Windsor 2024

Judge: Mrs B Bodle

Best Of Breed: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Ch Chayo Vasilisa 
Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs KL JELFS Ch Lapema Malizioso 
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs SJ LOADES Snowolf Blackpowder Charge 
Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Ch Chayo Vasilisa 
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate: Ms T & Mr E FORSEY Ch Muzoku You’re My Obsession 
Best Puppy In Breed: Miss S WOLFE Souvenir Of Sitka’s Unfinished Business avec Dreamwolves NAF TAF 
Best Veteran In Breed: Miss Sharr WOLFE Sutarka Fire Storm 

Veteran Dog/Bitch. (Entries: 3) Abs: 1
1st: Miss Sharr WOLFE Sutarka Fire Storm 
2nd: Mrs A NEVINSON Ch Chayo Golden Touch ShCM 

Minor Puppy Dog. (Entries: 4) Abs: 1
1st: Miss S WOLFE Souvenir of Sitka’s Unfinished Business avec Dreamwolves NAF TAF 
2nd: Ms T & Mr E FORSEY Muzoku One Step Beyond 
3rd: Mrs M & Mr N FACER Chayo Unlock The Power 

Puppy Dog. (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Ms T & Mr E FORSEY Muzoku One Step Beyond 

Junior Dog. (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S & Mr K HOOLEY Black Stripe at Dokkalfar 

Yearling Dog. (Entries: 0) Abs: 0

Post Graduate Dog. (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Misses K & C DRUCE Kaskae Hell of A View (ai) 

Limit Dog. (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs SJ LOADES Snowolf Blackpowder Charge 

Open Dog. (Entries: 3) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs KL JELFS Ch Lapema Malizioso 
2nd: Mr D FAIVRE Nnnnnnd Touchdown De Laouen Ki 
3rd: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Chayo Trust The Magic 

Special Beginners Dog/Bitch. (Entries: 2) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S & Mr K HOOLEY Bartkennels Ljosalfar 
2nd: Mrs M & Mr N FACER Chayo Unlock The Power 

Minor Puppy Bitch. (Entries: 2) Abs: 1
1st: Mr M PATRICK & Miss L ASHMAN Okinastar Destiny Calling at Coldasice 

Puppy Bitch. (Entries: 3) Absentees: 2
1st: Mrs S & Mr K HOOLEY Bartkennels Ljosalfar 

Junior Bitch. (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs KL JELFS Chayo High Jinks with Lapema 

Yearling Bitch. (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Miss T, Mrs R & Mr A ROBB Icewolf Fendi L’aquarossa 

Post Graduate Bitch. (Entries: 0) Abs: 0

Limit Bitch. Entries: 1 Abs: 0
1st: Miss T, Mrs R & Mr A ROBB Icewolf Jupiter Rising

Open Bitch. (Entries: 4) Abs: 2
1st: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Ch Chayo Vasilisa 
2nd: Ms T & Mr E FORSEY Ch Muzoku You’re My Obsession 

Judge's Critiques

A small entry of 24 with a few absent. Disappointing figures but with 2 or 3 people messaging me to say they didn’t want to do the M25 on a weekday, I completely understood. However the quality was good and I was very pleased with my top awards.

VD (2)
1/BV Wolfes Sutarka Fire Storm a little shorter on the leg than 2 but goodness can he move! Whilst I preferred the stronger head of the 2nd placed dog, this boy is well constructed and muscular with straight well boned forelegs, strong pasterns and a strong rear with a good width of thigh, moderate bend of stifle and parallel hocks, he is a power house on the move covering the ground so freely with an easy and powerful action.
2 Nevinsons Ch Chayo Golden Touch ShCM a handsome lad rising 10, he has an excellent head and eye and depicts a picture of power and strength with his huge bone and strong frame, he is well ribbed with a good depth of chest and powerful broad thighs, he moves away with strength from the rear but in profile was a little reluctant to stride out and to be honest I have seen him move far better than he did today.

MPD (3)
1 and BP Wolfes Souvenir of Sitka’s Unfinished Business avec Dreamwolves NAF TAF an impressive youngster who caught my eye on the move, he has a handsome head with good width of skull and obliquely set eyes, he is well boned and strong in body but could have a fraction more length of leg for perfect balance, he is a powerful mover displaying good reach and drive. Will be interesting to see how he matures.
2 Forseys Muzoku One Step Beyond this 7mth boy has a good length of leg and looks fairly well balanced on the stack, he is not as developed in head as the winner and currently a little loose in eye. He has plenty of bone and good sized feet and everything is where it should be, he just needs to tighten up on the move.

PD (1)
1 Muzoku One Step Beyond.

JD (1)
1 Hooleys Black Stripe at Dokkalfar this young man is a little short on the leg for perfect balance and is not as developed in head as some and his earset could be better but he has a very keen and eager expression and a lovely arch to his neck, he is very light on his feet and covers the ground with ease and good rear drive.

PGD (1)
1 Druces Kaskae Hell of A View (ai) This seal dog is of balanced proportions and has a good masculine head with width to skull and strong muzzle but I would have preferred a darker eye, he has a strong slightly arched neck into a moderate lay of shoulder, forelegs are well boned but he stands a bit e/w at times body is muscular and well ribbed with shapely hindquarters and moderately bent stifles. He gaits out well with good strides covering the ground with ease.

LD (1)
1/RDCC Loades Snowolf Blackpowder Charge, Only a youngster but lots to impress here. There is nothing overdone on this seal dog and he looked so well balanced on the stack, I loved the symmetrical markings on his head and chest and his beautiful dark oblique eyes, he has the neatest ears which were set correctly, slightly arched neck to moderately laid shoulders and enough depth of chest for his age, he was presented in the cleanest of coats and moved out with good strides and an easy gait and one of the few to display the desired waving plume as he went.

OD (3)
A good class of quality sound moving males, 1 and 2 had the size and power I was looking for.
1 and DCC Jelfs Ch Lapema Malizioso a good looking male, strongly made with excellent size and bone. He has the head type I like with broad skull, oblique eye and tight fitting lips, forelegs are perfectly straight and strong down to good sized feet, he has a firm slightly sloping back line to well set tail and muscled thighs of good width, moderately angulated quarters with strong hocks which he used to advantage as he powered around the ring. I did feel there was some ‘unleashed power’ that we didn’t see on the day as his handler was not letting him have his head but I loved him for all that he represents according to the breed standard and was delighted to award him the DCC today
2 FAIVRES Nnnnnnd Touchdown De Laouen Ki. Another good sized male with very good bone and in good coat, he too has a masculine head with strong muzzle and slight stop but I would have liked a better eye shape, he is well constructed fore and aft with moderate angulation and a good depth of chest and using his strong quarters to help him really power off from his hocks as he went round, presented in good coat and condition

1 Hooleys Bartkennels Ljosalfar What a delight it was to judge this young handler and her dog, they really did make a good team! Whilst I would prefer a little more length of leg and a tad more bone this young b is an attractive girl with a willing expression and is fairly well developed in front and in depth of chest and is nicely angulated in the rear. She covers the ground really easily and was moved at just the right speed to show off her true movement.
2 Facey’s Chayo Unlock The Power young dog with a sound temperament who stacks up nicely to show off a balanced shape, he has a handsome head and a lovely dark eye, strong neck and a slightly sloping topline. He went forward well but rolls rather too much even for a dog of his tender age. Will be interesting to see how he develops, he is from good stock as his sire is my DCC and his grandsire is my favourite male of all time Ch Chayo Cause Celebre.

MPB (1)
1 And BPB Patrick and Ashmans Okinastar Destiny Calling at Coldasice b/w of just 6 months who has a feminine head with slight stop and neat ears, more moderate in bone than some but with a good length of leg and standing naturally true in front, she has a nice outline with a moderate length of neck and lay of shoulder, on the move she is quite well together with particularly good profile action. Not in her best coat today but she will be an attractive prospect if she can gain just a little more confidence when standing and being gone over.

PB (3,2)
1 Bartkennels Ljosalfar (See SB)

JB (1)
1 Jelfs Chayo High Jinks With Lapema A very attractive 14mth girl, she has good bone and substance but retains femininity. For her age she is well developed in body with some width between the forelegs and a good depth of chest, moderate in front angulation with a firm slightly sloping topline, she does tend to pin in a touch in front and I would have liked a little more hind angulation but on the move it all comes together and she covers the ground with ease and good tail carriage.

YB (1)
1 Robbs Icewolf Fendi L’aquarossa smart girl with a pleasing outline, she has a lovely head and dark oblique eye and small well set ears, neck is slightly arched and she has a near perfect front with good straight bone and decent feet and enough width to her forechest, topline slopes slightly into a her high set well furred tail, for me she is just a fraction overangulated in the rear but her hocks are strong and her movement is solid and ground covering and she was presented in wonderful coat. She is a quality exhibit who should pick up her share of green cards.

LB (1)
1 Robbs Icewolf Jupiter Rising 6 yrs old and presented in fabulous coat and condition, very attractive and appealing head with a lovely eye shape, keen expression and neat furred ears, she stands true in front on strong pasterns and has a good depth of brisket and slightly sloping topline to well set tail, quite a powerhouse on the move with lovely waving plume but I did see the occasional sign of over reaching that can be corrected by not moving her too fast. She could possibly have a fraction more length of leg but I did run her off in the challenge for the RBCC as there is much to be appreciated here.

OB (4,2)
1 and BCC/BOB Ellis-Paynes Ch Chayo Vasilisa a gorgeous b, strong yet feminine and today I thought she looked even better than when I gave her a group placing last year, she has a super head and eye, slightly arched neck and stands true in front on well boned legs and strong pasterns, topline slopes slightly to flat croup and high set tail set, her hindquarters are broad and strong with a moderate bend of stifle and she is effortless and accurate on the move. Her presentation was first class. Pleased to see her shortlisted in the group later on, congratulations
2 and RBCC Forseys Ch Muzoku You’re My Obsession this well balanced and feminine girl has such an attractive headpiece with oblique almond eye and small well set ears, she too stands true in front on strong pasterns and compact feet, she had a good depth of brisket and slightly sloping topline with strong loin and correctly set tail carried well on the move, in profile she strides out well covering the ground with ease but just a little close behind on the away. Not much to choose between these two quality girls therefore I was pleased to award her the RBCC today.

Bridgette Bodle