Bournemouth championship show 2024

Judge: Mr D Walker

BEST OF BREED: Mrs KL JELFS Ch Lapema Malizioso
Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs KL JELFS Ch Lapema Malizioso
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs SJ LOADES Ch Snowolf Black Ice Buddy
Bitch Challenge Certificate: Miss Rebecca BROWN  Rumba Vasilyev Ostrov for Cupun (Imp UKR)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mrs Nicola Anne BROUARD Ch/Jsy Ch Sutarka Coco Chanel at Orsamals PdH
Best Puppy In Breed: Mr Michael PATRICK & Miss Leigh ASHMAN Okinastar Destiny Calling at Coldasice
Best Veteran In Breed: Mrs SJ LOADES Ch Snowolf Black Ice Buddy
Best Special Beginner: Mrs S HOOLEY Bartkennels Ljosalfar

Minor Puppy Dog NO ENTRIES



Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Cash The Check Shamanrock at Snowshoes (Imp CZE) 
2nd: Mrs S HOOLEY  Black Stripe at Dokkalfar

Limit Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Miss Jessica PRESCOTT & Mr James RAYNOR Dreamwolves Time Of My Life
2nd: Mrs SJ LOADES Snowolf Blackpowder Charge
3rd: Ms Elizabeth DZIERGAS & Ms Kirstie ASHWORTH James Bond Illa Kuvianartok at Nunataq (Imp POL)
Res: Miss Anna DARLOW Iceclimb Ascent

Open Dog (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Mrs KL JELFS Ch Lapema Malizioso
2nd: Mrs JE & Miss J SMITH Ch Snowshoes Who Dares Wins ShCEx
3rd: Mrs Alessandra BOASSO Polarbreeze Born To Be A Dream
Res: Mrs Sandra BRANDENBERG & Miss Sue SMITH Chayo It’s Kurt For Taronakits JW

Veteran Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs SJ LOADES Ch Snowolf Black Ice Buddy

Special Beginners Dog/Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs S HOOLEY Bartkennels Ljosalfar
2nd: Mrs S HOOLEY Bartkennels Magic Soho

Minor Puppy Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mr Michael PATRICK & Miss Leigh ASHMAN Okinastar Destiny Calling at Coldasice

Puppy Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mr Michael PATRICK & Miss Leigh ASHMAN Okinastar Destiny Calling at Coldasice
2nd: Mrs S HOOLEY Bartkennels Ljosalfar
3rd: Mrs S HOOLEY Bartkennels Magic Soho

Junior Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Miss Anna DARLOW Juneau’s Bright Future for Iceclimb (Imp DNK)
2nd: Mr Riccardo RUSCHENA Amirsher Albedo

Post Graduate Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Miss Rebecca BROWN Rumba Vasilyev Ostrov for Cupun (Imp UKR)
2nd: Mrs KL JELFS Chayo High Jinks with Lapema

Limit Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Mrs SJ LOADES Snowolf Blackpowder Sizzle

Open Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mrs Nicola Anne BROUARD Orsamals Cest Moi Fifi (Imp GKC)
2nd: Miss Rebecca BROWN Cupun’s Masterpiece

Veteran Bitch (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Mrs Nicola Anne BROUARD Ch/Jsy Ch Sutarka Coco Chanel at Orsamals PdH
2nd: Mrs Nicola Anne BROUARD Dreamwolves J’adore at Orsamals PdH
3rd: Ms Elizabeth DZIERGAS & Ms Kirstie ASHWORTH Arctictreks Black Sheep

Judge's Critiques

I would like to thank the Committee and officers of the club for the invitation to Judge at sunny Bournemouth. It’s not always easy to judge your own breed in a place where you show yourself so often but all the exhibitors took my decisions well and created a lovely athmosphere both in and around the ring. I would like to thank them for their entries and the long distance most of them had to travel. I would like to commend the Alaskan Malamute breeders of the Uk for the work they have put in to keep our breed both looking and moving like a working dog. I had many dogs in super hard condition and moving with good reach and drive. My concern would be that I also had a few dogs long in body which affected their toplines both stood and on the move. Over all I was very pleased with my entry and enjoyed my day judging.

PGD (2)
1 Smith & Smith, Cash the Check Shamanrock at Snowshows (Cze Imp) Grey & White in excellent coat and condition. Strong Masculine head, small thick ears well placed. Dark eye but a little round. Excellent dark pigment. Enough stop and broad muzzle. Strong straight front. Deep chest. Excellent feet and well off for bone. Correct Slightly slopping topline, good tail and plume. Covers the ground with ease, good reach in front.
2 Hooley, Black stripe At Dokkalfar. Grey & White. Nice outlines. Head could be stronger. Correct eye shape and dark in colour. Good pigment and correct bite. Good top and underlines. Compact body. Excellent tailset and carriage. Balanced and steady on the move.

LD (5,1)
1 Prescott & Raynor, Dreamwolves Time of my Life. Black & White in good coat and well conditioned body. Correct size and body proportions. Strong masculine head and expression. Broad skull. Ears a little big.Correct almond shaped eye, dark in colour. Strong front, deep broad chest. Well off for bone, excellent tight feet. Strong neck into well laid back shoulders. Good topline and excellent tail set. Short loin. Moved with good reach & Drive. Clean both coming and going.
2 Loades, Snowolf Blackpowder Charge. Black & White. Correct height, a little long in loin. Broad skull, good ear set and dark eye of correct shape. Excellent dark pigment, tight lips and correct bite. Good front. Correct bone for size. Topline ok, good tail. Covers the ground with ease. Kept his topline well on the move.

OD (6,2)
1 Jelfs, Ch Lapema Malizioso. Grey & White. Strong masculine male in full maturity. In good coat and excellent condition. Broad skull with small thick ears. Excellent dark eye of almond shape. Dark pigment and tight lips. Deep chest and good spring of rib. Excellent bone and feet. Gently sloping topline into a beautiful waving plume. Well angled front and rear. Good extension in front and enough drive from the rear. Over all gives and nice silhouette when stood and balanced on the move. Dog CC and Best of Breed.
2 Smith & Smith, Snowshoes Who Dares Wins ShCEx. Grey & White in excellent coat and presented to perfection. Excellent length of leg. Masculine expression. Broad skull. Thick ears, a little large in size. Dark eye of good shape. Strong neck and shoulders. Topline ok. Excellent tail set and waving plume. Good extension in front but a little close behind. Over all strong and balanced.

VD (1)
1 Loades, Snowolf Black Ice Buddy. Black & White pleasing haed and expression, easy on the eye. Strong masculine head. Excellent ears, dark eye, excellent pigment and thight lips for his age. Strong front. Good neck and shoulders. Slopping topline and excellent tail set. Light on his feet and covers the ground with ease. Reserve CC. Best Veteran in Breed.

SBD/B (2)
1 Hooley, Bartkennels Ljosalfar. Femine head. Good eye shape. Excellent dark pigment Front ok. Feet a little flat. Shoulders ok and good topline. Excellent tailset. Balanced and steady on the move. Handler gets the most out of this bitch.
2 Hooley, Bartkennels Magic Soho. Good size and over all shape. Almond eye., dark in colour. A little narrow in front. Good feet. Correct bone for size. Good tailset and carriage. Balanced front to rear.

MPB (2,1)
1 Patrick & Ashman, Okinastar Destiny Calling At Coldasice. Black & White. Feminine head and pleasing expression. Dark almond shaped eye. Good length of foreface. Good shoulders and sloping topline. Good tailset. Good reach and drive. In excellent coat and condition. Best Puppy In Breed.

PB (3)
1 Patrick & Ashman, Miss Leigh Okinastar Destiny Calling at Coldasice. Winner of Minor Puppy.
2 Hooley, Bartkennels Ljosalfar. Winner of special beginners.

JB (3,1)
1 Darlow, Juneau’s bright future for Iceclimb (Imp Dnk) Excellent proportions. Femine head, ears a little large. Good eye shape and excellent dark pigment. Good front and well laid back shoulders. Good topline and excellent tail set and carriage. Balanced and steady on the go around and covers the ground with ease.
2 Ruschena, Amirshar Albedo. Feminine head, well placed ears, almond shaped eye a little light in colour. Excellent dark pigment. Good front. Excellent topline and waving plume. Out of coat but in good body condition. Steady and balanced on the move.

PGB (2)
1 Brown, Rumba Vasilyev Ostrov for Cupun (Imp Ukr) Correct size and overall proportions. Strong but femine head. Broad skull good ear placement and dark eye. Dark pigment and broad muzzle. Strong straight front. Good feet and bone. Good length of neck and well angled shoulders. Slightly sloping topline and excellent tail. Moved with good reach and drive. Very balanced for her age. Bitch CC and Best Opposite Sex.
2 Jelfs, Chayo High Jinks With Lapema. Very strong bitch, well off for bone and good feet. Strong neck and shoulders. A little loose in front on the move. Good tailset. Powerful rear action on the move. In overall good condition.

LB (1)
1 Loades, Snowolf Blackpowder Sizzle. Excellent length of leg, a little long in body. Dark almond shaped eye. Excellent black pigment. Good front, strong chest and excellent feet. Good length of neck, topline a little soft. Excellent tailset and carriage. Excellent reach and drive, covers the ground with ease.

OB (3,1)
1 Brouard, Orsamals Cest Moi Fifi (GKC) Strong but feminine head. Small thick ears. Eyes a little round. Excellent dark pigment. Good front and well angled shoulders. Excellent topline and nice waving plume. Clean coming and going and covers the groung well. In super coat and condition.
2 Brown, Cupun‘s Masterpiece. Strong broad skull. Small thick ears. Good eye shape. Excellent feet and bone. Strong neck, Strong in body and excellent topline. Excellent tailset and carriage. In super coat and condition. Feeling the heat on the day.

VB (5,1)
1 Brouard, Ch Jsy Sutarka Coco Chanel at Orsamals Pdh. Feminine head and expression. Excellent ear placement. Almond shaped eye dark in colour. Excellent dark pigment and tight lips. Deep chest, excellent bone for size and good feet. Well arched neck and strong topline, kept well on the move. Good tailset. Overall balanced and steady on the move. Reserve Bitch CC.
2 Brouard, Dreamwolves J’dore at Orsamals Pdh. Beautiful old feminine head. Broad skull. Dark eye and excellent dark pigment. Deep chest, strong neck and shoulders. Topline held well on the move in the heat. Excellent tailset. In super coat and condition. Has the most beautiful side gait. Does not look her age.

Mr Darren Walker