Birmingham National 2008 Results
Judge: Mr SJ Mallard
BEST OF BREED: Ms S ELLIS Ch Chayo Dom Perignon (WG2)
Dog Challenge Certificate: Ms S ELLIS Ch. Chayo Dom Perignon
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate: Miss A COMAN Arctictrek’s Georgia’s Dream at Wintalakes ShCM
Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mr W HOWARTH Hawkam’s Harlequin ShCM
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate: Ms S ELLIS Chayo Forget Me Not
Best Puppy In Breed: Mrs P WALKER Tuvaurat Pepikokia
Minor Puppy Dog (10 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs E POLLOCK Koromandel Mr Brightside
2nd: Mr M SQUIRES Polarpaws Pari Mi Gucci
3rd: Mr & Mrs T COLDHAM Polarpaws Ynamorato
Res: Miss L BULLOCK & Mr W MORT Arcticbreeze Blizzard Of Oz
VHC: Ms P PYPER & Mr G ROACH Staggan’s Weylin Nightmare At Celticice
Puppy Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs E POLLOCK Koromandel Mr Brightside
2nd: Miss L BULLOCK & Mr W MORT Arcticbreeze Blizzard Of Oz
3rd: Mr & Mrs S WARNE Arctictrek’s Me And My Shadow at Kernowerghki
Res: Ms P PYPER & Mr G ROACH Staggan’s Weylin Nightmare at Celticice
Junior Dog (7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Miss L AITCHISON & Mr S HURST Chayo Aces High
2nd: Mr S & Mrs C ATHERTON Shepherdsway Black Label of Casiat
3rd: Mrs HK HENWORTH Akaila’s Wolfraven Tuk-so (Imp)
Res: Miss S TOWERS & Mr N RIVERS Vvanilla Snoman Del Biagio at Wintadreama (Imp)
VHC: Mr M & Mrs EL WYARD Tzebariki Tshajka Agent K Man In Black Von Brandelle (Imp)
Post Graduate Dog (18 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Mr I ELLIOTT & Miss A CAMPBELL Hyteton Inbo Harvest Garner at Packice
2nd: Mr JA & Mrs SMR FINAN Stormchaser Prince Of Darkness mit Marahootay (Imp)
3rd: Mr & Mrs J SHEEHAN Hawkam Leading The Trail
Res: Mr B & Mrs S INNES Tuvaurat American Dream at Icycool
VHC: Mr P HELLEUR & Ms G CAMERON Sutarka Firewall
Limit Dog (12 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: Mr S MOLLOY Snowshoes Shadow at Wintablizard Sh.CM
2nd: Mrs V HODGSON Achak Come Fly With Me for Ataneq
3rd: Mr SR & Mrs VA MARLE Kegluneq Cassanova
Res: Mrs PA WILKINSON Lapema Chico De Espana
VHC: Mr B & Mrs S INNES Kegluneq National Pride At Icycool
Open Dog (13 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Ms S ELLIS Ch Chayo Dom Perignon
2nd: Miss A COMAN Arctictreks Georgia’s Dream at Wintalakes Sh.CM
3rd: Mrs LJ & Mr MP HALL Chayo Alabama Slammer at McKinleys Sh.CM
Res: Mr & Mrs K HUNTER Tuvaurat Made In America JW Sh.CM
VHC: Mrs JE SMITH Tango Del Lago Degli Orsi at Snowshoes
Minor Puppy Bitch (10 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Mrs C JOHN Sledog Forest Dawn for Cristakell (Imp)
2nd: Mr N FISHER & Miss V BINNS Chayo Chasing Dreams with Arcticmonkey
3rd: Mr J BURGINS & Miss S TIPTON Arcticbreeze Celtic Mist
Res: Miss L BULLOCK & Mr W MORT Arcticbreeze Evening Mist
VHC: Ms L HARDEY Blustag Lumikoira
Puppy Bitch (16 Entries) Abs: 5
1st: Mrs P WALKER Tuvaurat Pepikokia
2nd: Mr & Mrs K HUNTER Tuvaurat Inoka
3rd: Mrs SJ & Mr ML LOADES Hyteton Tebo Miss Magnum by Snowolf
Res: Mr J BURGINS & Miss S TIPTON Arcticbreeze Celtic Mist
VHC: Miss J SHAW & Mr T TWEED Silver Queen
Junior Bitch (14 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: Ms S ELLIS Chayo Better Than Chocolate
2nd: Mrs JE SMITH Snowshoes Lady Eska
3rd: Miss I NAWROCKA Chayo Snowflake of Monikoona
Res: Mr & Mrs K HUNTER Tuvaurat Inoka
VHC: Mrs V HODGSON Shepherdway Black Beauty for Ataneq
Post Graduate Bitch (32 Entries) Abs: 10
1st: Miss D JARVIS & Mr S WRIGHT Articrainbow Girl Happy
2nd: Miss S LEADER & Mr C LUNN Tuvaurat Secret Surprise
3rd: Mr J MURRAY & Mrs J WHYMAN Koldsnap Fleur De Lyze
Res: Mr J FORSTER & Miss L BETHWAITE Hawkam Kruzin On By to Kachemak
VHC: Mr J FORSTER & Miss L BETHWAITE Hawkam Leading Lady of Kachemak
Limit Bitch (24 Entries) Abs: 7
1st: Miss L BULLOCK & Mr W MORT Koldsnap Stormy Blue at Arcticbreeze
2nd: Miss S TOWERS & Mr N RIVERS Polarpaws Naknek Dreamer
3rd: Mr JA & Mrs SMR FINAN Polarpaws Chalcedony at Marahootay
Res: Mrs C JOHN Cristakell Simoom
VHC: Miss D JARVIS & Mr S WRIGHT Articrainbow Girl Happy
Open Bitch (20 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: Mr W HOWARTH Hawkam’s Harlequin Sh.CM
2nd: Ms S ELLIS Chayo Forget Me Not
3rd: Ms S ELLIS Ch Chayo Moet Chandon
Res: Mrs PA WILKINSON Gorkeane de Jungla Negra (Imp)
VHC: Ms A DRAKE Am Ch Awanuna’s Strike a Pose (Imp)
Judge's Critiques
An exhilarating appointment, I was able to find correct type & soundness in most classes, not just the winners but also those following on. Indeed several line-ups were a joy to observe. As a breed I congratulate you on your unstinting attitude & support around the ringside – long may it continue. Temperaments were exemplary & handling intelligent. Possibly due to the time of year several dogs carried soft flat coats. However, my overriding negative concern was those that were too short on the leg.
MPD (10)
1 Pollock’s Koromandel Mr Brightside, 8 months, most promising, has size for age & is very well balanced, a little loose yet but sound on the move;
2 Squire’s Polarpaws Pari Mi Gucci, clean lines & moved well, good bone & feet, strength of loin. Would like him up on the leg a little more yet;
PD (5,1a)
1 K Mr Brightside;
2 Bullock & Mort’s Articbreeze Blizzard Of Oz, 6 months & full of promise, superbly balanced & developed enough for age, excellent timbers & thick tight feet, moved well;
JD (7,2)
1 Aitchison & Hurst’s Chayo Aces High, possessed a super frame with bone & substance to complement, head balanced, ears a little soft as yet, muscular arched neck, excellent topline & tail carriage, quality coat & presentation, a serious contender in the challenge;
2 Atherton’s Shepherdsway Black Label of Casiat, quality lad, nicely constructed to produce sound purposeful action, marginally square, well handled;
PGD (18,2)
1 Elliott & Campbell’s Hyteton Inbo Harvest Garner at Packice, quite raw at present which makes him look over long, he isn’t & on maturity could be quite a force, upstanding with balanced head, enough width between the ears, would prefer less stop, arched neck, strong bone & feet, effortless mover & very together, harsh coat;
2 Finan’s Stormchaser Prince Of Darkness mit Marahootay, most appealing youngster with excellent head & properties, ears well placed with width between, arched neck, depth to brisket, muscular, moderately angled shoulders, best of bone & feet, nicely coupled & a steady mover, harsh coat in excellent condition;
LD (12,3) Possibly the most disappointing class.
1 Molloy’s Snowshoes Shadow at Wintablizard, upstanding & well balanced, has strength to head & well placed eye, would appreciate a more moderate stop, arched neck into clean shoulders, chests developed & depth to brisket, reasonable topline, correct tail & carriage, useful quarters & action;
2 Hodgson’s Achak Come Fly With Me for Ataneq, has a little way to go yet & he is clean out of coat, moderately built both ends which produced the desired movement;
OD (13,2)
1 Ellis’ Ch Chayo Dom Perignon, attractive lad with a balanced frame & commanding presence, head nicely laid out with dark eye, moderate stop & ears well placed, ample chest with depth to brisket, good bone & feet, excellent topline, tail & quarters, harsh stand off coat, impressive movement, CC, BOB & G2;
2 Coman’s Arctictreks Georgia’s Dream at Wintalakes, masculine lad with great appeal, good body & substance & a superior mover, well handled. RCC;
MPB (10,2)
1 Johns’ Sledog Forest Dawn for Cristakell, developing well & scored heavily on the move, has excellent topline, tail & typical carriage, moved with scope;
2 Fisher & Binn’s Chayo Chasing Dreams with Arcticmonkey, super type with total appeal but needs to watch weight, strong bone & deep feet, deep brisket & well sprung ribs
PB (16,5)
1 Walker’s Tuvaurat Pepikokia, loved her frame, has size with femininity, head developing well, dark eye, clean forehand & limbs, depth to brisket with shape to underline & topline to suit, impressive mover. BP;
2 Hunter’s Tuvaurat Inoka, well up to 1, developing beautifully with quality head, well placed shoulders, good bone & feet, body with substance, good tail & carriage, just preferred movement in front of 1.
JB (14,4) Lovely class, first three all very similar.
1 Ellis’ Chayo Better Than Chocolate, superior type, has a beautifully balanced head with fabulous eye & placement, harmonious in construction, shown in tip-top form, accurate action with drive & reach;
2 Smith’s Snowshoes Lady Eska, well up to 1, also makes her presence felt, head balanced on arched neck, good forechest & depth, can stand a little narrow in front but moved honestly, correct tail carriage;
PGB (32,10) Difficult class for type & soundness however.
1 Jarvis & Wright’s Arcticrainbow Girl Happy, has both & was shown in good clean condition & quietly handled, quality expressive head, enough bone, well ribbed with moderately defined quarters;
2 Leader & Lunn’s Tuvaurat Secret Surprise, really useful for size, type & soundness, head developing sound forehand, good body ratios, sound once she found her stride;
LB (24,7)
1 Bullock & Mort’s Koldsnap Stormy Blue, mature lady with good size, balance & femininity, super head, eye & ears, shoulders a touch upright, well boned, straight limbs with tight thick feet, nice depth & well ribbed, good tail & quarters, foot perfect on the move, harsh coat;
2 Towers & Rivers’ Polarpaws Naknek Dreamer, another that impressed, lovely head, flat skull & width, arched neck, developed chest, strong bone, pleasing topline, tail & carriage, left coat at home;
OB (20,3) Class full of quality.
1 Howarth’s Hawkam Harlequin, loved her from the moment she entered the ring, strength with femininity, super frame with substance & muscle to cover, quality limbs & feet, depth with shape to undercarriage, meaningful quarters used to full advantage, harsh stand off coat. CC;
2 Ellis’ Chayo Forget Me Not, quality through & through, excellent ratios with balanced head & muscular arched neck, powerful forehand, good bone & feet, excellent body & properties, moved soundly with scope. RCC;