another who appealed for her athletic outline. Still developing in skull, and growing into her ears, but with good overall proportions and another super dark eye. Good length of neck leading into a firm, well held topline and a well set tail. Slightly more angulated than 1st and with good width to her chest, although still developing viewed from the side. Correct texture of coat and nice tight feet. On the move she was fluid and efficient, pushing all the way but conceding to the more mature outline of 1st today.

LB (5, 1).
1. Page & Page’s Snow Legend Zest For Life Cedarcreek (Imp RUS)
At almost 3 years old, this sable and white girl was super feminine with a lovely, dark almond eye, and good head proportions with well set ears. Strong neck, leading into a firm, slightly sloping topline and a beautiful waving plume tail. Strong bone, in proportion to her size, with a well textured coat. Decent length of leg, deep chest and nicely balanced in angles, with pleasing turn of stifle in the rear and a well laid back shoulder to match. She moved with enthusiasm and drive, covering the ground well and holding her shape at all times, which earned her the top spot in this class.
2. Aitchison & Hurst’s Kaskae’s Fire Opal (Ai)
2 year, seal & white of larger type than 1st and scoring well for substance and strength in profile. Nice bulky muzzle, although wouldn’t want her any heavier in stop and eyes could be a touch more obliquely set, but with good width of skull and nicely placed ears. Pleasing arch of neck leading into a firm, slightly sloping topline and another lovely plume tail. Coat of good texture and, as already alluded to, strong bone all through. Well developed in chest for her age and with good width viewed front on, perhaps slightly longer in body than 1st but with the length of leg to balance and particularly admired her strong rear with well developed thigh and strong hocks. On the move she showed great drive and ground cover, but when making my final decision felt first had the edge front action today.

OB (10, 3)
1. BCC & BOS. Forsey & Forsey’s Ch Muzoku You’re My Obsession
Just shy of 4 year, and daughter of my DCC winner, this grey & white is very much coming into her prime I think. Not the biggest in frame but so well proportioned and super feminine, she has the most appealing of headpieces with a dark, almond, obliquely set eye showing a softness in expression without losing the strength required for the breed. Small, thick ears and a lovely arch of neck leading into that breed typical slight slope from the withers. Harsh, stand off coat and a lovely tail set & carriage. Would prefer larger feet but good substance throughout and possesses a shapely outline, showing good width of chest viewed front on and enough depth in side profile. Pleasing layback of shoulder and a matching turn of stifle with neat, compact hocks to balance her front angles. I found her very eye catching on the move, clean out and back and displaying an effortless, efficient gait in side profile and keeping her shape so well throughout which pushed her into top position in this lovely class, and later to the CC. She couldn’t quite match her father for drive in the BOB challenge, perhaps not helped by the warming temperatures, but was by no means outclassed.
2. RBCC Ellis-Payne’s Ch Chayo Vasilisa
5 year, grey & white, who pushed my class winner all the way. Larger in outline but with plenty of bone to match. Strong headpiece without too much stop, a nice bulky muzzle and a dark almond eye. Well positioned ears leading to good length of neck and strong topline with a well set tail. Super front with plenty of heart room and, like 1st, a well laid shoulder and matching upper arm. Not too long in body and with pleasing length of leg, her overall proportions give her a wonderfully balanced outline, with a well muscled rear and strong hocks finishing the picture. Fantastic coat texture and strong snowshoe feet. She was super tidy out and back and just as balanced in sidegait as she looked on the stand, with a fabulous, ground covering stride. Just preferred the topline of 1st in the final class run round but could most certainly not be denied the RCC in the challenge.

VB (6, 2)
1. Burgess & Burgess’s Cedarcreek Forever Young At Mountainglen
9 year, grey and white bitch whose muscle and condition outclassed some of the younger competitors today. Slightly larger ear, but that doesn’t spoil her headpiece which shows lovely overall proportions and a super almond, obliquely set eye. Good length of neck leading to a firm topline and typical waving plume. Well laidback shoulder and, although has a tendency to stand a little closer than my ideal viewed front on, still has good depth of chest, nice overall proportions and a pleasing length of leg. Good turn of stifle with no weakening from age in the rear. Coat harsh and stand off with plenty of bone throughout, she topped this class on her workman like movement, which showed plenty of drive and ground cover. She challenged her littermate – Page & Page’s Cedarcreek Frozen In Time, who placed Res in OB – to BVB where I split hairs in deciding as, unsurprisingly, both shared plenty of qualities, but today felt her sister’s slightly smaller ear and more developed width of chest gave her the edge but a very close decision between these ladies, particularly on the move.
2. Brown’s Ch Skidooshooz Bohemian Soul Of Cupun (AI)
7 year, sable & white, once again of different type but still in absolutely super condition. Larger, more athletic in profile and a stronger headpiece all through without losing her shape of eye. Strong, well arched neck, leading to a well held topline and fabulous tail carriage. Less coat than 1st but of sufficiently harsh texture. Good shoulder and well sprung ribs, with broad, well muscled thigh and strong hocks in rear. She scored well for overall substance and length of leg, which showed through in her side profile movement which was ground covering and showed plenty of drive, I just preferred the front action of 1st today.

Alanna J Blaney (Fenrirkin)