Midland Counties championship show
Judge: Albert Wight
BEST OF BREED: Mrs KL JELFS CH Lapema Malizioso
Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs KL JELFS CH Lapema Malizioso
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Cash The Check Shamanrock at Snowshoes (Imp CZE) JW
Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Chayo Rebel Gold
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE CH The Magician Bloody Mary Cedarcreek (Imp ITA)
Best Puppy In Breed: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Chayo Here Comes Trouble
Best Special Beginners: Mrs M & Mr N FACER Chayo Unlock The Power
Minor Puppy Dog (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Chayo Here Comes Trouble
Puppy Dog (Entries: 0) Abs: 0
Junior Dog (Entries: 3) Abs: 0
1st: Miss F MORRIS Chayo Top Gun
2nd: Miss S WOLFE Souvenir Of Sitka’s Unfinished Business at Dreamwolves NAF TAF
3rd: Mrs M & Mr N FACER Chayo Unlock The Power
Yearling Dog (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S & Mr K HOOLEY Black Stripe at Dokkalfar
Post Graduate Dog (Entries: 0) Abs: 0
Limit Dog (Entries: 2) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Cash The Check Shamanrock at Snowshoes (Imp CZE) JW
2nd: Miss AL DARLOW Iceclimb Ascent
Open Dog (Entries: 6) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs KL JELFS Ch Lapema Malizioso
2nd: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Chayo Trust The Magic
3rd: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE CH Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek JW (Imp RUS)
Res: Ms J PHOENIX Snow Legend Zenith Of Fame Nordicwinds JW (Imp RUS)
VHC: Mrs S BRANDENBURG & Miss S SMITH Chayo Its Kurt for Taronakits JW
Veteran Dog (Entries: 2) Abs: 2
Special Beginners Dog (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs M & Mr N FACER Chayo Unlock The Power
Minor Puppy Bitch (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs D JARVIS & Mrs S TROISI Cedarcreek Uptown Girl
Puppy Bitch (Entries: 1) Abs: 0
1st: Mr M PATRICK & Miss L ASHMAN Okinastar Destiny Calling at Coldasice
Junior Bitch (Entries: 5) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs D JARVIS & Mrs S TROISI Cedarcreek Uptown Girl
2nd: Mr M PATRICK & Miss L ASHMAN Okinastar Destiny Calling at Coldasice
3rd: Mrs S & Mr K HOOLEY Bartkennels Ljosalfar
Res: Mrs S & Mr K HOOLEY Bartkennels Magic Soho
Yearling Bitch (Entries: 2) Abs: 0
1st: Miss AL DARLOW Juneau’s Bright Future for Iceclimb (Imp DNK)
Post Graduate Bitch (Entries: 0) Abs: 0
Limit Bitch (Entries: 1) Abs: 1
Open Bitch (Entries: 3) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Chayo Rebel Gold
2nd: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE CH The Magician Bloody Mary Cedarcreek (Imp ITA)
Veteran Bitch (Entries: 0) Abs: 0
Special Beginners Bitch (Entries: 0) Abs: 0
Judge's Critiques
MPD (1)
1 & BP Ellis-Payne’s Chayo Here Comes Trouble what a charmer this very promising baby is. Beautiful head, eyes and expression though ears still a tad unsettled. Super neck, excellent spring and depth of rib and that slight slope to his well set and carried tail enhancing his outline. Loved his temperament and his profile action showed lots of ground cover. Should finish well.
JD (3)
1 Morris’ Chayo Top Gun all male head with a strong eye and expression. Lots of substance throughout, good reach of neck, big ribs and an eye catching backline to a well set and carried tail. Powered his way round the ring with good extension both ends. In super coat.
2 Wolfe’s Souvenir of Sitka’s Unfinished Business at Dreamwolves NAF TAF a size smaller all through but decidedly male in head and expression with lovely eye size, shape and colour. He is well ribbed, has a slight dip in his backline on the stack but once settled he circled the ring with an even, ground covering stride.
YD (1)
1 Hooley’s Black Stripe at Dokkalfar I liked his head, eyes and expression. Has a decent neck, not the tallest for his sex but all male in outlook. Once settled he showed good forward reach and ample thrust from his hocks as he traversed the ring. In excellent coat.
LD (2)
1 & Res CC Smith’s Cash the Check Shamanrock at Snowshoes (Imp Cze) this lovely example of the breed has the Wow factor as he enters the ring. Has a presence which commands attention as he is beautifully headed and ever so alert. Well constructed he is a credit in presentation & he moved around the ring with a deceptively purposeful stride. In this form his UK title must be assured.
2 Darlow’s Iceclimb Ascent
OD (6)
1 CC & BOB Jelfs’ Ch Lapema Malizioso – he entered, I instantly admired, he moved…I was hooked! A top class example of the breed, super head and expression, immaculate in coat and body presentation then he drifted around the ring like a well oiled precision machine. I was more than happy to add to his laurels.
2 Ellis-Payne’s Chayo Trust the Magic another stylish example of the breed we have come to expect from this Affix. Such quality in head and expression, oozing breed type. Well ribbed, excellent angulation both ends and free striding. On the day, just not quite the firmness in backline of those I put over him.
Spec Beg D (1)
1 & B. Spec. B. Chayo Unlock The Power scores in head and expression, the appeal aided by his reach of neck. Bit lacking in shoulder angulation and I would like more second thigh. However he uses what he has to good effect as he went around the ring with a free, balanced stride.
MPB (1)
1 Jarvis & Troisi’ Cedarcreek Uptown Girl such a feminine headed and so promising package this is. Loved her expression, nicely arched neck, so well ribbed and ample hind angulation. In lovely body and coat he moved around the ring with an even, purposeful stride.
PB (1)
1 Patrick & Ashman’s Okinastar Destiny Calling at Coldasice this b/cream was a bit over awed by the whole business of being amongst so many people and dogs and never really settled to look her best. Unquestionably feminine in head, she was crouching a tad on the stack so her backline dipped. Her owner had her immaculate in coat and I am sure that if she can be persuaded to be more outgoing she could do quite well.
JB (5/1)
1st C.Uptown Girl
2 O. Destiny Calling at C.
YB (2/1)
1 Darlow’s Juneau’s Bright Future For Iceclimb I would like this b/cream to have heavier bone and more substance throughout. She has a really nice head and expression, lovely ears and holds her head high on a good neck. She has good pigmentation and is free striding as she moves effortlessly round the ring with strong hock use.
OB (3/1)
1 & CC Ellis-Payne’s Chayo Rebel Gold a classy example of the female Malamute. Lovely head and expression, bags of substance, lovely head carriage, beautifully ribbed and a decent turn of stifle which she uses so well as she circles the ring with seemingly effortless ease. Her title should be a formality.
2 & Res CC Page’s Ch The Magician Bloody Mary Cedarcreek smaller at the withers and lighter framed all through than the winner, but she has that air of quality which has taken her to her crown. For me she is ultra feminine in head and expression, was in superb coat condition, is so light footed and she circles the ring as though on a cushion of air. A pleasure to judge.
Albert Wight