AMCUK July Open Show 2022 Results
Judges: Krystyan Greenland (Dogs), Steve Atkinson (Bitches)
BEST IN SHOW: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH CH Snowshoes The White Witch
BEST DOG: Mrs J HORSMAN PHOENIX & Mr J HORSMAN Nordicwinds Grtest Showman JW
BEST BITCH : Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH CH Snowshoes The White Witch
RESERVE BEST DOG: Mr E & Mrs T FORSEY Cristakell April Moon over Muzoku
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: Ms K MUNCASTER Whitewalker Winter Flight
BEST VETERAN IN SHOW: Mr E & Mrs T FORSEY Cristakell April Moon over Muzoku
BEST JUNIOR IN SHOW: Mrs J HORSMAN PHOENIX & Mr J HORSMAN Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (Imp Rus)
Minor Puppy Dog (3 Entries, 1 Abs)
1st Ms K MUNCASTER Whitewalker Winter Flight
2nd Mrs S JENNINGS Chayo Future Proof
Puppy Dog (3 Entries, 0 Abs)
1st Ms K MUNCASTER Whitewalker Winter Flight
2nd Mrs KE COPLEY-HOLLAND Katabatics This Is The Way
3rd Misses K & C DRUCE Kaskae Hell Of A View (ai)
Junior Dog (6 Entries, 0 Abs)
1st Mrs J HORSMAN PHOENIX & Mr J HORSMAN Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds (Imp Rus)
2nd Mr B & Mrs S INNES Icycool Hudson Bay (ai)
3rd Mrs L HOLT Freezefactor Savvy Affair at Breconfrost
Res Misses K & C DRUCE Kaskae Hell Of A View (ai)
VHC Mrs C CLARKE Libertia Red Rain at Whiteout (IKC)
Post Graduate Dog (6 Entries, 3 Abs)
1st Mrs J HORSMAN PHOENIX & Mr J HORSMAN Nordicwinds Grtest Showman JW
2nd Mrs L HOLT Freezefactor Savvy Affair at Breconfrost
3rd Miss SP THOMPSON Northern Star Illa Kuvianartok (Imp POL)
Limit Dog (7 Entries, 3 Abs)
1st Mr B & Mrs S INNES Icycool Atomic (ai)
2nd Mr A & Mrs D LUNN Nordicwinds Jazz Singer
3rd Mrs ME PALASINSKA Anson Del Biagio (Imp ITA)
Res Mrs J WHYMAN & Mr J MURRAY Tailfly Heart Of Gold
Open Dog (6 Entries, 2 Abs)
1st Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek JW (Imp RUS)
2nd Mrs KL JELFS Lapema Malizioso
3rd Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH CH Snowshoes King’s Legacy ShCM ShCEx
Res Mr R & Mrs N RABY Yuayua at Icemoon (Imp SWE)
Special Veteran Dog 7-9 years (5 Entries, 2 Abs)
1st Mr E & Mrs T FORSEY Cristakell April Moon over Muzoku
2nd Mrs IZ NAWROCKA & Mr BJ PHILLIPS CH Monikoona Most Wanted JW
3rd Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH CH Snowshoes King’s Legacy ShCM ShCEx
Special Veteran Dog 10 years + (3 Entries, 2 Abs)
1st Miss SP THOMPSON Libertia In The Red Again at Shomont
Minor Puppy Bitch: (1 Entries, 0 Abs)
1st Mr I PULLIN & Miss K MOUNTSTEPHENS Whitewalker Winter Gold
Puppy Bitch: (NO Entries, Abs)
Junior Bitch (6 Entries, 2 Abs)
1st Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe From Russia With Love
2nd Miss IZ NAWROCKA & Mrs J BUCKLAND Icycool Sweet As Sugar Monikoona NAF
3rd Mr B & Mrs S INNES Icycool Ottowa (ai)
Res P QUINN Arctic Challenge Last Faith by Marchosias (Imp POL)
Post Graduate Bitch (5 Entries, 4 Abs)
1st Mrs J HORSMAN PHOENIX & Mr J HORSMAN Nordicwinds Miss Marvel
Limit Bitch (5 Entries, 2 Abs)
1st Mr E & Mrs T FORSEY Muzoku You’re My Obsession
2nd Mr P & Mrs M PAGE The Magician Bloody Mary (Imp ITA) NAF TAF
3rd Mrs J WHYMAN & Mr J MURRAY Tailfly Flamenco
Open Bitch (4 Entries, 2 Abs)
1st Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH CH Snowshoes The White Witch
2nd Mrs K COPLEY-HOLLAND Am CH Katabatics Hollaback Girl
Special Veteran Bitch 7-9 years (5 Entries, 4 Abs)
1st Mr J HORSMAN & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX Nordicwinds American Dream JW ShCM
Special Veteran Bitch 10 years + (4 Entries, 2 Abs)
1st Miss N BENTON-BROWNE Icycool Mystique at Nukilik
2nd Mrs C CLARKE Indian Dreamcatcher Illa Kuvianartok at Whiteout (Imp POL)
A super appointment with quality on display. The dogs coped so well with the heat and temperaments were super. This is a handsome breed that should have strength and power. I see them as the King of sled dogs and should have that presence that sets them apart. I think some of the males are becoming a tad too feminine with overly tapering muzzles. There should be strength in width and depth here without being overdone and coarse. Please watch that they don’t become too ‘pretty’. I found all dogs to be sound. I did not move them as much as I prefer too because of the heat. All were extremely well presented. Thank you to the Club and the exhibitors for such a wonderful day.
Minor Puppy Dog (2,0)
1st: Muncaster’s Whitewalker Winter Flight. Rightly very immature at this age, but shows some really nice qualities and potential for the future. Skull and muzzle to develop on. Very cheeky expression. Nice shape to eyes and ear set is good. Medium length to neck. Moderate, balanced angulation. Firm topline. Very precise on the move. Lovely temperament. BP, BPIS
2nd: Jennings’ Chayo Future Proof. Again, very immature and lots of development to happen. All round a nice young Malamute, not quite as collected as 1st. Has a nice head type with well proportioned muzzle and skull. Eyes ok for shape and set. Ears set ok. Topline firm. Moderate angulation all through. Not as precise on the move as 1st, but sound enough.
Puppy Dog (3,0)
1st: Muncaster’s Whitewalker Winter Flight
2nd: Copley-Holland’s Katabatics This Is The Way. A very attractive dog showing some nice bone. Muzzle looks quite refined at the moment. Dark eyes of correct almond shape and set obliquely. Ears moderately wide set. Nice deep chest. Moderate angles. Tail set ok. Moves soundly.
3rd: Druce’s Kaskae Hell Of A View. Again, rightly immature. Attractive boy with lots of opportunity for development through the skull and muzzle. I’d like his eyes a shade darker. Nice for shape and make. Well proportioned, Moves soundly.
Junior Dog (6,0)
1st: Horsman & Horsman- Phoenix’s Snow Legend Zenith of Fame Nordicwinds (Imp Rus). 13 month old who is maturing nicely. Masculine head with just enough width and depth to the muzzle. Lovely shape and set to eyes which gave him a super expression. Neck of moderate length. Muscular. Moderate lay to shoulders. Upper arm angles back ok. Medium bone. Chest nearly to elbows. Topline firm and not too much of a slope. Moderate tune of stifles with decent definition at the hocks which were also firm and straight. Tail set ok. Really super mover who eats up the ground. Developing very well with lots of potential for the future.
2nd: Innes’ Icycool Hudson Bay (AI). I found him super handsome. Broad skull and had the bone and width and depth of muzzle I was looking for. Eyes are of a good shape and set. Ears were a little hard to assess on the day. Neck moderate in length and muscular. Nicely built all through. Firm topline. Deep chest. Firm strong loins. Good turn of stifle and good definition at the hocks. Tail set ok. Totally out of coat. Moves with power, but not yet the preciseness of 1st.
3rd: Holt’s Freezefactor Savvy Affair At Breconfrost. Broad skull. Felt he needed a tad more underjaw . Wedge shaped head. Ears ok for set. Eyes are expressive and well set. Well put together. Bone could be slightly more to balance his size. Topline ok. Didn’t move his best on the day – probably the extreme heat!
Post Graduate Dog (6,3)
1st: Horsman & Horsman-Phoenix’s Nordicwinds Grtest Showman JW. An upstanding young man of beautiful quality who I felt stood out on the day. Masculine head head for his age of overall wedge shape. Broad in skull between the ears. Muzzle is well balanced and can still develop more. Eyes are dark, almond shaped and set obliquely. He has a wonderful expression. Ears are correct for size, shape with slightly rounded tips and are well set. Moderate length to neck which has a slight arch. Very well laid shoulders and good return to upper arm. Bone is sufficient for his level of maturity. Chest reaches to elbows. Firm topline with slight slope. Very strong loins. Excellent turn of stifle. Strong, firm hocks. Exceedingly well balanced boy throughout. Tail set high and carried as a waving plume. Superb mover from all angles. A super dog indeed who beat some excellent Malamutes here today. Still lots of maturing to do and must have a very exciting future ahead. BD, RBIS.
2nd: Holt’s Freezefactor Savvy Affair At Breconfrost. As above
3rd:Thompson’s Northern Star Illa Kuviannartok (Imp Pol) A masculine boy who was well presented. Good skull to muzzle ratio. Broad enough in skull. Nice shape to eyes but a little light in colour for me which rather detracts from the overall expression. Well angulated. Rather short in rib I felt and rigid through the loin being a tad over short coupled for my preference. Tail set ok. Sound on the move.
Limit Dog (7, 3)
1st: Innes’ Icycool Atomic. Very masculine, imposing lad. Very attractive. Broad in skull. Muzzle is broad and barely diminishes in width as the standard says. Ears perhaps a tad low set, but ok for shape and have slightly rounded tips. Eyes good for shape, perhaps a tad light in colour. Neck very muscular. Great forehand with super shoulder and excellent return to upper arm. Deep chest and enough length to ribcage. Firm loins. Just about enough turn of stifles (could have a tad more for perfect overall balance). Tail set ok. Firm hocks. Moved so well here.
2nd: Lunn’s Nordicwinds Jazz Singer. A very well-balanced dog with good angulation fore and aft. A very pretty boy. I would like more masculinity fro my personal preference, but he is very young and I am sure this well develop with maturity. He has a lovely shape to eyes, but they are a tad light in colour for me. Muzzle is just a shade narrow and pointy for me at present. He will develop more here. Ear set was hard to assess today. Topline ok. Tail set and carriage good. In lovely condition. He has lots of scope on the move and moves in the typical fashion of the breed. Much to like about this boy and I feel maturity will benefit him.
3rd:Palasinska’s Anson del Biagio (Imp Ita). Masculine boy. Eyes are very light in colour which I feel just takes away from the typical Malamute expression. Ear set ok. Muscular neck. Good angulation fore and aft. Chest is very deep and looks a little short in foreleg for ideal balance. Topline firm. Slight slope. Tail set is good and has a very typical waving plume. Was feeling the heat, but moved soundly.
Open Dog (6,2)
1st: Pages’ Ch Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek JW (Rus Imp) A suer handsome lad who was really out of coat here. Very well balanced head which was masculine enough for me. Super eyes and wonderful expression. Ear set is wide and typical for the breed. Ideal length of neck leading to very well laid shoulders. Great return of upper arm. Good bone for size. Deep chest and his ribcage is carried well back. Loins are firm and muscular. Stifles are moderately bent. Hocks show just enough definition and are nice and firm. Tail set high and carried well on the move. Really was feeling the heat today, but still moved exceedingly well in profile. Not quite so precise as my main winners out and back today. Really liked him. Has such presence of overall quality.
2nd: Jelf’s Lapeema Maliziozo. Preferred the outline and balance of 1st. Very handsome dog with typical head. Neck moderate in length. More moderate angles than 1st. Deep chest. Bit squarer in body shape than 1st. Cobby through the loins. Topline slopes a little too much for my personal preference. Stifles are well bent. Tail set ok and has a waving plume. Good bone all through. In fab coat. Moved soundly.
3rd: Smith’s Ch Snowshoes King’s Legacy ShCM ShCEx. A tad feminine all through for me. Good eyes for shape and set. Ears are rather pointed. Neck is moderate in length. Good shoulders and upper arm returns nicely. Rather long in body and was dipping behind the withers on the day. Deep chest. Moves soundly.
Special Veteran Dog (7-9 Years) (5,2)
1st: Forsey’s Cristakell April Moon Over Muzoku. A fabulous boy. Very masculine without being over done. Skull is broad between the ears. Lovely almond shaped eyes which are set obliquely and are dark in colour. Ears are well set and of the correct size with slightly rounded tips. I love the balance of his head. His muzzle is large in proportion to the skull and exactly as the standard states – barley diminishing in width and depth. The best forehand with great shoulders and lovely return to upper arm. Good deep chest to elbows with perfect width. Firm topline without too much slope. Well muscled loins. Tail set and carriage ok. Just enough turn of stifle and definition at the hocks. Hocks are firm and straight. Great bone all through. Fabulous mover in profile – rhythmic, ground covering and totally sound. The only thing against him today was the extreme heat. A very impressive dog who should be a Champion. Narrowly missed out on BD here. RBD. BV. BVIS.
2nd: Nawrocka & Phillips’ Ch Moonikoona Most Wanted JW. Another nice, ultra handsome dog. Like him a lot too. Masculine with beautiful eyes, ears and good width to skull and muzzle of correct depth and width. Ears a tad low set maybe. Neck of correct length. Good layback to shoulders and upper arm angles back sufficiently,. Deep chest, good width. A tad longer through the loin than 1st, but still nice a muscular. Good turn of stifles. Hocks fine. Tail set is high and carried as a waving plume. Not quite the overall picture and balance of 1st, but still looking good here. Moves with nice reach and drive.
3rd: Smith’s Ch Snowshoes King’s Legacy ShCM ShCEx.
Special Veteran Dog (10 yrs and over)
1st: Thompson’s Ch Libertia In The Red Again At Shomont. A gorgeous red boy who certainly didn’t look his age. Masculine head which I felt was one of the best of the day – so well balanced and a wonderful expression. Great eyes and ears. Lovely neck . Superb construction throughout. Firm topline with slight slope. Deep chest of good width. Firm loins. Tail set is high and carried well on the move. Showing no weakness anywhere. In profile, really shows how this breed should and can move. In wonderful condition. Just had to give way to the younger boys today. A great credit to his breed.
Krystyan Greenland
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st Mountstephens & Pullin’s Whitewalker Winter’s Gold. 7 month old with a lovely head, nice body shape, lacking coat today. Needs to settle on the move. BPB & RBPIS
Junior Bitch
1st Perfitt’s Samjoe From Russia With Love. Feminine bitch of good breed type, good head, good balance and moved out well. Tail could be used to better advantage.
2nd Buckland & Nawrocka’s Icycool Sweet As Sugar. Not as feminine as 1. Nicely balanced, moved ok.
Post Graduate Bitch
1st Horsman-Phoenix’s Nordicwinds Miss Marvel. Nice sized feminine girl of good type, well angulated, moved out well. In lovely jacket.
Limit Bitch
1st Forsey’s Muzoku You’re My Obsession. Nice head, good shape, smaller mould than some. Moved out ok.
Open Bitch
1st Smith’s Ch Snowshoes The White Witch. Feminine head of typical proportions, neat ears used well, strongly made body, stands on good legs, tight feet, excellent mover from all angles, excellent quality jacket. Joint decision for BIS
2nd Copley-Holland’s Am Ch Katabatics Hollaback Girl. Feminine girl of adequate proportions, good head, nice shape, moved out well. Just not enough of her to trouble 1. RBB
Special Veteran Bitch (7-9 Years)
1st Horsman-Phoenix’s Nordicwinds American Dream JW ShCM. Good head, nice shape when stacked, front could be cleaner on the move.
Special Veteran Bitch (10 years +)
1st Benton-Browne’s Icycool Mystique at Nukilik. Nice head, good shape, moved ok.
2nd Clarke’s Indian Dreamcatcher Illa Kuvianartok. Preferred size and head of 1.
Steve Atkinson