AMCUK Championship Show (2)

Judge: Mrs Wendy Corr (Onak) [USA]

BEST IN SHOW: KE COPLEY-HOLLAND Katabatics Troubleshooter JW
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: Mr D & Mrs E WALKER Lueldar Into The Inferno (RAF)

Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs KL JELFS CH Lapema Malizioso
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate: Mrs SJ LOADES Snowolf Blackpowder Charge
Bitch Challenge Certificate: KE COPLEY-HOLLAND Katabatics Troubleshooter JW
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate: Mr B & Mrs S INNES Icycool Ottowa (ai)
Best Puppy Dog: Mr D & Mrs E WALKER Lueldar Into The Inferno (RAF)
Best Puppy Bitch: Mrs D JARVIS & Mrs S TROISI Cedarcreek Uptown Girl
Best Veteran Dog: Mrs SJ LOADES CH Snowolf Black Ice Buddy
Best Veteran Bitch: Miss RJ BROWN CH Skidooshooz Bohemian Soul Of Cupun (ai)
Best Junior Dog: Ms L HOLT Breconfrost He’s Magical (ai)
Best Junior Bitch: KE COPLEY-HOLLAND Katabatics Troubleshooter

Baby Puppy Dog/Bitch (Entries: 1) Abs 0
1st: Mrs S ELLIS PAYNE Chayo Here Comes Trouble

Minor Puppy Dog (Entries 2) Abs 0
1st: Mr D & Mrs E WALKER Lueldar Into The Inferno (RAF)
2nd: Mr A & Mrs L BURGESS & Mrs M PAGE Cedarcreek The Only Way Is Up

Puppy Dog (Entries: 2) Abs 0
1st: Miss F MORRIS Chayo Top Gun
2nd: Mrs M & Mr N FACER Chayo Unlock The Power

Junior Dog (Entries: 1) Abs 0
1st: Ms L HOLT Breconfrost He’s Magical (ai)

Yearling Dog (Entries: 4) Abs 1
1st: Mrs SJ LOADES Snowolf Blackpowder Charge
2nd: Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe Shadowhunter JW
3rd: Ms L HOLT Breconfrost He’s Magical (ai)

Post Graduate Dog (NO ENTRIES)

Limit Dog (Entries: 3) Abs 0
1st: Mr B & Mrs S INNES Icycool Hudson Bay (ai) 
2nd: Mrs SJ LOADES Whitewalker’s Winter Snowolf
3rd: Mrs EJ DZIERGAS & Ms KL ASHWORTH James Bond Illa Kuvianartok at Nunataq (Imp POL)

Open Dog (Entries: 8) Abs 0
1st: Mrs KL JELFS CH Lapema Malizioso
2nd: Mrs S ELLIS-PAYNE Chayo Trust The Magic
3rd: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE CH Snow Legend Believe In You Cedarcreek JW (Imp RUS)
Res: Mr D & Mrs E WALKER Lueldar Here Comes The Son Ir Jun CH [ATC]
VHC: Mrs S BRANDENBERG & Miss S SMITH Chayo It’s Kurt for Taronakits JW

Veteran Dog (7+ Years) (Entries: 4) Abs 1
1st: Mrs SJ LOADES CH Snowolf Black Ice Buddy
2nd: Mr J & Mrs J SHEEHAN CH Cedarcreek Frozen River
3rd: Mrs AE ANDERSON Cherubini Atene Cinquale

Special Veteran Dog (10 Years +) (Entries: 1) Abs 1

Minor Puppy Bitch (Entries: 1) Abs 0
1st: Mrs D JARVIS & Mrs S TROISI Cedarcreek Uptown Girl

Puppy Bitch (Entries: 2) Abs 1
1st: Mr M PATRICK & Miss L ASHMAN Okinastar Destiny Calling at Coldasice

Junior Bitch (Entries: 5) Abs 3
1st: Ms L HOLT Breconfrost She’s Mystical
2nd: Mr J & Mrs J SHEEHAN Powderhound’s Sparks Will Fly at Amaqqut (Imp USA)

Yearling Bitch (Entries: 6) Abs 1
1st: Mr D & Mrs E WALKER Lueldar New Moon CPW23 [ATC]
2nd: Mrs SJ LOADES Snowolf Blackpowder Sizzle
3rd: Miss RJ BROWN Rumba Vasilyev Ostrov for Cupun  (Imp UKR)
Res: Mrs KL JELFS Chayo High Jinks with Lapema
VHC: Ms L HOLT Breconfrost She’s Mystical

Post Graduate Bitch (Entries: 4) Abs 1
1st: Miss T, Mr A & Mrs R ROBB Icewolf Fendi L’Aquarossa
2nd: Mr A & Mrs L BURGESS Tolketna Top Of The World to Mountainglen
3rd: GE PRITCHARD Snobruk Best Kept Secret

Limit Bitch (Entries: 9) Abs 2
1st: KE COPLEY-HOLLAND Katabatics Troubleshooter JW
2nd: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE Snow Legend Zest For Life Cedarcreek (Imp RUS)
3rd: Mrs S & Miss L PERFITT Samjoe From Russia With Love JW
Res: Miss L AITCHISON & Mrs S HURST Kaskae Fire Opal (ai)
VHC: Miss T, Mr A & Mrs R ROBB Icewolf Jupiter Rising

Open Bitch (8 Entries) Abs 2
1st: Mr B & Mrs S INNES Icycool Ottawa (ai)
2nd: Mr P & Mrs M PAGE CH The Magician Bloody Mary Cedarcreek (Imp ITA)
3rd: Miss RJ BROWN Cupun’s Masterpiece
Res: Mrs NA BROUARD Orsamals C’Est Moi Fifi (Imp GKC)
VHC: Mr D & Mrs E WALKER Slo CH Lueldar Got Something To Say To You [ATC]

Veteran Bitch (7+ Years) (Entries: 9) Abs 2
1st: Miss RJ BROWN CH Skidooshooz Bohemian Soul Of Cupun (ai)
2nd: Mrs NA BROUARD Ch/Jsy CH Sutarka Coco Chanel at Orsamals PDH
3rd: Mr B & Mrs S INNES Icycool Oriana
Res: Mr D & Mrs E WALKER Ir CH Lueldar Burn It To The Ground with Silverice Ir Jun CH [ATC]
VHC: Mr A & Mrs L BURGESS Cedarcreek Forever Young at Mountainglen

Veteran Bitch (10+ Years) (Entries: 2) Abs 0
1st: Mrs NA BROUARD Dreamwolves J’Adore at Orsamals PDH
2nd: Mrs M PAGE & Mrs J HORSMAN-PHOENIX CH SHakira Northwest Arctic (Imp POL)

Judge's Critiques

In Summary:
The quality of dog in the UK that I had the pleasure to judge was very good. I found a few dogs without scissors bites, some with round eyes, light eyes, tighter tails, loose fronts, close rears, and some out of condition. However, I see that in the United States so I believe that the breeders and owners are doing a fantastic job improving the Alaskan Malamute breed. I also do not have issues with color as well as markings and choose my dogs with the understanding and assessment that they can do their job as a sled dog.
Again Thank You for allowing me the honor of judging my favorite breed……The Alaskan Malamute.

Baby Puppy Dog ( 1,0)
1st CHAYO HERE COMES TROUBLE. Initial impression – Young male with good bone, temperament lovely, nice front for age, Bite still coming into a permanent scissors position, coat in transition but very promising  double coat of good texture, dark almond eye. I would like to see a stronger rear moving away but this puppy has time to build muscle.

Minor Puppy Dog
1st LUELDAR INTO THE INFERNO RAF. Initial impression – Overall a very promising dog. Head propped for age, topline good, rear movement clean and powerful, angulation front & rear well positioned, side gait clean and purposeful. Best Puppy
2nd CEDARCREEK THE ONLY WAY IS UP. Initial Impression – good quality, head of good substance, front assemble good, eyes almond shape and well placed, topline strong, coat of good texture and double coated, front assembly good. Would like to see a stronger rear going away but the dog is young.

Puppy Dog 3 (1)
1st CHAYO TOP GUN  Initial Impression – overall good representative of the breed at this age, head of good proportions, eye set well, ear leather and position good, fore chest good for age, rear angulation good, gait smooth and strong and purposeful, very promising.
2nd CHAYO UNLOCK THE POWER  Initial Impression – good quality, head promising, eyes almond shaped, ear letter strong, front angulation good but a bit loose, rear assembly is not as strong in movement creating a bit of a choppy gait, tail set a bit high and tight. Again this still is a puppy and puppies grow in and out of awkward stages.

Junior Dog (1,0)
1st BRECONFROST HE’S MAGICAL Initial Impression – Overall impression a bit awkward now, head in good proportion to body, ear leather good, almond eye, Front and rear assembly a bit straight and that does affect the overall gait, tail set a bit high and tight but still a junior and with time and maturity that could change.

Yearling Dog (4,1)
1st SNOWOLF BLACKPOWDER CHARGE Initial Impression – Overall a good example of the breed, front & rear angles good, teeth scissors bite, gait clean and smooth striding, coat good quality and tail well placed, great potential and competitive as a mature dog. Received Reserve Challenge Certificate Dog
2nd SAMJOE SHADOWHUNTER JW #53- Initial impression Good representative of the breed, front and rear a bit close, toppling good, tail set a bit tight, side gait a bit stilted due to front & rear assembly but due to age and growth spirts this could change with time and maturity.
3rd BRECONFROST HE’S MAGICAL  judged previously

Limit Dog (3,0)
1st ICYCOOL HUDSON BAY Initial Impression – overall a good quality dog, Head of good proportion, topline good, Front & rear good angulation, gait powerful and smooth. Great potential going forward to maturity.
2nd WHITEWALKER’S WINTER SNOWOLF Overall good type, front & rear angulation a bit straighter creating less reach & drive on side gait, tail set a bit tight.
3rd JAMES BOND ILLA KUVIANARTOK AT NUNATAQ  Overall a good impression, head good proportions, almond eye, toppling strong, front & rear angles a bit off causing the dog to move its rear to the side a bit. I would like to see a bit more length of leg on this dog to allow him to move out smoother and easier on the side gait.

Open Dog (8,0)
1st CH LAPEMA MALIZIOSO overall impression excellent type, good representative of the breed, head good depth and proportion, eyes almond brown in colour, bone excellent and appropriate for dog, front & rear angulation good creating smooth front and rear movement as well as side gait, tail set well and carried over back nicely. Received Challenge Certificate Dog.
2nd CHAYO TRUST THE MAGIC overall impression good quality, head good proportions, almond eye, coat good texture, topline appeared a bit softer, front & rear a bit straighter, tail a bit tight.
3rd CH SNOW LEGEND BELIEVE IN YOU CEDARCREEK JW (IMP RUS) overall a good representative, head appropriate in proportions, front/rear a bit straighter causing a bit more restriction in the side gait.

Veteran Dog (4,1)
1st CH SNOWOLF BLACK ICE BUDDY overall impression a quality veteran, almond eye, front/rear angulation created a smooth side gait. Best Veteran
2nd CH CEDARCREEK FROZEN RIVER overall impression a good representative of a veteran, head proportional to body, almond eye, topline a bit softer with age, good bone, front/rear good for age.
3rd CHERUBININI ATENE CINQUALE overall an aging veteran but still able to move, head proportional to body, front and back bit weaker in pasterns probably due to age, topline a bit softer, side gait a bit off and not as smooth as other veterans.

Minor Puppy Bitch (1-0)
1st CEDARCREEK UPTOWN GIRL overall impression – young female looking very promising, head good proportions, eyes almond and brown, coat double and proper texture, front/rear angulation a bit straight now but could improve with maturity, rear still developing and a bit close at this stage in her growth.

Puppy Bitch (2-1)
1st- OKINASTAR DESTINY CALLING AT COLDASICE overall impression – young female still coming together, head a bit narrow and that creates the appearance of larger ears, bone right now is a bit less that I would expect but again a young puppy, front/rear a bit narrow and loose possibly due to immaturity and females can grow in spirts and appear awkward at times during their growth.

Junior Bitch (5,3)
1st. BRECONFROST SHE’S MYSTICAL (AI) Overall Impression – young female a bit hesitant to be examined probably immaturity and more exposure will creates a comfortable and confident girl. Head pleasing and proportional to body, almond eyes, Front/rear angulation equal and when moving clean and strong for her age.
2nd POWDERHOUND’S SPARKS WILL FLY AT AMAQQUT (IMP USA) overall impression – young female still developing a stronger front, rear clean and developing nicely, coat a bit on the softer side but could be transitioning into a more adult coat.

Yearling Bitches (6-1)
1st LUELDAR NEW MOON CPW23 overall impression – young female with great potential. Head appropriate proportions, front/rear equally angled creating a strong gait, coat appropriate for age and texture is good.
2nd SNOWOLF BLACKPOWDER SIZZLE overall impression – Young female who is still maturing, would like to see more bone at this age, head in proportion to body, front/rear has good angulation and moves smoothly.
3rd RUMBA VASILYEV OSTROV FOR CUPUN (IMP UKR) overall impression – head in proportion to body, almond eyes, front/rear angles good, would like a bit more length of loin.

Post Graduate Bitch (4,1)
1st ICEWOLF FENDI L’AQUAROSSA overall impression – maturing nicely your bitch, head appropriate for body ears placed appropriately with good ear leather, eyes dark almond, top line strong, front/read in good angulation, smooth side gait. Promising future.
2nd TOLKETNA TOP OF THE WORLD TO MOUNTAINGLEN overall impression – head good structure, ears good leather, almond eyes, top line good, front will most likely improve a lot more with time, rear good moving, gait front & rear would benefit with more time and most likely more exercise.
3rd SNOBRUK BEST KEPT SECRET overall impression – head maturing nicely, top line strong, tail set good, ears a bit large for head but could adjust nicely with age, side gait needs a bit more time to work together and move smoothly.

Limit Bitch (9,2)
1st KATABATICS TROUBLESHOOTER JW overall impression – beautiful conformation, well put together, all body parts work together, appearance of a mature female, bone appropriate for size, front/rear moves as one, tail set well and tail carriage proper, coat texture excellent. Best Junior, Challenge Bitch, Best of Breed
2nd SNOW LEGEND ZEST FOR LIFE CEDARCREEK (IMP RUS) overall impression – good representation of the breed, head appropriate for body, ear leather good, eyes dark and almond shaped, side gait strong and smooth, tail set a bit tight.
3rd SAMJOE FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE JW overall impression a good representation of the breed, head appropriate, ear leather good, set well on head, front/rear good angulation, promising.

Open Bitch (8,2)
1st ICYCOOL OTTAWA (AI) overall impression a mature female representation of the breed, head well developed, ears set correctly on head, dark almond shaped eyes, topline strong, tail set proper, front/rear shows good angulation, would like to see a bit more length of loin. Reserve Challenge Bitch
2nd SNOW LEGEND ZEST FOR LIFE CEDARCREEK (IMP RUS) overall impression- good quality, head feminine, front/rear angles good, front a bit lacking in maturity, tail set well placed and proper carriage.
3rd CUPUNS MASTERPIECE overall impression- head well proportioned, ears well placed and good ear leather, front/rear good angulation, tail set a bit tight.

Veteran Bitch (9,2)
1st CH SKIDOOSHOOZ BOHEMIAN SOUL OF CUPUN (AI) overall impression aging gracefully, head good proportions, ear leather good, eyes brown, almond shaped, front/rear clean moving, good pigment, side gait smooth.
2nd CH/JSY CH SUTARKA COCO CHANEL AT ORSAMALS PDH overall impression good quality bitch, head well proportioned, ears leather thick, dark almond eyes, coat texture good, well proportioned.
3rd ICYCOOL ORIANA overall impression – head good proportions, topline a bit softer due to age, bone good, front/rear movement good, tail set good.

Special Veteran Bitch (2,0)
1st DREAMWOLVES J’ADORE AT ORSAMALS PDH overall impression impressive older female, with dark almond eye, topline, front/rear good for age, side gait also good for age.

Wendy A. Corr
AKC # 10410Y