AMCUK Championship Show 2007
AMCUK Championship Show. September 29th 2007 |
Best in Show and Bitch Challenge Certificate: Hawkam’s Harlequin |
Minor Puppy Dog |
Minor Puppy Bitch |
Puppy Dog |
Puppy Bitch |
Junior Dog |
Junior Bitch |
Yearling Dog |
Yearling Bitch |
Novice Dog |
Novice Bitch |
Post Graduate Dog |
Post Graduate Bitch |
Limit Dog |
Limit Bitch |
Open Dog |
Open Bitch |
Veteran Dog |
Veteran Bitch |
Judge's Critiques
Minor Puppy Dog:
1 Shepherdsway Black Ferrari: This puppy was clean moving down and back and used his angulation well on the side. He had a nice broad skull with excellent ear set, heavy bone and a good coat.
2 Shepherdsway Black Label of Casiat: My second place puppy also moved very well. He had an attractive head but not quite as broad a skull, good body type but with a bit flatter coat.
3 Shepherdsway Black Rock: This puppy was good down and back but did not extend quite as well on the side gait. He had good coat texture, nice body type but I would prefer a looser tail set.
Puppy 6-12 mo. Dog
1 Chayo Aces High: This puppy was exceptionally good in the rear and had good side gait as well. He had good depth of chest, nice short loin, good bone and excellent coat texture along with a lovely head and neck.
2 Snobruk Ice Drifter: This puppy also moved well and had a good topline. He had the proper deep chest, long rib cage and short loin. Bone was medium and coat a bit flatter but it was a pleasure to see the proper waving plume tail.
3 Scotiafirs Circle of Life: When this puppy was under control he moved well. He had good coat texture, medium bone, good tail but I would prefer a more almond shaped eye.
Junior Dog
1 Hawkam Leading The Trail: This dog had an excellent rear and nice side gait, a lovely head and neck, and excellent coat and good bone. I would prefer a bit looser tail.
2 Stormchaser Prince of Darkness mit Marahootay: This dog had a lovely topline and neck, good coat texture. His side gait was very good but the rear was a bit narrow and I would prefer a more almond eye.
3 Sutarka Firewall: This dog had excellent side gait, good bone but with a flatter foot. Chest was deep but the loin a bit long. The coat was short but a good texture, good tail.
Yearling Dog
1 Shepherdsway Emperor: This dog had a broad head and bulky muzzle, lots of substance and bone, good topline and coarse coat texture. The tail was a little short but the set was good. Moved with power in the rear.
2 Kegluneq X-Rated: This dog had a broad skull and proper ear set but could use a darker eye. The coat texture was ok but it layed a little flat. Nice angulation and topline , good tail set and nice movement both down and back and from the side.
3 Snowshoes Montrose at Kernowerghki: This dog had a pleasing head and nice length of neck, coat texture was good but short, nice topline, bone was medium and the tail set too tight. Rear moving was good and the foot timing was good on the side gait.
Novice Dog:
1 Snowshoes Montrose at Kernowerghki- see above
2 Chayo Talk of the North: This dog had a pleasing head except for the rounder eye. Body type was nice but the loin was a bit long. Coat texture was good and tail set good. Bone was medium. Rear movement was very good but he was throwing the front probably due to looking at the handler.
3 Scotiafirs Fyne Fellow: This dog had a lot of body but needed more bone to carry it. He had very nice feet, stopped and moved well in front but over reached on the side gait.
Post Graduate Dog
1 Tuvaurat American Dream at Icycool: This dog impressed me with his overall balance, good head and neck. I would prefer a little less stop. Coat was in excellent condition, nice substance which a long ribcage and short loin. Beautiful large feet. Movement was good and timing excellent
2 Shepherdsway Gatekeeper: This dog had a pleasing head with a broad skull, and lovely dark pigment. Coat was in excellent condition. Good substance and bone. Feet were a bit flat and the tail too tight. Movement all round was good.
3 Zeelukzak Magic Moment: This dog also had a very pleasing head with nice dark pigment. Coat texture was good but appeared somewhat out of coat. The chest was nice and deep but with no tuck up. The tail set was good but I would like to see more length. Very nice side gait.
Limit Dog
1 Chayo Dom Perignon Sh CM: Perfect bite, Excellent head features and a nice long neck blending into a solid topline. Coat in excellent condition. Good depth of chest with a nice tuck up, bone medium, correct tail set but would like a little more length. Movement was smooth with perfect timing and complete extension of the hock joint.
2 Tango Del Lago Degli Orsi At Snowshoes: This dog had a lovely head and expression, an excellent stand off coat. Nice body type and substance. The tail was a bit too tight. Rear movement was good but side gait could use more extension.
3 Mountain Home Sledog Pride (Imp) This was a coarser head type and the flew was drooping. Coat was excellent texture, body and bone were good with good feet. Tail set was excellent. Side gait was a pleasure to watch.
Open Dog
1 Ch Chayo Blue Thunder: This dog had a very pleasing head with excellent dark pigment. His coat was coarse and in excellent condition. He had a nice broad ribcage and short loin, good substance and bone. The tail was a little tight. Side gait was smooth and with good extension and timing.
2 Gwinner Lapema Star de Jungla Negra: This dog had good head proportions but could use a darker eye and a tighter lip line. Coat was excellent texture. He had good body type and bone and balanced angulation, excellent tail and moved well.
3 Tuvaurat Akimarug Amani Sh CM: This dog had a pleasing expression with lovely dark pigment. I would like to see a smaller ear. Coat texture was excellent. I would like more substance. Tail set was excellent and he moved well coming and going.
Veteran Dog
1 Shepherdsway Black Warrior at Polarrun: This dog was pleasure to put your hands on He was muscular and hard. He had beautiful large tight feet, solid topline and moved with power and easy.
2 Shepherdsway Wovoka of Snowolf: This dog had a nice broad skull, correct ear set and dark eyes. Coat was good texture. Lovely body type, medium bone and down in pastern a little. He moved well.
3 Arctictreks Lunar Rising: This dog was enjoying himself and playing while gaiting but he still moved well in the rear. He had good depth of chest, nice tail and good coat
Minor Puppy Bitch
1 Shepherdsway Blackbird: This lovely puppy has a dark eye and perfect ear set. The nice long neck flowed into a level topline. She had good substance and bone, deep chest and nice balanced angles. Her movement was good and her head carriage was proper when moving.
2 Snowshoes Lady Eska: This puppy had nice thick ear leather but a little high set. She too had an excellent neck, good body type and nice tight feet. Texture of coat was ok but she was out of coat. Tail was a bit tight. She moved well.
3 Polarpaws Cuba Blue: This puppy was also a good mover. She had an excellent neck. Bone was medium and chest not yet down to the elbow but that is probably age. Tail was tight, coat texture was good but she was out of coat.
Puppy Bitch 6-12 mo.
1 Chayo Better Than Chocolate: This puppy impressed me with her pleasing head and nice balance. She had good length of neck, deep chest, and proper coat texture. Her movement down and back was clean and she had excellent side gait. The tail was too tight and lacking plume.
2 Chayo Jewel of the Nile at Endor: This puppy was also nicely balanced, with dark eye and pigment but a larger ear. She had good substance but lacked muscle tone. Coat was excellent but the tail too tight. She moved true down and back.
3 Snowshoes Honebun: This puppy looked at you with dark eyes and good pigment. She will grow into her ears. She had good depth of chest and long rib cage with the proper short loin. Bone was medium and she was down in pastern but the feet were very good. Nice mover.
Junior Bitch
1 Hawkam Last Chance: This puppy had lovely dark eye and pigment and thick ear leather. Her head has the perfect very slight stop called for in the standard. Good coat texture, nice substance and bone and tight feet. Her movement was true and coming and going and nice from the side.
2 Sutarka Syriana: This puppy had a very good ear set but a larger ear and lighter eye. Coat texture was good but short. She had good depth of chest and the long rib cage and short loin that makes for a good topline. Bone was medium, nice tight feet and good tail. Her side gait and rear movement were very good.
3 Arctictrek Idaho: This puppy has nice neck and forechest and with depth of chest to the elbow. She had long toenails which caused her foot to spread. Nice tail and she moved very well on her side gait.
Yearling Bitch
1 Mottomo Kirei No Yukimigata: This bitch had a nice dark eye but a bit round, broad back skull and correct ear set and even bite. She had a nice front and balanced angles and good length of neck. Bone medium. Movement was true and smooth, down and back and side.
2 Cedarcreek Deepest Dream: This bitch had a lovely head with dark pigment and eye, thick ears and proper set. Coat texture was too soft. She had good bone and balanced angulation. Tail was tight. Movement was good from the side and rear but moved a little wide in front.
3 Kaiyuh Spirit Runner: This bitch had a pleasing expression, scissor bite, dark pigment but could use less stop. She had excellent length of neck, good depth of chest, balanced angles and perfect tail. Movement was sloppy perhaps due to playing.
Post Graduate Bitch:
1 Arcticbreeze Lady Imocara: This was a pleasing head with proper amount of stop, dark eye and good ear set although I would prefer a slightly smaller ear. She had an excellent neck blending into a good topline. Nice depth of chest, good substance and bone. Coat had good texture and was in excellent condition, tail a little tight. Her movement was true down and back and good from the side.
2 Cedarcreek Driving Me Crazy: This bitch had beautiful type. Excellent coat, good neck and topline and good bone and substance. Although she moved true coming and going and foot timing from the side was correct I would like to see more angulation in the rear.
3 Icescape Catch Me If You Can: This bitch impressed me with her excellent side gait and true down and back. She good depth of chest, nice big feet and a good tail. I would like to see a shorter loin and less stop.
Limit Bitch
1 Polarpaws Fatal Attraction at Shamanictrax: This bitch had scissors bite, good ear set, eye was a bit too round. She had a nice deep chest, lots of substance and bone to match, good feet and tail and coat. Movement was true and smooth. She could loose a few pounds to be in better condition.
2 Polarpaws Baby Bear at Marahootay: This bitch also had a good ear set, but could be a bit broader in muzzle and back skull. She had good coat texture, nice tail and good feet. Her side gait was nice and smooth and the topline was solid moving but could be better standing.
3 Polarpaws Naknek Dreamer: This bitch had a nice head piece and good length of neck. She had nice balanced angulation and a good tail. Being totally out of coat her bone looked medium. Side gait was especially nice.
Open Bitch
1 Hawkam’s Harlequin Sh CM: This mature bitch impressed me with her over all good condition and balance. She had a pleasing head piece with dark pigment, dark eye, broad skull and correct ear set and size. She had a stand off coat, good tail set and plume. The neck blended into a solid topline, good depth of chest and good bone and nice big feet. She never put a foot down wrong and moved smoothly with perfect foot timing.
2 Kaiyuh Lucky Chance: This bitch also had a beautiful head with dark pigment and eye, thick ear leather, and correct stop. She had a proper coat and good bone. The tail was a little tight. She moved well down and back and from the side but the head carriage was up not extended as a sled dog should be.
3 Ch Chayo Moet Chandon: This bitch had excellent type, a lovely long neck blending into a solid topline. Nice balanced angulation, tail was a little tight. Down and back was good but she over reached on the side gait.
Veteran Bitch
1 Arctictrek Kyote Girl at Kaytoo Sh CM: This bitch had lovely type, good coat and was it very good condition for her age. She had balanced angulation, good depth of chest and a nice tuck up. She moved easy and true and had a solid topline when moving.
2 Hyteton Ka-Piette of Snowolf: This bitch had a nice body and topline, good tail and proper coat texture. She moved easily for her age.
3 Arctictrek Ladi Ananya at Dankatcha: This bitch had a pleasing head, nice coat and balanced angulation. Bone was medium but had nice large feet. She too moved well for her age.